Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Monday, 2 July 2012

Type of Prameha                                    Drug of choice (name of kashayam)

Kapha                                                 Bhadrashree kashayam

                                                            Chavyadi kashayam


Pitha                                                      Chathusaram kashayam

                                                               Thrijathakam kashayam


Vatha                                                    Khadirathi kashayam

                                                             Musthaabhayadi kashayam


Sunday, 1 July 2012

Management of Prameha:

According to Ayurveda the line of treatment of prameha is strictly on individuals

constitution. A special case sheet to analyse diabetes is developed as follows

1) The prakrithi of the patient

2) Dosha predominance of disease

3) Dooshya vitiation

4) Obstruction in srothus

5) Manasika prakrithi

6) Ahara & Vihara

7) Hereditary factors etc...

This case sheet gives the profile of the patient & the pathology of the disease in
accordance based with classical diagnostic skills in accordance with the classical way of
diagnosis. After grouping the patient into different prakrithi, we were able to fix the line of
treatment according to the types of the disease.
In general Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus {Vathaja prameha}Patients are advised to have
Bhrimhana medication & diet which increases dhathus in the body