Sunday, 24 November 2013

Manage Stress with Ayurveda

Stress is normal physical response to situations that make a person feel threatened or insecure. Stress response is generated when a person senses danger, which could be real or imaginary. It’s a way our body has been attuned naturally to protect itself and be secure from danger. Some stress is needed to keep us motivated and to accomplish our goals. Stress becomes a problem when it starts affecting our physical, emotional and social health in a negative way. We need professional help when stress starts affecting our health, mood, relationships, productivity……. i.e. the overall quality of life. It is not so difficult to manage stress. The secret lies in our own ability to handle the day to day challenges of life in a positive way.

Ayurveda attributes inability to understand our deeper inner self as one of the causes of stress. When an individual is unable to balance the real self (what we are) with the ideal self (what we desire to become) it results in stress. However the main cause of stress is the Imbalance of Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When an external stimuli or stressor results in erratic response (Physical or mental) it causes the imbalance of Vata. This leads to disturbance in body metabolism and enzymatic activity resulting in the imbalance of Pitta. This affects the other functions in body resulting in slowdown, heaviness, stagnation, hopelessness etc., meaning the Kapha has been Imbalanced.

Ayurveda, the science of life, mainly focuses on restoring the balance. Treatment is based on body constitution of the individual and the imbalanced doshas. Some ways to manage stress with Ayurveda are :

Dincharaya or the daily regimen: For a healthy life it’s necessary to have regular sleep wake time. Eating healthy food keeps body healthy and provides strength to manage daily stressors like deadlines, family engagements etc.

Exercise rejuvenates body as well as mind. It strengthens muscles and builds stamina to deal with the stressors. Regular physical activity in any form like, yoga, walk, jogging, cycling etc is therapeutic. Choose age appropriate activity according to your interest. Seek the advice of a medical practitioner if needed. Yoga should be practiced under the guidance of a qualified yoga practitioner to gain maximum benefit.

Meditation has the power to soothe the troubled mind. It enables a person to calm the thought process resulting in better concentration, stress relief, normalized blood pressure and better health. Meditation slows down the breathing rate and helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

Breathing is closely related to our state of mind. When a person is relaxed and happy, breathing is calm and relaxed. When a person is anxious or stressed breathing becomes short , shallow and anxious. Thus it really helps to observe our breath. When stressed, try to slow down the breathing rate. Sit in a relaxed position and take a few long deep breaths. Feel the air coming from deep within you, deep down from your abdomen. Abdominal breathing is a good way to take short breaks to relax during a hectic busy schedule.

Seeking professional help is always better when one feels that stress is not letting the individual lead a healthy and happy life. Identifying the stressor and eliminating the cause of stress can be achieved by undergoing professional counseling. Rasayana therapy and other ayurvedic medications taken with the advice of a qualified Ayurvedic Practioner have the ability to calm mind and provide relief from physical symptoms associated with stress. Ayurvedic procedures like oil application on body once a week (Abhyanga) , Pouring medicated oil on head ( Shirodhara), Oral adminstration of mixture of herbs in ghee or butter ( sneh panam) are really helpful in relaxing mind and body. This provides relief from stress.

Adopting the above mentioned guidelines ensure a reduction in tension and help in restoring the dosha imbalance leading to a relaxed mind and body. Wishing Good Health to the readers and don’t forget to BE POSITIVE WITH LIFE.

Garlic for Flavor and Health: 13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Garlic

Garlic is earth’s gift to us. This natural ingredient has so many health benefits for healthy living. Herbalists and naturopaths consider it a miracle herb. With so many studies involving garlic, it has continuously proven its ability to cure a variety of health problems.

Because of the components in this herb, when consumed, it can help the body fight off many illnesses. What does it contain? It has nutrients like enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and natural sugar. Self-Nutrition Data ( indicates that 3 cloves of garlic provide around 5% of the daily required intake of vitamin C and 6% of Vitamin B-6. Garlic also has lower amounts of other vitamins including pantothenic acid, and folic acid (Livestrong).

Garlic is also has natural antibiotic properties. The sulphur compounds found in garlic is what gives this herb its pungent smell. There can be no denying garlic has medicinal uses.

Health Benefits of Garlic

1. Antiseptic for its antibacterial properties; helping cure wounds and fight off infection
2. Fights inflammation
3. Research in China reports eating the herb regularly helps prevent certain cancers
4. Can lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular problems
5. Increases high-density lipo-proteins in the body.
6. Reduces bad cholesterol
7. Thins the blood, reducing risk of blood clotting
8. Improves blood circulation
9. Boosts immune system to fight disease
10.Prevents and relieves chronic bronchitis and catarrh
11. Acts as an expectorant for cough and a nasal decongestant
12. Cleans the digestive system of internal parasites
13. Helps to cure flatulence and is an internal antiseptic

It is possible that one could not realize the many health benefits in garlic. So many of us just include it in the foods we cook for flavor and smell.

Now that you know the health benefits, it is a must that you include this herb in all the dishes you cook. It is very inexpensive and the benefits are immense.

Clearing Ayurveda Myths – Common Myths And Truths About Ayurveda

1. Principles of Ayurveda are not as genuine as that of modern science
The principles of Ayurveda are quite different from the modern science. Because the tools and techniques used in the previous times were quite different from those available now. According to Ayurveda, diseases occur due to the vitiation of ‘Tridosha’ viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three elements cannot be seen as such in any part of the human body, but exist throughout the body.

They are responsible for functions like

power, motility, oxygen transport etc (Vata),
digestion, metabolism etc (Pitta) and
body structuring, immunity, sustenance etc (Kapha).
There have been several inspired attempts to map tridosha theory to knowledge about the body, as we know from modern medicine. The Tridosha theory was evolved thousands of years ago, in BC, as a simple way of understanding both human physiology and disease pathology. Some Doctors are successfully practice Ayurveda purely based on the principles such as Tridosha while some others practice Ayurveda by integrating the classical Ayurvedic principles with modern diagnostic tools and techniques.

2. Ayurvedic medicines are slow in curing

It is not true. This wrong perception arose because most of the Ayurvedic remedies are targeted towards chronic (long standing) disorders like Asthma, Arthritis, liver disorders etc. Ayurvedic medicines are effective even in some acute conditions like cold, cough, etc

3. One can learn Ayurveda on his own and can advice it very easily to anyone.

Ayurveda is not just the knowledge about some herbs and their medicinal properties. It is a medical science involving detailed study of human beings, the detailed study of diseases and their treatment using natural resource. Self medication with Ayurvedic formulations or carelessly advising any Ayurvedic or herbal formulation without being a qualified Ayurvedic doctor might to severe complications like occurrence of side effects by the herbal medicine or misuse of medicines leading to further worsening of a disease. According to Ayurveda, different people have different physiological constitutions- what Ayurveda calls as one’s Prakrithi. A medicinal preparation, prescribed for a person for a disease can not be declared as the common treatment for that particular disease. So, the choice of the medicine depends upon the body constitution of the patient, the stage of the disease, the intensity and proportion of Doshas involved in the disease and the assessment made by the qualified Ayurvedic doctor.

4. Ayurveda is not a science.

Ayurveda has a rich history of more than 2000 years. The principles adopted in this system are evaluated thoroughly over the centuries. There is a systemic order in description of anatomy, physiology, disease pathology, treatment and medicines. Though at present Ayurveda lacks sufficient clinical documentation, the fact that it has survived over such a long period itself proves the scientific basement upon which it stands high, even today.

5. Ayurveda can only be used as a supportive therapy.

Ayurveda is highly effective as a mainstream medicinal system. Many diseases like Asthma, Paralysis, arthritis, etc can be effectively treated with Ayurvedic treatment and procedures.

In fact there are certain conditions wherein Ayurveda has effective remedies, but allopathy doesn’t. Example: renal calculi, liver disorders etc

6. Ayruvedic medicines do not have expiry date.

it is not at all true. The expiry date of all the medicines have been clearly mentioned in text books. Herbs have their own chemical constituents, which have medicinal properties. These chemical constituents are bound to be affected with time and due to environmental factors. So, it is a big myth about Ayurvedic medicines.

7. Ayurvedic Medicines can cure cancer or aids.

many of herbs such as Turmeric, Neem, Brahma rasayana, etc have shown some significant anti cancerous activity. But still, it will be premature to claim that Ayurveda has a remedy for cancer. Likewise, there are many immune enhancer and immuno-modulator drugs in Ayurveda such as Tinospora cordifolia. But still, a lot of research is needed before we go and claim that Ayurveda has a CURE for these diseases.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

8 vegetables you should be eating to boost your disease-fighting potential


Eggplants high amount of phytonutrients has the ability to protect brain cell membranes from free radical cells from damaging them. The high amount of B complex vitamins in eggplant also has the ability to keep us thinking clearly and prevent stress. The antioxidants in eggplant even have the ability to prevent brain tumors and cancer from forming by attacking the free radicals that cause tumors cancers.


Broccoli contains a substantial amount of nutrients that are extremely good for health including vitamins A, C, folic acid, fiber and calcium. Broccoli contains an unusual combination of three phytonutrients, glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin. Together these nutrients have a strong impact on our body’s detoxification system. Eating raw broccoli is the best way to get all its offered nutrients.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are absolutely loaded with nutrition and considered to be one of nature's most perfect vegetables. Packed with beta carotene and vitamin A, one serving of sweet potatoes provides more beta carotene than 23 cups of broccoli. One daily serving of sweet potatoes per day can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and even cancer.


Onions are a very good source of vitamin C, B6, biotin, chromium, calcium and dietary fibre. In addition, they contain good amounts of folic acid and vitamin B1 and K. A 100 gram serving provides 44 calories, mostly as complex carbohydrate, with 1.4 grams of fibre. Onions contain a large amount of sulfur and are especially good for the liver. As a sulfur food, they mix best with proteins, as they stimulate the action of the amino acids to the brain and nervous system.


Spinach is a nutrition superstar, even a fairly good source of iron. It's loaded with vitamins and minerals, some of which are hard to find in other foods.


Tomato contains amazing amounts of lycopene which is said to have anti oxidant properties. Studies have shown that tomato can reduce prostate cancer especially in synergy with broccoli. A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggested that ‘the intake of tomatoes and tomato products is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer. This benefit may be related to the antioxidant properties of lycopene, but other potential mechanisms and other beneficial tomato-based components instead of or combined with lycopene cannot be excluded’.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are very high in fiber, and they belong to the disease-fighting cabbage family. Indeed, they look like miniature cabbages. Like broccoli and cabbage -- fellow cruciferous vegetables -- Brussels sprouts may protect against cancer with their indole, a phytochemical. These little green veggies are especially important for pregnant woman because they're packed with folic acid, a B-vitamin that prevents neural tube defects. Brussels sprouts are also packed with vitamins C and K as well as fiber, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.


These orange-wonders are loaded with eye, skin and hair-enriching nutrients. They're also the richest vegetable source of some important antioxidants, like vitamin A. And because they're rich in vitamin C, carrots protect your cardiovascular system from damage. Along with 400% of your daily vitamin A, a serving of carrots will provide vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K, and plenty of fiber, manganese and potassium. Organic carrots have a little bit of everything.

The Science of Life-Seven Concepts That Help Define Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a science that is known to be the world’s oldest system of health. It is an oral tradition that has been written down only in the last 5000 years. Its knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation. The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit roots “ayu” and “veda”, which means “life” and “knowledge”. The name “Ayurveda” reveals its true meaning as the complete knowledge of how to live daily life in harmony with cosmic life. It is a not only a health care system, but a lifestyle approach to living. Ayurveda supports the idea that everyone should live every aspect of life to its fullest. It also expresses a complete conscious connection to nature and its intelligence, so that you can live in a state of enlightenment. Dr. Sunil V. Joshi, MD (Ayu), in his book, Ayurveda and Panchakarma, lists seven basic concepts that help to define Ayurveda as a unique and complete “science of life”:

1. The Unchanging Nature of Ayurvedic Science. Unlike western medicine that new theories often render previous understanding completely obsolete within a short period of time, Ayurveda has stood the test of time as its basic principals have never changed due to the fact that they were derived from universal laws of nature which are eternally true.

2.The Subjective Methods of Understanding. Ayurveda incorporates a more subjective or intuitive approach to gaining knowledge in addition to objective means as it recognizes that much of life cannot be studied objectively because it is non-physical. The example Dr. Joshi offers explains that the unseen intelligence which orchestrates the process of growth and differentiation in a fetus or in the healing of a disease cannot be analyzed or investigated by the senses, even with the aid of technological means.

3.The Five Element Theory. Human life is part of nature. This idea sets it apart from other healing modalities. The Mahabhutas or cosmic elements are the fundamental principles of Ayurveda. These are intelligences that present themselves as the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. All matter consists of combinations of these five elements.

4.The Theory of the Three Doshas. All processes within the human physiology are controlled by a combination of these 5 elements. Vata is the principal that governs all motion or movement and is made up from air and ether elements; Pitta controls all transforming processes and is made of fire and water elements. Kapha is responsible for cohesion, growth and liquefaction. Kapha consists of earth and water elements. Human life can only exist with all three of these processes.

5.Prakruti: Constitution. The most useful tool that Ayurveda has to offer for maintaining an ideal state of health is that of prakruti. Each human being is born with a unique combination of the elements. And it is this combination that is responsible for the physical, mental and emotional differences among people. Ayurveda can help each person create his or her own state of ideal health, by identifying and maintaining an individual prakruti.

6.The Effects of the Seasons. Environment plays a huge role in Ayurveda. Ayurveda considers that a particularly important effect on health comes from seasonal changes and climatic conditions. Each change of season brings with it shifts in wind conditions, temperature and humidity or rainfall. As the elements in the environment change, the balance of the doshas within our bodies will be impacted. If we can recognize and respond to these changes in the environment, we will be able to better maintain homeostasis, an ideal balance of the doshas within our bodies.

7.Panchakarma: The Science of Rejuvenation. The body possesses a natural healing intelligence and is capable of constantly rejuvenating itself. When the elements or dosha become imbalanced, and the digestive capacity is weakened, toxic impurities form. When too many toxins exist, the natural healing capacity of the body gets blocked. Panchakarma is a process in which the body is purified of these toxins and the body “unblocks” its natural ability to rejuvenate.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Eight Shockingly Dangerous Chemicals You Didn’t Know Were in Your Lipstick

We all want to have attractive, seductive lips, but recent research suggests that you may be paying too steep a price for your perfect pout. As you may be aware, over the last few years there has been increasing interest in the safety of the ingredients that are used in cosmetics and other beauty products. Worryingly, a wide range of studies have shown that many of these seemingly innocent ingredients can be dangerous to your body, and some of the worst of these chemicals are regularly found in lipstick. Read on to discover the eight most hazardous chemicals that could be in your lipstick, and discover precisely why it is so important to avoid them.

1) Cadmium:

Cadmium is a heavy metal that is often added to lipsticks in spite of its toxicity. It can cause contact dermatitis (i.e. skin inflammation and itching) in the short term, and if you regularly ingest it for a long period of time then you can experience health problems as a result of reduced kidney function. You may develop high blood pressure, experience more painful and frequent urination, and notice puffiness around your hands and feet. Cadmium can very easily build up in your system; one recent study even suggests that it can take more than four decades for this heavy metal to entirely leave your body after exposure.

2) Retinyl palmitate:

If you are pregnant, it is particularly important to try and avoid lipsticks that contain retinyl palmitate. This chemical is a manmade form of vitamin A, and it can influence your reproductive hormones and promote developmental abnormalities in your unborn baby. Even if you are not pregnant, it is worth noting that retinyl palmitate is a carcinogen, so it increases your risk of developing a wide range of malignant tumors.

3) Triclosan:
Triclosan can be used as a preservative in lipsticks in order to make sure that they last longer, but it poses a number of serious health risks. Firstly, it can interfere with the levels of female sex hormones in your body, increasing your likelihood of developing breast cancer. Secondly, triclosan is an antibacterial agent, so its widespread use encourages the evolution of dangerous bacteria that are capable of resisting antibiotics.

4) Coal tar:

The Environmental Working Group has labeled coal tar as a highly hazardous ingredient in lipstick and other beauty products, owing to the fact that studies on its side effects show it to be toxic in a number of important ways. For example, it can cause fertility issues by influencing hormone production, it can trigger moderate to severe allergies, and it is a carcinogenic substance that is strongly linked to reproductive cancers in particular.

5) Parabens:

Parabens are also preservatives that are commonly added to lipsticks in order to lengthen their shelf lives. However, there is now little doubt that being regularly and extensively exposed to parabens (such as methylparaben and propylparaben) can have a devastating impact on your body. Most importantly, parabens mimic the actions of the female sex hormone estrogen, increasing your risk of developing cancerous tumors in your breasts. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency has warned that parabens can cause metabolic abnormalities (which may lead to unwanted weight changes) and increase the likelihood of developmental disorders.

6) Tocopheryl acetate:

Sometimes known as vitamin E acetate, tocopheryl acetate is a skin irritant that can cause facial swelling, blistering and itching when added to lipsticks.

7) Colorants:

Special ingredients are added to your lipstick in order to give it its distinctive shade. Studies show that some of these ingredients pose little to no risk, but others are more questionable. For example, D&C Red 22 Aluminum Lake is linked to nervous system damage, meaning that it could cause a range of neurological problems. Always research the specific colorants in a lipstick before deciding to buy it.


Finally, although lipsticks often have little to no scent, certain companies market lipsticks that have a fruity or sweet scent. These lipsticks are particularly appealing to younger consumers, but they can pose unexpected risks to your health. The problem with fragrance is that cosmetics companies are under no obligation to list all of the ingredients that are used to create the distinct smell of their products. Sometimes, hundreds of extra chemicals will be added in order to make a lipstick smell like strawberries or candy, and many of these chemicals may be toxic. For example, some popular fragrance ingredients cause migraine headaches, while others are linked to depression, anxiety disorders and allergic reactions.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Best Vegetables for Weight Loss

Cucumber - The cucumber is one of the best vegetables for weight loss. It´s extremely low in calories and contains lots of water.

Broccoli - When trying to lose weight, include plenty of broccoli in your diet. It contains no fat at all, and plenty of carbohydrate. This are slow-release carbohydrates, which is great for helping to keep your energy levels up.

Beans - The great thing about using them for weight loss is that they also count as a source of protein and have lots of fibre. So cut down on your meat intake and substitute all or some of it with beans instead.

Spinach - Spinach is another brilliant vegetable when you´re trying to lose weight. If you´ve always disliked it, try cooking it very lightly – spinach needs barely any cooking at all. You can also serve it raw in salads.

Carrots - Carrots should be included among vegetables for losing weight. Just think of all that beta-carotene and fibre!

Onions - When choosing vegetables for losing weight, it´s important to remember that you want to include lots of flavor so that your diet doesn’t get too boring. Onions are excellent for adding taste to your meals, whether you prefer them raw or cooked.