Monday, 25 November 2013

Hidden Secrets Of fruits

             There are varities of fruits available in different parts of the world with different tastes,shapes colour and sizes.Some belong to melon types,some are berries,some are drupe and so on.Today i will deal with the nutrition and the benifits of eating right amount of fruits and what are its effects on the systems.


-rich in potassium and zinc

-act as general body tonic

-helpful in constipation and diarrhoea also

-help ful in weight gaining

-complete source of nutrition for small kids

-when eaten after food helps or aid the process of digestion

-rich in Vit-A,C,D,E even contains vitamin B to a little extent

-it has 75% of water in it.

-in case of reduced appitite ,banana's are adviced with tamarind waterand salt

-helps in banana i.e 1 should be mashed thoroughly and must be made as a paste and given to the kid

-helps in gastric ulcer ,gastritis and ulcerative collitis also.

-as banana is rich in calcuim and other minerals and salts helps in building up strong bones in young ones

-rich in iron so helps in anemia and even jaundice
-helps in heart pain.mash banan's and blend it with honey and give to the patient having chest pain at times may even save life too.

Grapes :

Its generally used as an appitizer and gives a refreshing effect as is the instant souce of glucose
-enhances the activity ob bodies excretory system.
-it acts as a diuretic
-good for skin as it bestows normal clear complextion to the skin
-good laxative and increases appitite
-helps to boost up body's defence mechanism,acts as general tonic also
-helps in skin deaseases and even in helpful in respiratory tract disorders.
-Draksharista helps in increasing blood and hb level,acts as a general tonic,helpful in dry cough,helpd in weight gain also
-rich source of vitamins,minerals salts helps in anemia
-acts as a laxative,helps in constipation,bronkitis and kidney disorder
-rich source of iron and glucose
-grape juice taken daily acyts as a general tonic and keep person fit and energetic
-dried grapes soaked in water when taken early morning before food helps in increasing HB level and also purifies the also helps in contipation and clearing the achenes and leaves the face witha nice natural glow.

Avacado :

rich sources of vitamins

-contains vitamin A,Band E

-good for skin and hair

-acta as a natural conditioner

-studies have proven that it can even help in early stages of cancer.

-helps in detoxification

-good for body and skin

-increases memory power also

-rich soure of iron and minerals .hence helps in aneamia. 
-conatains good fat that is helps in reducing cholestrol level in the blood


-rich source of iron.helps in boosting heamoglobin levels in case odf anemia.should be soaked in water or milk overnight and then taken in empty stomach daily for 1 wek to see exelant results.

-helps in dry cough

- helps to increase body weight

-it increases vigour and vitality.also increases semen .

-acts as tonic

-5-6 dates evry day followed by 2 glass of milk,then a bit of exercise helps or acts as a rejuvinator.this should be done for atleast 1 month to see the proper effect.

-dates with milk acts as general tonic and gives stamina.

-In case of constpation, drink milk boiled with 4-5 dates every day at bed time.this will help to getrid of this problem

-increases resisitance power ,mainly against virus and bacteria

-rich in vit-A,B,protiens,calcium,phosphorus

acts as a rejuvinator as it contains pectin in it.

-provides strength to heart,liver ,kidney and pancreas.

-has effect over central nervous system

-increases appitite

-if taken in excess causes throat and chestas it increases mucus

-they maintain alkali balance inthe body[intestine]

-it purifies and even strenghten's the blood by increasing hb level.

they also keep body warm in winters

Get rid of acne using aloe vera

Applying Aloe Vera juice on your breakouts can increase the recovering speed of your acne. Its properties naturally reduce swelling and redness of acne.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Natural Treatments for Peptic Ulcers

         A peptic ulcer can cause pain, discomfort and make eating something dreaded rather than something enjoyed. Learn the signs and symptoms of a peptic ulcer and what you can do to treat it naturally.

What is a Peptic Ulcer?

A peptic ulcer is an erosion in the lining of the stomach or duodenum (first part of the small intestine).

What are the Symptoms of a Peptic Ulcer?

Symptoms vary from person to person. Some of the most common symptoms are as follows:

Pain in the stomach within 60 minutes of eating a meal
Burning or gnawing sensation in areas from abdomen to breastbone
Worsening of symptoms at night
Decreased appetite
Weight loss
What Causes Them?

Peptic ulcers are most commonly caused by the following:

Excessive stress
Prolonged use of NSAID pain relievers
Overdosing on vitamin C
Overproduction of acid in the stomach*
Helicobacter pylori (H.Pylori) bacteria infection in the gut
*To test if an overproduction of stomach acid is contributing to your peptic ulcer, try a simple test: The next time you feel stomach discomfort, swallow one teaspoon undiluted apple cider vinegar. If your symptoms improve, you have too little stomach acid, if symptoms worsen, your body is producing too much. To relieve acidity, mix one teaspoon of baking soda into an eight-ounce glass of room-temperature water and drink.

What Natural Treatments Can I Use?

For immediate relief of stomach discomfort associated with peptic ulcer, try activated charcoal tablets as they will soak up the excess acid. It is important not to use activated charcoal within four hours of taking prescription or over-the-counter drugs as this may interfere with effectiveness.

For long term relief and reversal of peptic ulcers, observe the following guidelines:

Eliminate or Cut Down On:

Alcoholic Beverages
Processed Foods
Increase Consumption of:

Whole Foods (organic meat, poultry, wild-caught fish, organic vegetables, fruit, beans, legumes and whole grains)
Also, eat smaller meals more frequently that are easier to digest.
Supplement the diet with omega 3 fatty acid from a bioavailable source such as krill oil.
Herbal Healing

Pau d’Arco – This natural herb is a powerful antifungal, which may help eliminate H. Pylori infection that can cause peptic ulcers.
Turmeric – This yellow Indian spice can help ease inflammation and tighten the lining of the gut.
Ginger – This mild natural herb has been used for centuries to treat a variety of gastric complaints and helps ease the movement of food through the digestive tract.
Marshmallow Root – Rich in mucilage, marshmallow root relieves inflamed mucosal tissue in the gut.
Slippery Elm – This natural herb also contains mucilage and helps to calm and soothe peptic ulcer.
Licorice Root – In a human trial, licorice root improved the symptoms of ninety percent of participants with peptic ulcer.
White Oak Bark – One of the strongest natural astringents, white oak bark helps to strengthen the intestinal lining and fight infection.

Manage Stress with Ayurveda

Stress is normal physical response to situations that make a person feel threatened or insecure. Stress response is generated when a person senses danger, which could be real or imaginary. It’s a way our body has been attuned naturally to protect itself and be secure from danger. Some stress is needed to keep us motivated and to accomplish our goals. Stress becomes a problem when it starts affecting our physical, emotional and social health in a negative way. We need professional help when stress starts affecting our health, mood, relationships, productivity……. i.e. the overall quality of life. It is not so difficult to manage stress. The secret lies in our own ability to handle the day to day challenges of life in a positive way.

Ayurveda attributes inability to understand our deeper inner self as one of the causes of stress. When an individual is unable to balance the real self (what we are) with the ideal self (what we desire to become) it results in stress. However the main cause of stress is the Imbalance of Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When an external stimuli or stressor results in erratic response (Physical or mental) it causes the imbalance of Vata. This leads to disturbance in body metabolism and enzymatic activity resulting in the imbalance of Pitta. This affects the other functions in body resulting in slowdown, heaviness, stagnation, hopelessness etc., meaning the Kapha has been Imbalanced.

Ayurveda, the science of life, mainly focuses on restoring the balance. Treatment is based on body constitution of the individual and the imbalanced doshas. Some ways to manage stress with Ayurveda are :

Dincharaya or the daily regimen: For a healthy life it’s necessary to have regular sleep wake time. Eating healthy food keeps body healthy and provides strength to manage daily stressors like deadlines, family engagements etc.

Exercise rejuvenates body as well as mind. It strengthens muscles and builds stamina to deal with the stressors. Regular physical activity in any form like, yoga, walk, jogging, cycling etc is therapeutic. Choose age appropriate activity according to your interest. Seek the advice of a medical practitioner if needed. Yoga should be practiced under the guidance of a qualified yoga practitioner to gain maximum benefit.

Meditation has the power to soothe the troubled mind. It enables a person to calm the thought process resulting in better concentration, stress relief, normalized blood pressure and better health. Meditation slows down the breathing rate and helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

Breathing is closely related to our state of mind. When a person is relaxed and happy, breathing is calm and relaxed. When a person is anxious or stressed breathing becomes short , shallow and anxious. Thus it really helps to observe our breath. When stressed, try to slow down the breathing rate. Sit in a relaxed position and take a few long deep breaths. Feel the air coming from deep within you, deep down from your abdomen. Abdominal breathing is a good way to take short breaks to relax during a hectic busy schedule.

Seeking professional help is always better when one feels that stress is not letting the individual lead a healthy and happy life. Identifying the stressor and eliminating the cause of stress can be achieved by undergoing professional counseling. Rasayana therapy and other ayurvedic medications taken with the advice of a qualified Ayurvedic Practioner have the ability to calm mind and provide relief from physical symptoms associated with stress. Ayurvedic procedures like oil application on body once a week (Abhyanga) , Pouring medicated oil on head ( Shirodhara), Oral adminstration of mixture of herbs in ghee or butter ( sneh panam) are really helpful in relaxing mind and body. This provides relief from stress.

Adopting the above mentioned guidelines ensure a reduction in tension and help in restoring the dosha imbalance leading to a relaxed mind and body. Wishing Good Health to the readers and don’t forget to BE POSITIVE WITH LIFE.