Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Top 7 tips for beautiful lips

        Everyone is conscious about their face care along with lips. Mostly ladies are careful about lips care. Daily use of best lipstick and balm for protection of their lips. While caring the lips basic ideas for home remedy and common issues you must be careful on following few points .With a little loving care, your lips can be perfect in no time. Just follow these seven steps


Take a water bottle with you wherever you go. Drinking enough water (the equivalent of at least 9 cups of fluids daily) will keep the body, skin and lips hydrated.


You should keep your lips always hydrated with the use of balm and apply small dab of over the counter of hydrocortisone creams.


Some of the allergic reaction of lipstick, toothpaste, food, beverage or medication may cause this. So visit your dermatologist and use topical hydrocortisone creams to decrease irritation.


Due to the sun exposure, age and smoking habits, wrinkles may be seen in around lips. So you may take Retion lip treatment with Vitamin c.


You may be worried about thin lips and want fuller lips so temporary treatment is Injection of Collagen. It may had side effect but you had to visit the specialists.


best lipsticks and balms are judge by the ingredients so you had to choose the lipstick and balm enriched in Vitamin A, C and E.”Apply the lipstick, and then in the center of your lips, blend in a drop of foundation and top it off with a gloss.”


Home Tips 1: You can use almond oil into lips daily for softening your lips
Home Tips 2: Applying honey daily may help cracked lips better.
Home Tips 3 : Lipstick with brush helps better spread along lips.
Home Tips 4 : Using Talcom powder after lipstick help colour last longs.
Home Tips 5 : Butter, ghee, coconut oil helps excellent nourishment to the lips.
Home Tips 6 : you include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Home Tips 7 : Iron rich content is good for you in daily menu.
Home Tips 8: If you gonna exposure to sun you can use butter in your lips
Home Tips 9 : daily gooseberry application give good colouring
Home Tips 10 : Use of Honey, glycerine serves colouring of lips natural way
Home Tips 11 : Take the fruits rich in Vit A, Vit C and Vit E like orange, tomato, etc. 

Monday, 2 December 2013

Health Benefits of Watermelon:

                     Watermelon is the common fruit all time favorite fruits. It has got many health benefits and multi vitamins. Among them the recent studies shows it has good property for natural Viagra. Researcher says it may be natural viagra It is because the popular summer fruit watermelon is richer than experts believed in an amino acid called citrulline, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels much like Viagra and other drugs meant to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).”This is a precursor for nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide will help in blood vessel dilation.”
“The more we study watermelons, the more we realize just how amazing a fruit it is in providing natural enhancers to the human body .Watermelons have naturally occurring nutrients that can produce healthy reactions in the body. One of those nutrients is citrulline “The citrulline-arginine relationship helps heart health, the immune system and may prove to be very helpful for those who suffer from obesity and type two diabetes, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it.”

                     At least six cups would need to be consumed to get even a noticeable relaxation of blood vessels, this would not be “organ specific,” so who knows how much one would need to eat to get that specific result. But the health benefits of watermelon consumption don’t end with the circulatory system. watermelon is 92 percent water, but the other 8 percent is saturated with lycopene, an anti-oxidant known to protect heart, prostate and skin health. In addition, there is scientific evidence suggesting lycopene can help with male infertility. Watermelon is high in lycopene, a heart-healthy antioxidant, as well as potassium, a natural diuretic.

                     There are many other sources of citrulline — almonds, cantaloupe, chickpeas, cocoa, cucumber, dark chocolate, peanuts, red meat, salmon, soy, and walnuts — but none come close to delivering the amount in watermelon’s pretty pink flesh and crunchy rind.

                      Watermelon is easier on your stomach than l-arginine supplements, experts say, because taking the pills can cause nausea and diarrhea. Citrulline has another advantage: It turns into l-arginine in your artery walls, so you get the benefits right where you need them. Some of the l-arginine in supplements may be lost in digestion.

Read your health condition in Nails

                       The visual appearance of the fingernails and toenails may suggest an underlying systemic disease. Examination of nail is important physical examination during the detail history taking of patient. A experienced medical practioner take a good look at your fingernails and you may notice subtle variations in the texture or color – a touch of white here, a rosy tinge there, perhaps some rippling or bumps in the surface. These gives the valuable clues about your health condition.

                      Your nail suggest warning signs for many other conditions, from hepatitis to heart disease, may also appear in the nails. Changes in the nails can be a sign of a local disease like a fungus infection or a sign of a systemic disease like lupus or anemia. Commonly you can guess if a person has anemia by looking at his or her nails. The symptoms if pale, whitish nail beds may indicate a low red blood cell count consistent with anemia. An iron deficiency can cause the nail bed to be thin and concave and have raised ridges.

                      The nails offer many little clues to what’s going on inside you. Lupus patients get quirky, angular blood vessels in their nail folds. Psoriasis also starts in the nails up to 10% of the time” and causes splitting and pitting of the nail bed. Heart disease can turn the nail beds red. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can show up in the nails through persistent nail-biting or picking. Even common disorders like thyroid disease can cause abnormities in the nail beds, producing dry, brittle nails that crack and split easily. He lists the following 10 examples of nail changes that could indicate a serious medical condition. you should be concious about the changing occuring in your nails condition.

Information available from examination of the fingernails:

Overall vitality
Inner emotional state
Cerebral dominance
Occupations and hobbies
Medical history
Nutritional status
Cardiovascular function
Kidney disease
Liver disease
Rheumatic conditions
Dermatological problems


Medical benefits of Garlic

Garlic (Allium Sativum) is a plant with a very strong and bitter flavor which has been used for both culinary and medical purposes for hundreds of years. The key medicinal ingredient in garlic is allicin, which is known to have wonderful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties.

Uses of Garlic


Garlic is proven formula for antiviral properties helps to build immunity. Simply one tablet of garlic each days helps to prevent against allergies on the season.


Garlic also shows antibacterial properties for treatment of cough and throat infection. It is good remedy of upper respiratory tract infections.


Blood sugar level is said to be maintained by regular intake of Garlic. It helps to increase level of insulin to regulate blood sugar level.

High Blood Pressure:

Taking the garlic capsules daily is reported to maintain the blood pressure. It is high effective for the patients taking prescription of blood pressure drugs.

High Cholesterol:

Garlic is the best remedy for high cholesterol levels in blood. It lower the cholesterol in arterial wall and daily intake is recommended for the patient with the heart disease risk.


Garlic shows the properties of antibacterial, analgesic and anesthetic for curing toothaches. Taking the crushed garlic on to the affected tooth gives you instant relief.


Garlic is effective to fight against the warts and skin problems as it is good antibacterial properties.


Garlic is thought to work because of its antibiotic and blood cleansing properties. Taking clove helps the cleansing the impurities of blood causing skin problem and acnes.


The active compound of garlic allicin increase the
antioxidant enzymes atalase and glutathione peroxidase of your blood. It helps against damaging effects of nicotine.

Anti-Bacterial  Garlic has 1% of the potency of penicillin and can ward off a number of bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, Cryptococcal meningitis, Candida albican and Staphylococcus.

Blood Clots  

Some Clinical trials done shows, blood pressure was reduced 1 – 5% after taking garlic supplements. This may not sound a lot but this small reduction can reduce the chance of a stroke by 30-40% and heart disease by 20-25%


Sunday, 1 December 2013

Carotenoids protect our vision:

Carotenoids protect vision, especially night vision. After beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the liver, it travels to the retina where it is transformed into rhodopsin--a purple pigment that is necessary for night-vision. Plus beta-carotene's powerful antioxidant actions help provide protection against muscular degeneration and the development of senile cataracts--the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.

Carrots are by far one of the richest source of carotenoids. Just one cup provides 16,679 IUs of beta-carotene, more than 250% of the RDA, and 3,432 REs(retinol equivalents), or roughly 686.3% the RDA for vitamin A. High carotenoid intake has been linked with a 20% decrease in postmenopausal breast cancer and an up to 50% decrease in the incidence of cancers of the bladder, cervix, prostate, colon, larynx, and esophagus. Carotenoids and Blood Sugar Intake of foods such as carrots that are rich in carotenoids may be beneficial to blood sugar regulation. Research has suggested that physiological levels, as well as dietary intake, of carotenoids may be inversely associated with insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels.
Falcarinol in Carrots Protects against Colon Cancer Although best known for their high content of beta carotene, carrots also contain a phytonutrient called falcarinol that may be responsible for the recognized epidemiological association between frequently eating carrots and a reduced risk of cancers.
Protection against Emphysema - A common carcinogen in cigarette smoke, benzo(a)pyrene, induces vitamin A deficiency.


Overcome Eye Diseases with Ayurveda

Eyes Diseases are prevalent in most of the world but they are more found in the tropical countries and mostly at the time of monsoon when the moisture in the air is more and there is free communication of virus and bacteria from one human to another. Also, the changing weather makes the human beings little less strong in immunity which again leads to viruses and bacteria increased attacks. Ayurveda divides the Eye diseases in different types on the basis of their symptoms. Let us see some of the diseases and medicines for them.
Conjuctivitis (Netrabhisyanda): 

      This is an eye disease characterized by the inflammation and rednesss of the conjuctiva accompanied by various types of pain and watery discharge from the eye. Its other symptoms include feeling of stiffness, burning sensation, heavyness ir itching in eys and headache. In some cases pus may also form.

Six Herbal Supplements that Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol comes in two forms, good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol. When you have a high bad cholesterol count and a low good cholesterol count, it can put you at risk of developing heart disease. Bad cholesterol flows through the blood stream and can attach to the inside of arteries and cause plaque build-up. This can eventually lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and blocked arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke. Plaque can also break off and block an artery, resulting in a stroke.

High bad cholesterol can usually be controlled through a healthy diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. Medication is sometimes used for those who cannot lower their cholesterol through other means. Herbal supplements can also be effective in lowering cholesterol. Here is a list of herbal supplements that can be used to lower cholesterol.

Alfalfa – Studies have shown that alfalfa supplements block the absorption of bad cholesterol and prevent the build-up of plaque. The chemicals and fiber in alfalfa stick to bad cholesterol in the bloodstream and stop it from attaching to artery walls. The recommended dose of alfalfa is 40 milligrams a day of alfalfa seeds or 1 gram, 3 times a day of alfalfa capsules. Alfalfa should not be taken in amounts over 80 grams per day as it can damage red blood cells. People with lupus are advised not to take alfalfa supplements.

Garlic – Garlic has been used for centuries to treat various ailments and is recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It keeps cholesterol in balance by lowering bad cholesterol while elevating good cholesterol which is important for flushing away the bad cholesterol. Garlic also prevents clotting and reduces plaque in the arteries. To lower cholesterol, the recommended dose is 600 to 900 milligrams of garlic supplements each day. You can also benefit from eating fresh garlic by ingesting 4 grams per day. However, don’t overdo the garlic. Chronic overuse of garlic supplements can damage red blood cells and also cause hyperthyroidism (underactive thyroid).

Hawthorn – The leaf and flower of the hawthorn plant have long been used to prevent heart failure, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, inflammation of the blood vessels and to dilate blood vessels to allow the flow of blood to the heart. It can also prevent irregular heartbeat. Cholesterol is lowered due to the treatment of the inflammation in the blood vessels. Hawthorn berry is widely used to treat these ailments also, although it has not been proven to work as effectively as the flower and leaf of the plant has. Dosage of hawthorn should be discussed with you doctor or a registered herbalist. Overdose of this supplement can cause extremely low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and sedation.

Evening Primrose Oil – Evening primrose oil is used for many illnesses and is effective in lowering bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. The active ingredient in evening primrose oil is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an important fatty acid which helps to produce prostaglandins (PFE1). PFE1 fights against inflammation and helps in preventing blood clots and high cholesterol. This herbal supplement should not be taken by people who are prone to seizers or who are taking a medication for depression or schizophrenia. The recommended dose for adults is 6 to 8 grams per day.

Green Tea – Green tea has been used for centuries to prevent and treat many illnesses including heart disease. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, clinical studies have shown that the antioxidant properties in green tea can help prevent atherosclerosis and can lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol. Because green tea works as a diuretic, it is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure. The recommended dose is 1-2 tablets a day or 1-3 cups of green tea a day. Drinking milk can lower the antioxidant effectiveness of green tea. The caffeine in green tea can cause high blood pressure, anxiety and heart palpitations if used in excess. There are decaffeinated green tea supplements and tea for people who should not have caffeine.

Glucomannan – In clinical trials, glucomannan has shown it is effective in lowering bad cholesterol as well as lowering triglyceride levels and helping people lose weight. The recommended dose to lower cholesterol is 3.9 grams a day for 4 weeks, then stop for two weeks and resume for another four weeks. Side-effects include diarrhea, intestinal gas, loose stools, blockage of the esophagus and lower digestive tract and low blood sugar. People who are already taking a medication for cholesterol should not take glucomannan.

You should have your cholesterol levels checked once every 2 years and more often if you are at risk of developing heart disease. Talk to your doctor about ways to lower cholesterol if your levels are high and discuss the use of herbal supplements before using them. Herbal supplements can be a safe, effective way to lower cholesterol if used responsibly.