Water Chestnut is an aquatic vegetable known as paniphal or singhara in India. This vegetable pertains to China and is one of the common households for them. Its crunchy texture offers us a delicious flavor and it do not loose its great taste even after cooking or canning. They are good at low calories and is serving as one of the food to be included by the dieters. It is loaded with many nutrition’s and hence is a vegetable for every person to add in their diet. Fresh water chestnuts are having double amount of zinc, potassium, vitamin B and E when compared to the canned one’s. Let us see the benefits offering by this tasty veggie.
• Treating the problems like anemia, bronchitis, sore throat and leprosy the fruits are beneficial also the juice of water chestnut helps to control diarrhea problem.
• Have water chestnuts in either the form of raw or juice to flush out toxins from the body through which it reduces any kind of urine infections. Water chestnuts are sweet, bitter, cool and heavy that helps to controls jaundice and loose motions. They also cools your body and improves the production of saliva.
• To maintain the healthy lifestyle, water chestnuts are one of the perfect foods to consume. They are available with low calories and high nutrients. They gives nearly 0.1 gram fat from a cup. So it is a healthy option to rely on.
• The regular intake of water chestnuts maintains the proper mechanism of the thyroid gland through its minerals iodine and manganese.
• To increase appetite in children as well in adults water chestnuts helps you easily.
• One of the natural remedy to reduce cough problem is through consuming water chestnuts in the powder form. Grind the water chestnuts and mix it to sufficient amount of water or juice. Consume it for twice a day to reduce the cough problem.
• To eliminate blood impurities and inflammations water chest helps you a lot. They are also considered as energy boosters and reduces tiredness.
• Powder the water chestnuts and mix it with lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the eczema affected areas to gradually slow down the problem.
• Water chestnuts with their healthy properties effectively treats the conditions like measles. For this prepare water chestnut solution by boiling water chestnuts in the water. Continue drinking this solution for 6 to 9 days to get amazing results.
• Water chestnuts are known to purify blood in the body through which it promotes for healthy and glowing skin.
• Grate the skin of water chestnuts and dry it in the sun. Then prepare paste from the powder by adding some water and apply over the swollen skin areas to give relief.
• Apart from the health and skin benefits water chestnuts are also offering hair benefits. As discussed they are helpful in removing toxins from the body including the toxins that damages the hair. For the healthy hair essential nutrients like zinc, potassium, Vitamin B and E are necessary which you will get from the water chestnuts.