Friday, 21 February 2014

One of the brightest source of prevalent minerals is capers. It is having calcium, copper, iron and good levels of sodium. Calcium is needed for the strong bones and teeth. Copper helps you to produce some enzymes when it is combined with specific proteins. Iron aids to store and use oxygen.

How to cure foot blisters at home

Foot blisters are usually formed due to choosing wrong shoes. The symptoms of foot blisters are redness, pain and itching. Negligible blisters can be taken care of at home, but if the infection persists or get worst it is better to consult a doctor. Given below are some home remedies for foot blisters.

1. Burst and drain it : Pop and drain the blisters is the most simple way and hygienic too. It is better to get the liquid out from the blisters than to keep it on and let the infection persist. Take a sterilized needle and puncture the edge of the blister. Allow the fluid to come out pressing slightly. Don’t pull the flap of skin now, let it stay on till it gets cured. Now you can use any antibiotic cream.

2. Apple cider vinegar : Apple cider vinegar can be mixed with pure castor oil and applied to the blisters on the foot for 2-3 times a day. Apple cider vinegar is supposed to be a very strong antibacterial and antifungal agent which when applied on blisters will help to heel faster.

3. Use bandage : You can use bandage or zinc oxide tape to cover the blisters if you cannot avoid stepping to a shoes. But do not forget to change the bandage when it gets wet or dirty.

4.Clear the dead skin : Once the surface skin is clean and dry, take it off by gently peeling it or cut it out. Now apply Aloe Vera gel or cream to help quick heeling. Vitamin E is also very effective to rejuvenate new skin.

5. Aloe Vera : Natural Aloe Vera is a best source to heel and repair blisters. Get a Aloe Vera plant, peel the skin. You will get a gel like liquid from it, now apply this to the blisters directly.

6. Oatmeal : Oatmeal is a good natural remedies for foot blisters. Take some oatmeal, powder it and cover it in a cloth. Now apply this to your blisters and leave it for some time, wash with warm water. You can also soak your feet in the warm oatmeal and water solution for some time, it is very effective and heels faster.

7. Personal hygiene : It is good to maintain a good hygiene by washing your hands and legs keeping it clean. Blisters need to be cleaned and kept clean to avoid fungal and bacterial infection to further worsen it. You should clean the blisters twice a day with antiseptic or warm water.

8.Use of antibiotic : Antibiotics can be used to heel the blisters faster. The best time to use the antibiotics is after you have drained your blisters. Clean the area and apply antibiotic cream or powder and cover it with bandage.

9. Blister plaster : Most of the athletes and runners prefer using blister plaster, as they cannot avoid wearing shoes. You can just place this plaster on your shoes or back of your feet.

Best tips to apply color dye for your hair at home naturally

Cover your gray hair, get the black shade, turn young – the simple introduction to a hair dye. There are two choices to dye the hair and to turn it as like you wish: Artificial and natural. Both of them give you the rich looks but the difference luke in the way they treat your hair. Hair damaging chemical based artificial hair dye’s are the choices of the time savers where as coloring the hair naturally with out sprinkling of damaging effects is the intelligent pick of the remaining people. So, which cadre you pertains to…..
Dye your hair naturally
Dye for dark hair
To dye the hair in a natural way coffee or black tea is a simple remedy one can try to get the glowing brown and rich black colored hair. Simply brew either of the two in a thick concoction. let it come down from the hot temperature, and then use it on the hair, you need to spread it to the entire hair. Now cover the head with a shower cap and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing off. Continue this method for two times in a week upto until you knock the desired shade on the hair. After that, follow it up for one or two weeks to retain the color.
Henna dye
One of the world’s renowned herbal dye for the hair is henna. It has got its importance due to the coloring of hair in a very natural way with out any hidden side effects. Apart from the coloring, henna is popular with its hair conditioning and scalp cleansing properties. Prepare your henna mixture by adding four tablespoons of henna powder with necessary amount of tea decoction, mix both of them and make thick muddy paste. Apply this paste on your hair and scalp and leave it for about an hour or another. Egg, essential oils and vinegar are the additional ingredients you can add to yield the extra benefits.
Lightening your hair
Questing for the home prepared hair lightener! Then here is the way to explore the recipe of how to prepare a natural hair lightening mixture. Take a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a bowl and add it with three cups of chamomile tea, now soak your hair in this mixture entirely and let it dry in the sun for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with a mild shampoo and pat dry. Repeat doing this process for two to three times a week for the waiting results.
Though it would be the one that kills the time to make lighten the hair, it is a natural process and can be tried with no queries.
Color the gray hair
Get few black tea leaves and cherry bark, boil them together until you notice the dark colored strong liquid. Massage this mixture for one or two minutes to the individual sections where you are trying to cover up the gray hair and do not rinse it off. Try this out for as many times as possible in a week, do it for once in a day until to met the desired shade and then follow up for once in a week time.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Health benefits of Seafood

Sea Food is Low in Fat
Seafood averages less than 2% fat. For dieters, seafood will be all very good news. All seafood is low in kilojoules, with fewer kilojoules in comparison with even this leanest meat or poultry. And certainly with seafood you should not trim any fat. Just grill, bar-b-q, bake, steam, poach as well as microwave seafood to help keep a reduced kilojoule count.
Cholesterol is surely an essential part of all dwelling animal cells. But numbers of cholesterol is usually too substantial if many of us eat an excessive amount saturated fat. Seafood has very little fat of any sort and what it will have is usually unsaturated fat. Eating fish several times every week can aid lower cholesterol and slow up the risk of heart disease.
Seafood is loaded with top quality protein, along with compares favourably with meat along with chicken.

Seafood is loaded with many essential minerals, as well as iodine, zinc, potassium along with phosphorus. Additionally it is rich in several vitamins, specifically the W group.

Omega-3s are a kind of polyunsaturated fat and are also essential nutrition that play many critical roles in your bodies. And also, just including minerals and many vitamins, our system cannot get them to.

Long cycle Omega-3s are located in slimy fish, non-oily fish and shellfish, and into a lesser scope in meats and offspring. Long cycle Omega-3s are employed effectively chemistry. DHA (a very long chain Omega-3 fat acid) is often a major building block of the mind, and this retina inside eye is incredibly concentrated within DHA. Different vital bodily organs, such because the heart, are rich in long cycle Omega-3s.

Research has additionally shown in which regular use of Omega-3 efas can slow up the risk of developing macular deterioration (MD). The MD Foundation encourages visitors to eat species of fish regularly to ensure that their absorption of Omega-3s will be adequate.

Choose Food Instead of Medicine Food First!

Imagine a food, and not a medicine that is powerful enough to help you lower your cholesterol or reduce your risk of heart disease or lower your possibility of cancer! And then for an added bonus, it also puts you in a better mood and helps you achieve radiant looking skin. Oh, and I think I forgot to mention that there are absolutely no side effects? Surely you would stock up on a lifetime supply. Guess what? These life-altering foods are available right now in your local supermarket.
The foods you choose to eat will effect how you feel today as well as your future life’s quality. Even healthy people are able to make a few tweaks – and the impact really is amazing. I would guestimate that approximately 60% of suffering could be eliminated by what people eat and how they choose to exercise – I truly believe that heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and high blood pressure can all be impacted.
The great thing is that you do not need to eat a specific food to treat a specific ailment. A healthy diet should incorporate a variety of the following superfoods – and they will help you maintain your weight, fight disease and even live longer. The one thing that all the foods on my list have in common is that they are ‘clean’ (unprocessed) foods. You aren’t going to find a fortified cereal on my list!

My Top Superfoods Which I Believe Offer Super Health Protection

Green Tea
Blueberries — Antioxidant Superfood
The ultimate superfood. Just 100g (4oz) of blueberries contain the same amount of age-defying antioxidants as five servings of other fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants help guard against a range of cancers, heart disease, asthma, arthritis and cataracts, Alzheimer’s and age-related neurological diseases.

By preventing infectious bacteria from clinging to the wall of the gut, bladder and urethra, blueberries also offer protection against cystitis. High in vitamin C and a good source of fibre, blueberries have a compound, pterostilbene, which acts to protect the heart in the same way as cholesterol-lowering drugs.

They also contain anthocyanins, which give them their blue colour. Other flavonoids reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. There is also resveratrol, which again is believed to have an anti-cancer effect.
Omega 3-Rich Fish — Superfoods for the Heart, Joints, and Memory
For quite some time it has been common knowledge that omega-3 fatty acids are good for you, but do know how far-reaching their health benefits can be?

Extensive research has linked omega-3 fatty acids consumption to everything from reduced cardiovascular disease to cancer, arthritis, may possibly help with memory loss and Altzheimer’s and inflammatory bowel disease, there is some evidence to show that it reduces depression as well.”

Omega-3s are most prevalent in fatty, cold-water fish: Look for wild (not farmed) salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. Aim for two-to-three servings a week. Other forms of omega 3s are available in fortified eggs, flax seed, and walnuts. These superfoods have the added benefit of being high in monounsaturated fats, which can lower cholesterol.
Soy — Superfood to Lower Cholesterol
A study reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association (2003) showed that a diet of soy fibre, protein from oats and barley, almonds, and margarine from plant sterols lowered cholesterol as much as statins (which are the most widely prescribed cholesterol medicine).
Fibre — Superfood Aids Weight Loss, Keeps Cholesterol Levels Down and Keeps Your Bowel Healthy
A diet which is high in fibre will help you maintain healthy cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels. As fibre helps you feel fuller longer, it’s a great tool in weight management. Whole grains, beans, fruit, and vegetables are all good sources.

Green Tea — Superfood for Lowering Cholesterol and Inhibiting Cancer.

Green tea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat everything from headaches to depression. The leaves are supposedly richer in antioxidants than other types of tea because of the way they are processed. Green tea is alleged to boost weight loss, reduce cholesterol, combat cardiovascular disease, and prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.


Calcium helps build strong bones and prevents osteoporosis. Look for it in dairy products or supplements. Added bonus: Some studies show that calcium helps with weight loss. Here are the calcium levels recommended for adults by the USDA:
• Age 9 to 18 — 1,300 mg
• Age 19 to 50 — 1,000 mg
• Age 51 and over — 1,200 mg
Dark Chocolate

New research has shown that dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and can lower blood pressure. However, its important that you are eating chocolate with a minimum of 60% cocoa content; the darker, the better. In addition, the darker it is, the lower the fat and sugar content. Now that’s my kind of health food!

5 Best Benefits of Pumpkin Juice for Skin, Hair And Health

Pumpkin is one of the most widely grown vegetables and is incredibly rich in vital antioxidants and vitamins. This humble backyard, low calorie, vegetable contains abundant quantities of vitamin A, flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as leutin, xanthin, and carotenes.

Just like the vegetable itself, pumpkin juice contains vital vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, D, E and beta carotene; minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, sucrose and organic matter. It also contains carbohydrates and certain vital salts and proteins.

How to make Pumpkin Juice?

Pumpkin juice is an extremely versatile juice that is used in several recipes apart from being consumed in its raw form. For the best juice select a pumpkin that is consistent in color and is sweet (suitable for eating or making pies).

If you want to enhance the flavor of the juice sprinkle in some spices like ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon, ginger or apple juice or even lemon juice. We suggest adding these in moderation to preserve the natural taste of this wonder juice. Serving over ice only enhances its cooling and refreshing effect.

Want to try it out but not sure where to start? Check this instructional video on how to make Pumpkin Juice quickly and easily.
1. Liver & Kidney Ally: People suffering from kidney stones and gall bladder problems can benefit by consuming ½ glass of pumpkin juice 3 times a day over a 10 day period.

2. Prevents Arteriosclerosis: Pumpkin juice exhibits great cleansing properties busting arterial deposits, greatly reducing the risk of heart diseases and stroke. The high anti-oxidant content aids in preventing stiffening or hardening or the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis).

3. Digestive & Bowel Curator: The laxative properties of Pumpkin juice are helpful in curing both constipation and loose motions.

4. Smooth Functioning of Urinary System: Pumpkin juice aids in toxic waste disposal through the kidney and urinary system. Its curative properties have proved highly effective in treatment of ulcers and acidity.

5. Potent Sedative: Studies have proved the effectiveness of Pumpkin juice in curing insomnia. Doctors advise a glass of pumpkin juice with honey to calm your nerves.

6. Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Regulator: Pectin and Phytosterols, present in Pumpkin juice, help to reduce the bad or LDL cholesterol and subdue heightened blood pressure levels.

7. Excellent Cooling Agent: A glass of pumpkin juice with honey is recommended as a coolant against external summer heat or excessive internal body heat.

8. Morning Sickness Goodbye: Pumpkin juice is effective in providing relief from morning sickness, especially in pregnant women.

9. Heals Viral Hepatitis A & Reactivates Liver Function: Doctors have long recommended Pumpkin juice as part of the regular diet for patients suffering from Viral Hepatitis A. The biologically active substances in the juice act as a natural liver cleanser!

10. Immunity Booster: Vitamin C and other minerals present in the juice act as immunity boosters and thus shield the body from viral attacks.

Skin Benefits:

11. Radiant Soft Skin: Abundant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene in Pumpkin juice replenish the skin keeping it youthful, supple and radiant.

12. Burns, Bites & Inflammation Curative: Its coolant properties come in handy in the treatment of burns, abscess and inflammation and insect bites. The vital mix of anti-oxidants in the form of vitamins A, C and E and zinc makes it an excellent healing agent.

13. Anti-Wrinkle & Hydrating: Combined with other ingredients like honey, yoghurt, lemon juice and vitamin E oil, this wonder juice, through it hydrating properties, provides nutrition for a variety of skin types.

Hair Care:

14. Promotes Hair re-growth: Vitamin A, aided by a high content of potassium, helps in promoting the re-growth of hair. Pumpkin juice is an active ingredient in hair loss treatments.

15. Moisturizer: Pumpkin juice has showed excellent results in moisturizing dry and damaged hair.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Health benefits of eating sago

Sago or sabudana is a food which is full of energy and carbohydrates. It is extracted from the center of sago palm stems in the form of starch. It is also known as tapioca pearls. If is one of the wholesome diet of starch and carbohydrates and is used in a lot of Indian dishes. Sago is used in puddings, gruel or soups, and upma dishes. In gruel form, it is used in various carbonated drinks to provide energy without any addition of artificial chemicals and sweeteners. It is one food which possess a high cooling effect in the system and it is quite easy to digest. It is also used in making cakes and breads. Sago is helpful as a substitute in binding the dishes or making them thick. It is  low in calories and is preferred as a light meal option.

The benefits of eating sago are associated with its starch form as
1. Aid in digestion: Pearl sago is used as one easily digestible non-irritating baby food, as well as a food in inflammatory cases. In such cases, sabudana is boiled with milk or water  and then added with sugar or spices to enhance the flavour.
2. Nutritional value: Sago grains are about 2mm in diameter. They are a source of pure carbohydrates with very little protein, vitamin C, calcium and minerals. A hundred gram of dried sago yields about 355 calories, with an inclusion of 94 gms of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
3. Sago and the body: The main content of sago is carbohydrates and has an ancient history in aiding to certain herbal medicines. Sago alongwith  rice is used to cool the body. It is helpful in treating ailment resulting from too much heat, such as the production of excess bile. As we know it is a renowned food in Indian culture and moreover, it is a staple diet in some continents. The herbal remedy of sago is not hidden outside the Indian subcontinent such as Sri Lanka, New Guinea and other Asian pacific countries.
4. Sago dishes: Various dishes are made from sago as it is easily mixed with wide variety of tastes and spices. However, sago is low in proteins, vitamins and minerals, its combination with other supplements can result  into high nutrition and taste. In various  parts of India, it is used as fasting food in the form of khichdi or pilaf, soaked sabudana fried with potatoes and other vegetables. Sago possess a high usage in baking breads and pancakes.
5. A high energy booster:  Sago food is full of energy, and often served as a food  to break the fast. It has high beneficiaries for sick people as a supplement providing enough energy to combat the weakness and ailments.
Keep them in dry and airtight container. It should be kept away from moisture for long storage. The white pearls of sago becomes white when soaked in water and turns translucent when cooked. Fermentation may improve the nutritional value of sabudana. In Papua New Guinea, sabudana paste is partially fermented by mixing it in palm leaves,which are then stored  in cool place. Therefore, a lot of recipe with high in energy, you should not be missing it. As experiments can really turn it out in high taste value.