Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Eat Healthy!

Proper and healthy food has become one of the most important problem in the modern world. Lifestyle and routines in modern families with both working parents, disables the mother and father devote the necessary time for the daily healthy meals.

Each of us, lucky to be raised by unemployed mothers and grandmothers, knows the value of carefully prepared meal.

Human health, efficiency, mood and creativity are related with the food we consume every day. Proper and healthy food helps the individual to cope more easily with life’s difficulties, and offers protection of many physical and mental illnesses.
Healthy eating provides more regular physical and spiritual development of children, and more joy and love for each other.

It has always been known that, what we eat is what we are, because everything on our planet has its own vibration and impact on the environment. Hence, what we consume influences the function of our entire system, our thoughts and feelings, behavior, attitude towards the whole life and of course, our health.

Even the famous Greek physician Hippocrates said, “Your food shall be your medicine.” Modern medicine, after decades of research came to the conclusion that the cause of many illnesses is the nutrition.

Healthy food is food that does not contain too much preservatives, fat (especially animal origin fats), and is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals – the plant-based food, fruit, whole grains and seeds. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food”, was written in the First Book of Moses, called Genesis (Genesis 1:29).

Healthy eating means eating simple and organic and healthy diet means moderate eating, not too fast and voraciously, but to be aware of the health benefits of the food we consume every day, and making a balance, so the food is not too cold or too hot, too salty or too spicy…

Eating various foods, but properly combined, is essential for proper nutrition. Normal and healthy body function requires consuming all ingredients necessary for the cell renewal in proper quantities.

If we were able to meet and follow our body’s needs, we could avoid illnesses and fast aging. By consuming unhealthy food we poison and destroy our body unconsciously, we shorten its natural function and health span.
Proper diet means following the appropriate meal time and not to eat uncontrollably, at any time, without any thinking. However, you should not skip the meals and bring the body into a state of malnutrition, because it can lead to destruction of certain brain cells, unstable nervous system and reduction of the body resistance. 

Best benefits of Chocolates

Chocolate may not be an obvious food alternative for dieters, but studies suggest that consuming chocolate in moderation could really keep you slim. The study conducted by the University of California checked the theory that, as chocolate is accepted to boost your metabolism, these benefits may annul out the kilo-joules consumed. The results proposed that chocolate may not only be kilojoule neutral; it can also help you to lose weight. The researchers found out that adults who consumed chocolate often had a smaller BMI than those who didn’t, regardless of them often consuming more kilojoules and not exercising more.

Chocolate stops wrinkles
While skin creams are great for keeping your skin looking more youthful. To really keep the wrinkles at bay you need to look into your diet. Antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables, help to battle the free-radicals that can lead to wrinkles, and luckily there is an even tastier way to get your load up. Studies have proposed that, when it comes to battling free-radicals, chocolate could be even healthier than fruit! When tested and contrasted to juices from ‘superfruits’ such as blueberries and pomegranate, dark chocolate was discovered to be higher in antioxidants.

Chocolate makes you smarter
Got a written test approaching up? Boost your IQ and indulge your flavor buds at the same time by snacking on a few squares of sweets. Dark chocolate is wealthy in brain-boosting chemicals, called flavonoids, which can enhance your cognitive skills by inducing the creation of new neurons in the mind and improving their proficiency to form new recollections, as well as advancing body-fluid flow to the brain. One study on women discovered that when given flavonoid-rich chocolate beverages, the body-fluid flow to participants’ minds increased in two hours and they presented better on a complex mental task.

Chocolate donates you power
Chocolate not only boasts many amazing well-being advantages, it is also a great pick-me-up snack that can help you stay energized for your workouts. Chocolate is high in energy-boosting chemicals encompassing theobromine (a stimulant found in numerous well liked energy drinks) and caffeine. Furthermore, chocolate is a large source of magnesium and chromium, which plays a vital role in power production. Have a couple of bars of chocolate in the afternoon or before a workout to help stay energized for longer.

Chocolate slows down muscle age
This may sound too good to be factual, but shockingly researchers have found out that little allowances of dark chocolate can advance your wellbeing in a similar way to exercise! Investigators from Wayne State University discovered that a plant aggregate (epicatechin) discovered in chocolate stimulated the identical muscle answer as vigorous exercise, which could help to slow down muscle ageing. Now, we’re not proposing you should swap your workouts for sweets, but surely this is a good remedy to heal yourself post-workout with a few bars of your favorite chocolate!

Chocolate assists you live longer
Now researchers have discovered that there may be some truth in the assertions that chocolate can help you to live longer. Cocoa beans are packed with antioxidants which can help battle infection and cut your risk of heart disease. Indeed, US researchers proved that chocolate can reduce your risk of heart infection by over a third.

Chocolate makes you joyous
If you ever find yourself craving for chocolate to alleviate a bad mood, it appears you could be up on something. Chocolate is renowned to be high in mood-boosting chemicals, and an outcome published in the scientific periodical Nutritional Neuroscience have proposed that the nourishment can even help decrease the symptoms of depression. The popular heal is not only high in magnesium, which can help relaxation, but it comprises anandamide, a neurotransmitter which can help to regulate mood, and phenylethylamine, which raises endorphin levels.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Goji Berries – One Of The Healthiest Fruits In The World

Prevention Of Diseases:Important antioxidants found in goji berries are carotenoids – beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, xanthophyll etc - All these carotenoids play an important role in people’s health.

Hazelnuts – Amazing Health Benefits And Nutritional Facts

Hazelnut grows on a bush reaching a height up to 8 meters. It has egg-shaped leaves, and its fruits grow in a cluster of few hazelnuts.
Hazelnut is one of the food products which is practically the protector of Christmas feasts, same as walnut, and many Balkan families still collect large amounts of hazelnuts and store it for further use during the whole winter.
Health Benefits of Hazelnuts
You most probably know that hazelnuts provide a large number of benefits for your health. As we already explained, hazelnuts are rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary for your overall health.
Scientists explain how 30-60 g of hazelnuts is the optimal dose you should consume daily, in order to use the maximum of their healing properties.
Hazelnut has proven effect on slowing the aging process, and reducing the risk of numerous malignant diseases. Regular consumption of hazelnuts helps in reducing blood cholesterol and triglycerides level, regulates blood pressure and heart function, and also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Scientists explain that amino acids found in hazelnuts have powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and also a powerful inhibitory mechanism against malignant cells.

Plum – Powerful Multivitamin For Your Heart

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Plum is considered as a real natural multivitamin. This fruit is rich in vitamins with low energy value, and their ratio is optimal for your overall health.

Plums have four times lower energy value than bread. Their great taste comes from the good ratio of sugar (five types) and fruit acids. The healing properties of plums are beneficial in treating kidney disease, gout, liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis and others.
Plums Nutrition Facts.
It is recommended to consume plums because this fruit contain a combination of vitamins, including: vitamin C, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. None of this vitamins is contained in high amounts, but their combination is beneficial for your organism.
This is the main reason why plum is called real natural multivitamin.
The fresh fruit is the most healing part of the plum. It contains 84% water, 0.6% protein, 10% carbohydrates, 2.1 fiber, and it is especially important to emphasize that plums contain high amount of pectin, which makes it one of the healthiest fruits and a natural remedy beneficial in regulating digestion.
Plums are rich in beta-carotene, folic acid and minerals, including: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and copper. Copper is the most important mineral for the proper function of heart and liver. Plums also contain apple acid.

Today you can find around 2 000 kinds of plum varieties (yellow, green, blue and red). Prunus domestica or European plum and Prunus salicina or Japanese plum have the most healing properties.

Health benefits of peanut:

Heart: Peanuts contain unsaturated fats that keep your heart healthy. Peanuts reduce the risk of heart stroke and coronary heart diseases. Eat raw peanuts twice a week to prevent heart diseases.

Spices Can Lose Weight

Choosing rich cuisine spices can be a way to enjoy the hobby without worrying snack foods increased weight. Some types of spices known to have a thermogenic effect, which can increase your metabolism so that calories are burned faster.
Using cinnamon in cooking is a natural way to get a taste of sweet without using sugar. Several studies have shown cinnamon help weight loss process.

The benefits of preventing obesity cinnamon comes from the ability of these ingredients keep blood sugar levels under control and lower levels of insulin are produced after a meal. As is known, high insulin levels can also lead to excess fat. Cinnamon also will slow in emptying the gut works, so that satiety can be preserved longer.

Cayenne pepper
Content capcaisin in chili is known as a good fat burner. Cayenne pepper has thermogenic effects that increase calorie burning. Moreover, spicy foods can also make you refrain from taking too large portions. In addition, the chili will also increase fat oxidation.

Black pepper
Herbs that are used in a variety of culinary cultures. Not only can flavor dishes, black pepper also contains piperine which can increase your metabolism up to 8 percent. Seasoning is also known to enhance healthy digestion and nutrient absorption.

Mustard seed
Such as cayenne pepper, mustard seeds also have a thermogenic effect. According to the Canadian study, eating spicy foods, including those containing mustard seed, can burn 1000 calories in a day. Adding these ingredients as much as one teaspoon will increase your metabolism up to 25 percent.

Spice this one is not only used as a spice but also classified as efficacious medicinal plants. According to the research of the New York Obesity Research Center, put a teaspoon of dried ginger in cooking or drinking a glass of ginger tea at breakfast can burn more calories after a meal.