Friday, 21 March 2014

Amazing health benefits of vinegar revealed

The Healing Powers of Vinegar’, helps readers discover countless vinegar benefits and natural remedies.

Scalp problems such as dandruff, athlete’s foot, yeast infections can benefit from this natural remedy.
Vinegar can also be used as a cosmetic natural remedy to produce natural cures that help protect and beautify your skin!
Amazingly vinegar is considered a potent weapon against cancer, according to scientists at the A.P. John Institute for Cancer Research.
Apple cider vinegar may be just the remedy to help you stave off type 2 diabetes, which usually develops after age 40.
Apple cider vinegar aids digestion, helps maintain weight.
It also helps keep blood pressure down.
It is also known to relieve congestion and maintain healthy skin.

Reasons wheatgrass should be added to your diet

Hippocrates, the father of modern medical science and the great Greek philosopher, once said – ‘Let thy food be thy medicine.’ The reason being, the body has an inbuilt ability to heal itself given the right nutrition, proper environment and adequate exercise. But the modern day mortals seem to have ignored this dictum entirely. If we look deep most of our lifestyle related disorders and ailments stems from our sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits.

Though it’s not easy to change much of your lifestyle but incorporating small changes can go a long way to help you be in the pink of health. If you are wondering where to start from, try this – Wheatgrass.

What is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is a kind of grass which has therapeutic and healing properties. Like most plants it contains chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Proponents of wheatgrass claim this grass to have unique curative properties and provide supplemental nutrition to the diet. Wheatgrass though belongs to the wheat family has no wheat gluten in it. It is usually found in form of grass, juice or even wheatgrass powder.

How it helps

Wheatgrass contains chemicals that are thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to kill bacterial infections in the body.

Wheatgrass is supposed to have a lot of health benefits, some of it are as follows:

Helps to control blood pressure: Regular intake of wheatgrass increases red blood cell count in the blood. It also cleans the blood, other organs and the gastrointestinal tract of debris. It dilates the blood pathways hence reducing blood pressure.

Helps to combat obesity: It stimulates the thyroid gland and hence helps to deal with obesity, indigestion and a host of other complaints of the endocrine system.

Helps in detoxification: Wheatgrass juice acts as a detoxifier protects the liver and also aids blood purification. It restores the alkalinity of the blood and can effectively be used for treating peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps to relieve symptoms of constipation. Learn about other ways of dealing with constipation.

Helps build immunity: The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens the cells in the body, detoxifies the liver and chemically neutralizes the environmental pollutants found in the blood.

Helps fight various diseases: Though there isn’t much scientific evidence but there are unpublished studies that show wheatgrass juice can fight tumors without the usual toxicity of the drugs. Also aids in the treatment of cancer, arthritis, insomnia, asthma, menstrual problems etc.

Helps in skin rejuvenation: A paste of wheatgrass powder made with milk and a pinch of turmeric when applied on face can act as a powerful face pack to deal with troubles of acne, white and black heads, skin tan, burn etc. Learn more ways to get the glow back in your skin.

Helps in weight management: Surprisingly wheatgrass can help in both weight loss and weight gain when used with a proper diet plan. Know other ways to lose weight naturally.

Can be used as an antiseptic: Wheatgrass has certain healing properties. It works wonders for cuts, burns, scrapes, rashes, poison ivy, athlete’s foot, insect bites, boils, sores, open ulcers, tumors, and so on. Make a paste and apply it. Replace every two to four hours for best results.

Helps improve reproductive health: Continuous use of wheatgrass helps in increasing vigor, vitality and helps conceive.

Is it Bad to Eat the Same Healthy Foods Almost Every Day?

It's great to have go-to healthy foods, but you don't want to stick with the same foods all the time because a well-balanced diet is one that includes adequate amounts of dozens of different nutrients that your body needs—and it's pretty much impossible to consume all of them without eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, says Goldberg.

Limiting yourself to the same fare day in and day out will eventually result some serious mealtime boredom (which is why it's one of the signs that your diet needs a makeover). That in turn can cause you to overeat or start craving other, less healthy foods. So broaden your mealtime horizons and eat more adventurously. Go with something new during at least one meal a day; for example, ditch your usual salad, and try a new healthy soup for lunch. Or pick up an exotic new fruit or veggie from the produce aisle or your local farmers' market. This is one time where it definitely pays to experiment.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

3 Natural Health Options To Keep You From Getting Sick

Maybe you just don’t feel right. Living in denial is certainly an option but it is likely that once you start to notice the symptoms it is probable that you’re already very sick. Before you run to the store for some over the counter quick fix, you might think about the natural remedies for your cold that are already in your home.

Natural health solutions are a more than reasonable alternative to the chemicals you’ll find at your pharmacy. We won’t tell you to ignore your doctor but before you schedule the appointment, why not try a natural remedy for a couple of days and see if it works?
Pure water is the way to go.

Water can do more than simply keep you hydrated and keep your thirst quenched. When you have a headache, try drinking some water instead of heading for the aspirin or Advil bottle. Many headaches start because of dehydration.

Instead of waiting a long time for the drugs to take effect, drinking a glass of water will help you feel better in just a few minutes. While water is great for hydration it is great for other things too.

When you have a fever, for example, take a hot bath – keep a cold compress on your head but let yourself sit in the hot bath for a while. The heat helps you start sweating (to break your fever) and helps your muscles relax. Sweating is good because it is how your body will get rid of the toxins causing the fever and bring your temperature down.
You can get vitamin C from more things than oranges and orange juice!

Those leafy greens you usually pass up are also great sources of Vitamin C! If you feel yourself starting to get sick, aim for the green and leafy as well as the orange and round. Oranges are not the only citrus fruit that contains vitamin C!

Vitamin C is also found in bell peppers so why not add them to your favorite meals? Not only is the addition of vitamin C infused ingredients to your food great for your taste buds, your immune system will enjoy the added boost to its strength as well.
Drink tea!

Teas that contain peppermint, yarrow and elder are fantastic remedies for people who suffer from a cold or from the flu. To make a very strong tea, put all three ingredients into your tea to get a triple punch against your cold or flu. When you drink these teas you usually start to sweat, which is helpful in fighting colds and flus.

3 Ways To Create An Awesome Healthy Lifestyle

Majority of people in the world today are struggling with health issues and as a result of this they’re searching for ways to turn this around. There are various reasons why a lot of people are trying to become healthy. To live a better life free from any medical conditions or maybe because they just want to look better at the beach.

Whatever the primary reason, you will see that living a healthy life is something which can actually end up extending the life you have. In this article we’ll be going over a few things which can help you to achieve your dream of a healthier lifestyle.
Ensure you are getting the nutrition your body needs

Eating a nutritious diet is something that many people claim that they do, but if you actually look at the food you consume you’ll find that this is not necessarily accurate. One of the reasons many people get sick and also have issues with health is mainly because their bodies aren’t obtaining the nutrition required, and this is directly associated with the types of food they eat.

Many different health problems can be directly related to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals throughout the body, which is the reason why eating correctly is so essential. There are 2 ways to ensure you are getting the nutrition you need, you can either get the nutrition from the food you eat or by taking nutritional supplements.

With regards to acquiring the nutrition you require from food you will need to eat a lot of different types of foods. Veggies and fruits may be the most important part of your diet, but only eating one piece of fruit and one serving of vegetables is not enough.
Take advantage of nutritional supplements

On the other hand, a lot of men and women will end up taking supplements. Although this is a lot better than not getting any vitamins and minerals at all, eating fresh vegetables and fruits is always the smartest choice. Proteins and healthy fats are also very essential in your quest to attain a healthy lifestyle, and these can be found in lean meats and in various different types of fish.

For individuals who are not able to get all the nutritional requirements they need from the food they eat, they can choose to use nutritional supplements. If there are particular foods you’re not eating every day you will find different vitamin supplements which will be able to make up the difference for what you are missing in your daily routine. A good idea is to speak to your doctor about what type of supplements you ought to be taking for what ever sorts of foods you’re not eating every single day.
Include light exercise in your daily routine

One activity that a lot of individuals find difficult in relation to living a healthy lifestyle is including exercise inside their daily routine. In reality, you don’t need to go out and join a gym and exercise for hours each day. Your daily exercise routine can be as simple as taking a walk, and you may actually be surprised to find all of the different benefits which are connected with this rather simple exercise.

One of the principal benefits that are related to exercise is the fact that it can have great health advantages for your cardiovascular system. Exercising can also help reduce high blood pressure levels, which is one of the more serious health conditions that many people are suffering from these days.

How to Beat Late Night Snacking

Late night snacking has been described as one of the biggest problems faced by people struggling with their weight. Most of these people take pride in eating healthy and scheduled meals all through the day but then succumb to those unavoidable late night hunger cravings. When hunger strikes, it becomes extremely difficult to go back to sleep; and once you give in to any kind of night time snacking, it soon becomes a pattern that can ultimately ruin all weight control plans. If you’ve faced these uncalled hunger pangs at night, here are some ways to beat it.
Distract yourself
Thinking about food alone can induce hunger pangs. To beat this unhealthy late night snacking habit, you will have to begin by replacing your food thoughts with other thoughts. Distract yourself by reading a book or playing some video games until you fall asleep. You could also try calling a friend or taking a warm bath, which will help you sleep better.

Delay dinner
Late night snacking happens when there is quite a long gap between dinner and sleep. Early dinner often causes you to feel hungry by the time it is bedtime. If you sleep too late you can delay dinner so that the gap between dinner and bed are not too far off. But make sure there is at least a gap of an hour or so or else your digestion will suffer.

Brush your teeth
Brushing your teeth after dinner will not only help protect your teeth but will also ward off any unwanted hunger cravings later in the night. It is the “clean mouth” feeling that will convince you to skip any snacking after brushing.

Low calorie food alternative
If you realise that the hunger pangs are not just a craving and that you are genuinely hungry, opt for some low calorie food alternatives instead of snacking on easily available comfort foods. Raw foods like carrots, pears or apples are a healthy option if you need to eat something. Also, try foods like warm milk, cherries or almonds as these are foods that will help you sleep better.

Add fibre and protein to your dinner
If you often face these late night hunger cravings, make sure you include fibre and protein rich foods in your diet as they will keep you satiated for a longer time. Wholegrains, beans, lean meat etc can help you stay full and prevent late night snacking.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Mind and Body – Intermediate

As you continue to gain strength, flexibility and endurance through daily physical activity, you’ll want to think more about the important role your mind plays in getting and staying fit.

Consider some alternatives to your regular weight and cardio training such as yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi, all of which engage the mind, body and spirit at once. Include these alternative mind and body disciplines on a regular basis.

As your training progresses, “burnout” can occur. These alternatives take the focus away from weights and cardio machines. The focus is now shifted towards peaceful, relaxing thoughts, while also improving your flexibility and balance.

It is important to work your mind as well as your body, as a stronger mind will push you to new and greater heights!

Another challenge you may face at the intermediate fitness level is staying motivated about being active on a daily basis. Incorporating “fit thinking” into your life can help you get and stay excited about your healthy lifestyle.

Some suggestions:
Set Goals

Setting a goal, for example...'to bench press 5 more pounds by the end of next month", takes you from wishing and dreaming to taking real action toward a specific, reasonable target. The deadline will challenge you to get the most out of your physical activity program. When you reach your goal - and you will - set a new, specific goal to take you to the next level.
Record your reasons

Write down a list of all the reasons you are sticking to a “healthy living” plan along with your specific goals and the time-frame you want to achieve them in. Post it in a place you’re likely to see it every day – for example, the refrigerator door - and read it whenever you can. You’ll be reminded of all the reasons why you love being physically active and why you want to continue with your activity plan.
Keep a journal

Track your daily activity including all the exercises, tools (i.e., free weights), sets and repetitions you perform. When you see on one page how much progress you’ve been making – and how fast your body is improving – you’ll be inspired to keep going. You’ll see and feel results in your journal before you see them in the mirror.

Check out health and fitness magazines, books and websites that contain information about your favourite activities. Grab a few fitness magazines from the newsstand, then get a subscription to your favourites. Reading about fitness will keep you up on the latest techniques and remind you of the benefits of daily activity.
Don’t be a loner

Working out alongside a friend - especially another intermediate exerciser - will improve your attitude and help you stick to your program. Having another person to share all the trials and triumphs of exercise can be motivating and fun.

You and your fitness buddy will begin to rely on each other for moral support and accountability. If you do have to work out alone, don’t be afraid to ask someone (trainer, another person working out) to help you out if you need it.
Another great motivator

If you have to work out alone or even with someone else listen to music. Just think of how you feel when a great song comes on the radio. It pumps you up and picks up your energy level. Try picking music that is appropriate for the workout you are doing. For example: play more melodic, slower music for stretching, yoga or any other activity that is of a slower pace.