Sunday, 30 March 2014

Tricks to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

How to get kids to eat vegetables is one question that has been troubling most mommies. Are you one of them? How many times have you noticed that your kids are just playing around with the vegetables kept on their plate, or worst, have thrown them into the bin? Yes, making kids eat vegetables can be a tough task. To tackle this problem, all you require is a few tricks and your kids will start eating vegetables soon. Check out the ones mentioned below.
1. Be creative

Add some alphabet noodle shapes while making a vegetable soup. Kids will be so involved in finding those letters that they will hardly notice what they are eating.
2. Make them drink

Many a times, kids avoid vegetables because they find chewing on those veggies too boring. The best way out of such a situation is to make them have vegetables in a different form. How about a drink? Sounds enticing? Then follow this. Make a soup of the veggies you want your kids to eat. Pour the soup in a fancy glass, add a cocktail umbrella in the glass and see your kids drink it all up. Though they won’t get as much fiber as they need, from drinking vegetables, but something is better than nothing. Isn’t it?
3. Give vegetables as appetizers

Mostly kids are hungry when it’s meal time. At such times, it’s the hunger that overpowers them and they don’t care what they eat. So, strike the iron while it is hot. While you are preparing dinner, put some carrots, cucumber and celery on a plate and offer them as appetizers. Chances are they will eat them quietly as they just require something to munch on.
4. Give them a choice

Put out carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and other vegetables in buffet style and let them choose what they like. Kids like to choose and make decisions like adults. When you allow them to make their choice, they’ll be delighted to eat because it’s their pick!
5. Let them create an artwork

Kids love to play with colors. So offer them vegetables in different shapes, sizes and colors and tell them to make a vegetable collage on their plate. In this way, they will also eat the vegetables kept in front of them.

6. Involve them in cooking

Involve them in the kitchen when you are cooking. Make them wash vegetables, stir or anything else that would be appropriate to their age. They will be eager to try out all that they have helped to cook.
7. Hide vegetables in other foods

If all your ideas fail, mash vegetables and add them to other food and unsuspecting kids will consume them.
8. Do some ranch dressing

If you offer kids cooked vegetables with a ranch dressing or any other dip, they will eat it happily as they like anything provided with a saucy dip.
9. Encourage them to grow their vegetable garden

This will not only teach them gardening and to care for the environment, but they will also want to eat what they have cultivated.
10. Educate them

Tell them what vegetable is good for which body part and to make it more interesting, prepare a body chart and let them put stickers on each body part after they have eaten a serving of vegetables. For instance, after eating carrots, they can put a sticker on the eyes.

Did you enjoy these fun ways of making your kids eat vegetables? Better put them to use as soon as you can and see your kids eat vegetables.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Healthy Foods For Women

1. Yogurt2. Fish3. Walnuts4. Red fruits & veggies5. Berries6. Beans7. Milk8. Flaxseed9. Oats10. Avocado11. Olive oil12. Dark chocolate

Top Ways To Improve Vocabulary

Can you think of any bare essentials except food, water and air that you cannot live without? You may not have thought of this but it’s language. Have you noticed how well spoken the Miss World’s and Miss Universe’s are? That’s because of their amazing command over language. Can you think about people who impress you the most in your daily life? One of the primary reasons for that is that they speak well. Don’t you want to speak like them as well? Get an added feather in your cap by improving your vocabulary and speak great English. These are the top 5 ways to improve your vocabulary.
1. Read, read, read to improve your vocabulary
Did you read a book yesterday and skipped a difficult word you didn’t understand? Well, we all do that out of laziness. But you know what – that’s the best way to improve your vocabulary. Make it a habit and you’ll find yourself doing it again and again. Do you feel distracted looking up a word each time you don’t understand it? Simply underline it and look it up when you feel like! Do you have an Amazon Kindle? An iPad? This is the time to put those babies to good use. Wouldn’t you be impressed with someone who said, “Your music collection is eclectic” instead of someone who said, “Your music collection has a lot of variety”? Think about it.
2. Practice word puzzles
“Ugggh – Why can’t I find the answer to this!” is my dialogue every morning when I’m solving the daily crossword in the newspaper. I cherish this habit of mine. You can get into it too – it’s never too late! I love the challenge of finding the answers. If you like a good challenge, try it! It’s great fun doing word ladders, puzzles and crosswords. Okay, let me warn you – you will get addicted!
3. Add a word per day
You’d be thinking, “Okay, I have begun reading books, magazines, Reader’s Digest, word puzzles, etc. What now? I still can’t seem to remember any words that I learn!” I’ve noticed that the key to improve your vocabulary is to put the newly learnt words into practice. Make it compulsory for yourself to use one new word in a sentence each day with friends or family. This will do the trick. Spare a few minutes, put in the effort – it’ll pay off, trust me.
4. Converse with interesting people to enhance your language
Improving vocabulary isn’t just about adding more and more ‘difficult’ words in your brain. Have you noticed that there are very few people who can take up all types of conversations whether its slang, formal, conversational, field specific or a speech? You must interact with as many different people as possible. Do you have an architect neighbor? Go and have a cup of tea with him/her and you’ll learn 5 new words. Go hang around with the janitor of your school and observe his accent. Ever thought what part of the country he comes from? Variety is the spice of life, and your vocabulary!
5. Make visuals to grasp words quickly
Do you remember when you were little, your teachers taught using large pictures and drawings? And you’re wondering why I’m saying this to you. Experts say that the brain remembers visuals more than it remembers words. Why not follow the same principle to improve vocabulary? On the soft board in your study, paste a large sheet with the words written in big fonts and a related image drawn next to it. You’ll be able to see this every time you pass by and the word will eventually get stuck in your head.
I suggest you keep your eyes and ears open to take in all the new words, meanings and contexts that come in your way. Subscribe to the word lists of Reader’s Digest,, NY times, and so on. Have you seen artists and visualizers carry a small notepad with them everywhere they go? Just like them, keep jotting new thoughts and ideas. It’ll take a few moments of your time right now but the effort will go a long way in helping you in your career and your personal life.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Organic Food

Although most people choose conventionally cultivated food over organic food, there are numerous foodies who prefer the latter to the former. What makes these food lovers favor organic food? Read on to explore.
1. It is healthy and safe

Since organic food cultivation does not include chemical fertilizers and pesticides, organic food does not contain any harmful chemicals. As a result, it is healthier and safer. On the contrary, studies reveal, conventional cultivation methods use herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, which affect our body in many negative ways.
2. It is tastier

Organic food comes straight from farms where organic seeds are cultivated in healthy soil. Since, there is no use of chemicals; the original taste of the produce is retained. To add to this, organic food contains vital minerals and vitamins that enhance its flavor. As a result, organic food is high on taste as compared to conventionally produced food.
3. It contains more nutrients

Studies reveal that as compared to non-organic food, organic produce contains 10-200% more minerals and vitamins! It comprises of almost 60% more antioxidants and fatty acids that are beneficial to the body. Organic food is high on essential minerals like iron and zinc. In short, organic food is full of nutrients that keep you healthy.
4. It promotes weight loss

Conventionally produced food is cultivated with synthetic inputs that increase the chances of chemical residue. Most of the times, chemical residues accumulate in the body fat, causing weight gain. Organic food, on the other hand, makes no use of chemical fertilizers or harmful pesticides. As a result, you have no risk of chemical residue. Plus, the nutrients present in organic food, reduces your chances of gaining weight. In other words, consuming organic food facilitates weight loss
5. It is eco-friendly

Organic farming rejects the use of chemicals which facilitate soil erosion. In other words, organic farming not only reduces soil erosion but also preserves the quality of soil. It does not require as much as energy and water as required by a conventional farm. Thus, it reduces water and soil pollution. Organic farming does not emit harmful chemicals in the air, which means it also decreases air pollution. In other words, when you eat organic food, you are actually extending your
support towards Mother Earth!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Foods that Help You Grow Taller Naturally

Many women might not agree openly, but they do wish to get taller. If you are tall, it has a great effect on your personality. Do you have sufficient height or you want to grow taller? Well, do you know that certain foods can help you to grow taller? Yes, you read it right. Check out a list of foods that help you grow taller naturally.
1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in source of protein. Eggs whites or the albumen portion in eggs is great for overall body development. So, it consequently helps to naturally increase your height. Include eggs in your daily diet plan.
2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one magical food that has many benefits. Oatmeal is also good for your muscle mass. Oatmeal is a source of plant protein that helps to reduce body fat and increase the muscle mass of the body. It helps to increase your height if consumed on a daily basis.
3. Milk

Milk is one of the best sources of calcium. It helps in formation of bones and cells. Milk is good for overall development of the body. It also helps to absorb protein in the body, which is good for your muscle mass. Regular intake of milk can work wonders on your height.
4. Vitamin C and D-rich foods

Vitamin C is also good for your height. Include sources of vitamin C like lemon and oranges in your daily diet. Vitamin D helps to optimize the calcium and protein content in the body. Vitamin D food sources naturally help you to grow tall. Some sources of vitamin D include fish, dairy products and cereals.

5. Pulses and meat

Did you know that carbs are also good for increasing your height? Do include a good portion of pulses in your diet as it helps to increase the muscle mass of the body. Do include meat in any form at least twice a week. Meat is rich in protein and hence is good for increasing your height.
6. Chicken

All foods rich in protein are good for the muscles and bones. Intake of chicken in your daily diet plan can also make a considerable difference in your height. Have at least two portions of chicken in your diet plan.
7. Banana

Banana is super rich in calcium content. It helps to build strong bones. That in turn benefits your body. Banana is also high on mineral content, which helps to build the muscles of the body. Banana shake can benefit your body as it helps to develop muscles mass.

Health Benefits of Chives

If you think chives are only meant as a garnish on foods, then here is a dose of nutrition facts and health benefits of chives that can make you think different. Chives are used as toppings on food. They impart a distinct flavor and render a fresh greenness to the food. But the benefits of chives do not stop there. Listed here are some health benefits of chives that you must learn about.
1. Assist in weight loss
Extremely low in calories, chives make a wonderful diet food. 100g of fresh chives account for 30 calories but are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, calcium and minerals that are each responsible for the upkeep of multiple body parts.
2. Help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol
Just like garlic, chives contain allicin. Allicin is responsible for minimizing blood pressure and bringing down cholesterol production in the body. Further, they also have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in them. Eliminating bacteria and fungi in the intestinal tract ensures that your digestive system functions well.
3. Prevent constipation
Chives are rich in dietary fiber and this means they aid digestion perfectly. Fiber builds roughage in the colon and intestines and therefore eliminates chances of constipation greatly.
4. Helps to prevent cancer
Chives are a natural source of flavonoids and sulfur that prevents certain kinds of cancers effectively. They fight against the free radicals and prevent their development. Therefore, cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, lung and stomach are prevented/treated with the consumption of chives.
5. Fight skin problems
Since chives have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in them, they are exceptionally good for your skin and skin related infections. Use them in the place of lotions to treat scabs and open wounds. It kills the bacteria and fungus that can develop on these open bruises.
6. Promote healthy bones
There is an abundance of Vitamin K in chives. This vitamin is responsible for the health of your bones. Bone demineralization is considerably prevented with regular consumption of chives. Women especially derive a world of benefits since they are more vulnerable to osteoporosis than men. Increasing bone density is what fresh chives do best and periodic consumption is helpful for the same.

7. Prevent problems in pregnancy
Fresh chives are storehouses of folates. Folic acid plays an important role in cell division. This is one of the primary reasons why folic acid is suggested during pregnancy for all women. When adequate level of folic acid is consumed by a pregnant woman; neural tube defects in newborns are substantially prevented.
8. Are rich in nutrients
Chives are also filled with B-complex vitamins and significant minerals like copper, pyridoxine, iron, niacin, manganese, thiamin, calcium and riboflavin besides several others in good proportions. These nutrients support bodily functions.
9. Prevent blood clotting
Flavonoids in chives balance blood pressure and bring down hypertension. Chives are also rich in vitamin C which is responsible for enhancing elasticity of blood capillaries and promoting iron absorption in the body. Clotting of blood is also prevented with regular consumption of chives.
10. Help to prevent acne and breakouts
The presence of Beta-carotene in chives enables to clear up skin making it free of breakouts and acne. Periodic intake of chives promotes radiant skin.
11. Are an excellent home remedy for dry skin
If you have dry skin, fresh chives have an answer for you. Apply chives puree on your face and let it dry for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. When you do this regularly, you will find remarkable difference in the texture of your skin.
12. Promote healthy hair
Dullness of hair is also considerably improved by chives. The leaves help in strengthening hair follicles and increases flow of blood from scalp to roots. Chives are used in several hair treatment products since they are known to stop hair fall and promote new growth.

10 Ways to Prepare for Important Exams and Tests

Freaking out because examinations are fast approaching will now be a thing of the past. Here are the best ways to come out with flying colors, people. Use these simple ways to prepare for important exams and tests.
1. Understand the concepts
Try and understand the concepts of the subject. Mugging up will not do you any good. You forget even a single point, your whole answer comes crashing. Get your teacher, friend, siblings or parents to make you learn the basics. Understand it, retain it and write it in your own words!
2. Solve past papers
This is really effective. You’ll not only get used to the pattern of questions being asked but you’ll also realize how much time you are spending on one particular question. Don’t forget to time these practice versions. That’s how you’ll know whether you will be able to finish up on time or not.
3. Use visual representations
Drawing flow charts, diagrams, outlines of your study material can really help you remember better during exams. While revising, condense your notes into single page diagrams or just a few pointers and see how well you recall them during the actual exam.
4. Avoid junk food
You might feel as though you deserve a treat after having put in so many hours of study and revision. But, make sure you steer clear of those pizzas, burgers, fries and anything junk. They’ll just lower your concentration levels, making you sluggish and sleepy. Eat foods that enhance memory like nuts, fish, yogurt, seeds, fresh apples and blueberries.
5. Study in advance
Don’t start studying today if your exams are scheduled tomorrow. Leaving all for the last minute will only make you more nervous and confused. Instead, start preparing at least three weeks prior to your exams. Give yourself enough time to process what you’ve read. You’ll also know which subjects to give more time to. So, have a schedule and organize your study days.
6. Take breaks regularly
The biggest advantage of setting a schedule as mentioned above is that you get to organize your little breaks too. Oh, these are really beneficial for greater retention! Go out, dance, walk around the house, play with your pet, watch T.V. or just laze about for some time at regular intervals. After all a stressed mind will reflect badly in your exams, right?
7. Try group study
Well it may not work for everyone, but what’s the harm in trying? Get together a few of your pals and study with them. As long as they are equally sincere and focused, these study sessions could be really enlightening. You might get your doubts solved and vice versa. Also, you can judge how much more you need to study still. Start brainstorming today!
8. Read out loud
You can either get your parents or siblings to quiz you about a topic or you can simply read out to them what you’ve studied, without seeing. You can also practice revising by standing in front of the mirror, closing your eyes and reciting aloud everything you’ve read. It works wonders people!
9. Weave a story of your topics
Can’t get it into your head even after 3-4 repetitions? Don’t worry, pal! Just make up some crazy story around your topic and read it like that. You’ll instantly remember what you were unable to for the past half hour. You could also use pneumonics or abbreviations for confusing terms or concepts.
10. Exercise regularly and drink plenty of water
Research has proved that just half an hour of aerobic exercise and meditation can enhance your brain’s processing and retention speed. Before going in, drink plenty of water. Also, keep a bottle with you during exam time. Be well hydrated or your brain won’t work optimally.