Sunday, 20 April 2014

Easy Ways to Incorporate Vegetables into Your Diet

In order to ensure that you diet is nutritious; you have to include a healthy serving of vegetables in it. Vegetables are loaded with a number of nutrients, which can help you watch your weight as well as boost your well being. But if you find it difficult to eat vegetables, try these easy ways to get more vegetables into your diet.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a multi functional plant that has gained favour and acceptance as an excellent home remedy source in India and the world over. Its medicinal healing properties, for external and internal use, have made it a favourite for many organic solutions followers.
Aloe vera has anti- microbial effect against bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast.”

Internally or externally aloe vera can fight several kinds of microbes. This plant should be hailed for its importance and rightfully added as a great new member of your house plants family.

Top Ten Health Benefits Of a Good night's Sleep

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Super Seeds You Should Be Eating

Seeds are the “eggs” that contain the nutrients needed to nourish the growth of a new plant. To expect them to be choc-a-block with nutrients and other essential elements is a no brainer. Most of us either throw them away, or generally relegate these nutritional wonders to the occasional snack rather than making them staples of our diet. Having known the wonders of the self-healing prowess that our bodies possess, and how nourishing this internal system is the answer to healthy living, conferring them the status of super foods should not come as a surprise.

Considering the constant and unending debate over vegetarian diet not being able to bridge the deficiency gap (especially protein), seeds come as a boon to everyone wanting to stick to a non-meat option, without losing out on the nutrients. The amount of minerals and nutrients that come compressed in those small “natural” capsules is astounding. They are among the better plant sources of niacin, folic-acid contents, protein, iron, zinc and provide more fiber per ounce than nuts.
Take the Balanced Route:

You can’t go overboard with seeds because of their high fat content. But, in moderation, seeds can be mixed with cereals or trail mix or eaten by themselves. A sprinkling of seed kernels over fruits, vegetables, pastas, or salads adds a touch of crunchy texture and flavor. Sesame seeds are especially attractive as toppers for breads, rolls, salads, and stir-fries.
See what the Best 13 Wonder Seeds can do to your Health:

Hemp Seeds-
Contents: Protein (globulin edistin, and albumin), essential fatty acids, omega 6 Linoleic Acid and omega 3 Linoleic Acid, soluble and insoluble fibers, vitamins A, B1, B2, D and E, and all the 20 amino acids (including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs).
Hemp seeds help: promote healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver; inhibit the production of DNA in cancerous cells; the body metabolize fats and protein; the nervous system function properly; aid proper brain function; regulate calcium and phosphorus in the body; maintain proper bone structure; maintain gastrointestinal and heart health; reduce inflammation ; lower cholesterol levels.
Sesame Seeds-
Contents: Essential minerals like manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, dietary fiber and calcium and lignan fibers (sesamin and sesamolin).
Sesame seeds help: promote bone health; production of red blood cells; carry oxygen through the bloodstream; promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis; reduce hypertension and eases stress; fight free radicals and strengthening the immune system; prevent high blood pressure; increase vitamin E supplies; protect the liver from oxidative damage; provide relief from PMS.
Chia Seeds-
Contents: calcium, phosphorus, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, folate, antioxidant, iron, calcium, vitamin C, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)(“short-chain” omega-3 fatty acid), fiber, and magnesium. They are also gluten free.
Chia Seeds help: promote bone health; promote healthy digestion; reducing joint pain; achieve weight loss; deliver an energy boost; protect against serious ailments such as diabetes and heart disease; relieve depression and rheumatoid arthritis; protect heart, liver; promote bone and dental health; lower triglycerides ; prevent coronary artery disease; stabilize the blood sugar, promote heart health.
Sunflower Seeds-
Contents: vitamin E, selenium, magnesium, copper, and B vitamins including folate.
Sunflower seeds help: neutralize free radicals; induce DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells; inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, and to induce their apoptosis; strengthen bones; lower blood pressure; decrease muscle tension; relieve migraine headaches, soreness, and fatigue; detox and cleanse the body; reduce cholesterol; reduce the severity of asthma; reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke; support healthy pregnancy ; maintain healthy hair and skin; weight loss through healthy digestion and increase fiber intake.
Pumpkin Seeds-
Contents: protein, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 and folates), vitamin K, vitamin E, antioxidants known as carotenoids, and chemical L-tryptophan.
Pumpkin seeds help: promote healthy sleeping patterns; protect against osteoporosis; prevent calcium oxalate kidney stone formation; significantly reduce inflammation; boost your mood and fight through depression; fight parasites, especially tapeworms; keep our blood vessels healthy and lower bad cholesterol; stop the triggering of cancerous behavior in male prostate cells; enhance immune activity and disease fighting capacities; support skeletal health.
Flax Seeds-
Contents: Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) -a kind of omega-3 fatty acid, fiber, and phytoestrogens –Lignans.
Flax seeds help: reduce inflammation, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, and osteoporosis; lower blood pressure; relief from abdominal pains; promote digestive health; breast cancer prevention; lower triglycerides in the blood; suppress appetite and helps support weight loss; lower inflammation and blood levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP); block tumor growth and cancer risk; stabilize hormonal levels, reducing the symptoms of PMS and menopause; reducing the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer; lower blood cholesterol levels, helping reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke; beneficial to eye and brain health;.
Pomegranate Seeds-
Contents: Antioxidants, polyphenols, health-boosting tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid, vitamin C and potassium, low in calories and a good source of fiber.
Pomegranate seed help: protect cells from free radicals; pumps the level of oxygen in your blood; prevents blood clots; improving the oxygen levels in your blood; reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease; prevent low-density lipoprotein cholesterol from oxidizing, preventing arterial hardening (atherosclerosis); reduce imflammation and cartilage damage and arthritis; lower high blood pressure and increase the speed at which heart blockages melt away; Overeating prevention, weight loss.
Cumin Seeds-
Contents: rich in iron.
Cumin seeds help: relieve digestive disorders; as an antiseptic; boost the power of the liver and protect the livers from ethanol and rancid sunflower oil-induced toxicity; relieve symptoms of common cold; soothes sore throat; increase the heat in the body and elevate metabolism levels; kidney functions; boost the immune system; treat asthma and arthritis; reduce blood glucose; stave off cataracts through anti-glycation properties; reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides, and pancreatic inflammatory markers; reduce elevated cortisol and replenishment of depleted T cells; increase bone density; wean addicts off of opiates by reducing tolerance and dependence.
Grape Seeds-
Contents: vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid and polyphenols.
Grape seeds help: prevent heart diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol; reduce risk of heart disease, limiting lipid oxidation, inhibiting platelet aggregation, and reducing inflammation; kill squamous cell carcinoma cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed; reduce the infectivity of Norovirus (leading to nausea, forceful vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal pain and low grade fever) surrogates .
Wheat Germ-
Contents: protein, iron and B vitamins such as folate, high fibre, low glycemic index, phytonutrient L-ergothioneine.
Wheat germ help: prevent constipation and keeps your appetite in check; prevent blood-sugar spike and diabetes; reduce a compound homocysteine reducing the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, bone fractures, and dementia.
Dill Seeds-
Contents: vitamin A (in the form of pro-vitamin A carotenoid phytonutrients), monoterpenes- carvone, limonene and anethofuran, and flavonoids-kaempferol and vicenin.
Dill seeds help: with anti-microbial effects on bacteria and fungi; keep your digestive system healthy; reducing hyperacidity, flatulence and indigestion; reduce acute bacillary dysentery and diarrhea; control respiratory disorders such as cold, influenza, bronchitis and asthma; increase breast milk quantity; prevent early ovulation (contraceptive); treat menstrual problems- oligomenorrhoea, by increasing haemoglobin.
Watermelon Seeds-
Contents: essential Amino Acids(arginine, lysine, tryptophan, glutamic acids), magnesium, vitamin B (niacin, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, panthothenic acid), zinc.
Watermelon seeds help: calcium absorption, formation of collagen, connective tissues; improve body metabolism, cardio vascular system; normalize heart functioning, promoting normal blood pressure, supporting energy metabolism and protein synthesis; treat cardiovascular diseases, hypertension; regulate carbohydrate metabolism and thereby checks blood sugar and controls diabetes; as a demulcent-forms protective layer mucus membrane and reduces inflammation; as a diuretic-excretion of water from body and aids detoxification; treat catarrhal infections; as a vermifuge-to paralyze tapeworms and round warms; increase sperm production and treat acute arteriogenic Erectile dysfunction; treatment of scabies and skin tanning; increase production of ceramides and fatty acids for skin protection; reduce fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, red blotchiness and skin sallowness; prevent skin infections like acne, cold sores and rashes.
Apricot Seeds-
Contents: Nutrient Amygdalin(vitamin B17), gamma linoleic acid.
Apricot seeds help: attack cancer cells preventing bone cancer, skin cancer and cervical cancer; reduce arthritis symptoms; maintain blood pressure and also lowers high blood pressure; strengthen the immune system to fight infections such as colds and flu.

Monday, 14 April 2014


May You Be Bessed With Peace , Prosperity and Good Fortune.......


HAPPY VISHU...............

Best Home Remedies for Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition, mostly visible on the face and is characterized by redness of the face and pimples all over. It is commonly confused with acne but is very different and can be dangerous than acne. Although it is not completely curable, the pimples and other symptoms can be dealt with and will go with proper treatment. Although consulting a dermatologist to treat rosacea is good, there are also some home remedies that are easy to do and work better than other medications. Here are some of the best home remedies for rosacea.
1. Epsom salts
A little bit of Epsom salt in warm water applies regularly and then sponged off is a good home remedy to treat rosacea. It stings a little and does not smell all that great, but it does work effectively to treat the redness and the pimples on your face. Sponge it off well and do not use soap to wash your face after using this.
2. Magnesium supplements
Magnesium supplements that are usually taken to treat high blood pressure have a surprising side effect; it actually deals with the rosacea problem. Always consult a doctor before you self-medicate.
3. Milk of magnesia
Milk of magnesia is also a home remedy for treating rosacea. It also does not cure rosacea, but keeps it under control. Wash it with anti-bacterial soap after applying it and keeping it on for a while to see better results.
4. Changing your diet
The food that you eat also reflects on your skin. Over a period of time, check what foods make your skin flare up. For some it is eggs and for some it can be oily food. Once you find out what foods make the problem worse, try and limit them or take them off your menu.
5. Tea tree oil and a serum
Applying tea tree oil with serum on the problem areas also works for rosacea. Apply it during the night and wash it off before you sleep. Following this regularly will help keep rosacea under control.
Drinking lots of water also keeps rosacea under control. Never try washing with hard soaps or pinching off the pimples. This will only make matters worse. There is no cure for rosacea, but you can have a clear skin and less recurrence of outbreaks on your skin if you treat your skin well and follow these home remedies. Never let it go on for long without treatment or consulting a dermatologist as untreated rosacea can easily damage your eyes.

Rosacea is a skin condition, mostly visible on the face and is characterized by redness of the face and pimples all over. It is commonly confused with acne but is very different and can be dangerous than acne. Although it is not completely curable, the pimples and other symptoms can be dealt with and will go with proper treatment. Although consulting a dermatologist to treat rosacea is good, there are also some home remedies that are easy to do and work better than other medications. Here are some of the best home remedies for rosacea.

1. Epsom salts


Sunday, 13 April 2014

Top 6 Foods for Beating Diabetes

Diabetes is fast becoming the silent killer disease. A combination of food, sedentary life and environmental factors make sure that the people suffering from diabetes are only increasing. There is also the alarming rise in juvenile diabetes as kids spend less time outdoors running around and remain cooped up inside playing video games or watching TV. Instead of reaching a point where you will have to be dependent on medication or insulin to beat diabetes or the high glucose levels in your body, you can start living healthy by incorporating these diabetes fighting foods in your diet. Research into foods has proved that making a few key changes in your diet such as eating more produce, fewer refined carbohydrates, plenty of lean protein, and more “good” fat—helps improve blood-sugar control and cuts the risk of diabetes-related complications. Here are some foods that help you beat diabetes.
1. Apples

There is reason in the saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Delicious red apples grown organically and locally are low in calories but rich in fiber that keeps you full and also helps you with your heart and diabetes. The good thing about apples is that you can eat it on the go, or even make a meal out of it and incorporate it into most of your meals.

2. Avocados

This creamy vegetable is so rich in mono saturated fats that it helps slow your digestion after eating and thereby reduces the spike in your blood sugar levels after a meal. Foods rich in good fats also help reverse insulin resistance which is great news for diabetics everywhere.

3. Beans

Any kind of beans is good for your diabetes and you should add this in your diet at least twice in a week. The soluble fiber in the beans is great in reducing your blood sugar levels and its richness in protein can be a stand in for meat. Just make sure you wash the beans thoroughly if you are buying it canned as too much sodium is not good for your health.

4. Beef

As surprising as it sounds beef is definitely a diabetes friendly food. Only you have to keep the portions small and make sure it’s lean meat and not a huge steak sitting on your plate. The high protein content and fiber make you full and also increase your metabolic rate reducing your chances of increased blood sugar levels.

5. Berries

They are delicious, crunchy, and colorful and make you want to pop them in your mouth. What more, berries are rich in antioxidants and fiber. They also contain anthocyanin which lowers your blood sugar and also increases insulin production. A tasty and a terribly healthy meal at one go.

6. Broccoli

Not many like broccoli, but it happens to be one of the healthiest foods around. It is rich in fiber, antioxidants and also chromium which help in keeping your blood sugar levels under control on the long run.