Monday, 28 April 2014

Foods for Healthy Teeth

For a beautiful smile, you ought to have healthy white teeth. We keep our teeth “on duty”, from morning to evening, munching various healthy and unhealthy eatables. However, we cannot limit our meals, and hence, it becomes really important for us to take proper dental care. Here are some super foods that will render you sparkling white and strong teeth.

1. Water

Water is the best possible thing on the whole planet that you can consume in abundance to maintain your overall fitness. It is also good for teeth because it deposits certain minerals in teeth. Water is an important element of saliva and also keeps the gums hydrated. Water gives strength to the teeth and also prevents the tooth from decomposing.

2. Milk

Teeth need calcium to be strong and sturdy, and it is a universal truth that dairy products are the affluent source of calcium. Besides calcium, milk is also abundant in vitamin D and phosphate, which helps in repairing the tooth enamel. Soy milk is a great option for those, who cannot tolerate lactose, as it is equally nutritious.

3. Cheese

A small piece of cheese after every meal is great for oral health. It generates saliva in the mouth, which neutralizes the effect of acid. Cheese is also rich in phosphate and calcium.

4. Tea

Whether green or black, both forms of tea are excellent for oral health. Tea contains polyphenols and catechins that not only fights with cavity, but also erodes bacteria that cause plaque. However, it is beneficial to avoid sugar in tea.

5. Nuts

Munching different types of nuts can give you an assortment of nutrients as nuts, like cashews, almonds, raisins, peanuts, etc. are all abundant in diverse kinds of minerals and vitamins. They all are effective in maintaining the oral health.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is indeed a great food stuff that is rich in healthy bacteria, called lactobacillus. Yogurt must be incorporated in at least one of the meals every day. Yogurt supports dental health to a great extent by enriching the teeth with protein and calcium.

7. Dark Chocolate

You might have been admonished by your mother for your crave for dark chocolates in your childhood!! But, it has been revealed by a number of researches that dark chocolate is amazing for dental health. It is copiously loaded with cocoa, which contain tannins. Tannins are excellent in reducing plaque formation, preventing tooth erosion, promoting blood circulation, and combating gum soreness. Consequently, you can have a piece of dark chocolate after your meal.

8. Sugarless Gums

Chewing sugarless gums are useful in producing saliva in the mouth. Saliva is necessary to fend off the acid produced by the unhealthy bacteria in the mouth.

9. Apple

Apple is also an effective saliva-generator, which helps in preventing cavity build-up. An apple after having dinner is excellent as it cleans and erodes the food particles that amass in between the teeth.

10. Bone Broth

Bone broth is made up of leftover meat and bones of animals, which is extremely wealthy in calcium contents. It not only reinforces teeth, but is uniformly great for bones, hair, and nails.

11. Mushroom

We all know that calcium is great for teeth, but it also needs some carrier to get absorbed in the body, properly. The vitamin D in mushroom helps in appropriate calcium absorption for strong and plaque-free teeth.

12. Licorice

The aromatic licorice is anti-bacterial in nature. Its consumption can make your mouth fresh and do away with cavity and plaque accumulation, as well.

13. Orange

Oranges are, to some extent, acidic in nature, and they are believed to work as a floss and brush for your mouth. The vitamin and calcium compounds of orange make it a healthful fruit that can wear away microbes and forestall tooth decay.

14. Cod Liver Oil

The vitamin A and D contents of cod liver oil have also proved to be superb for healthy teeth and gums.

15. 5 C’s

The 5 C’s include cinnamon, cardamom, clove, cumin and coriander. All these spices are prosperous in a number of nutrients, which are helpful in the prevention of any sort of damage to teeth and evading unhealthy bacteria.

Super Foods for Sharpening Memory

Is it a regular habit of yours to forget something that you have kept yourself? Are you the one who is toiling hard on your child, and still, he didn’t answer anything in the class because he forgot? Or, are you among those who forget to wish your near and dear ones because you fail to remember their birthdays, anniversaries, etc? Well, these are some common troubles that we come across every day. It is a fact that memory power diminishes with age, but when it incarcerates children and youngsters, it becomes something to seriously watch over. Mother Nature has provided us with a number of power-packed natural foods. Let’s dig into it and find a few super foods for sharpening your memory.

1. Fish

Oily fish, like salmon, mackerel and trout, are believed to be effective in improving the brain health. These fish are well-off in high levels of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), which is a type of an omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are superior for the brain, as well as heart.

2. Flax Seed and Pumpkin Seed

For those who are vegetarians, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are a great source of omega fatty acids, called ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Pumpkin seeds also contain zinc, which is likewise effective in sharpening memory and strengthening the brain.

3. Rosemary

Some people even believe that even a mere aroma of rosemary can perk up our memory. Rosemary has carnosic acid, which is loaded with brain shielding properties. It wards off brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, and increases our memory power.

4. Walnut

Walnuts are a powerful source of polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, predominantly ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Manifold researches have revealed that consumption of a handful of walnuts every day can perk up memory function, concentration and cognitive abilities. Walnut is also rich in vitamin E that serves in maintaining age-related mental ailments.

5. Avocado

Avocado is a super fruit that heals a number of diseases. It helps the blood to flow smoothly up to the brain, thereby, ensuring brain health and sharpening memory.

6. Almonds

Almonds are prosperously loaded with vitamin B6, vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are as good as walnuts in increasing the memory power. Soak almonds at night and have them early in the morning every day for best results.

7. Blueberries

Studies have found that blueberry benefits our brain and memory as a whole. These berries are full of antioxidants that protect the brain from oxidative stress and damage. Blueberries enhance the communication between neurons, improve learning, memory and all cognitive functions, including decision making, reasoning, verbal understanding and arithmetical ability.

8. Chocolate

Well yes, this yummy treat is also good for the brain! Dark chocolate is stuffed with antioxidants, which is great for the heart, as well as the brain. Milk chocolates also help in increasing and sharpening the memory and concentration level.

9. Onion

Another super food to increase memory is onion, which contains two effective antioxidants- anthocyanin and quercetin.

10. Apple

Apple should always be consumed with its skin, as the skin encloses high amount of antioxidant, called quercetin, which is useful in treating the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. However, amongst red and green apples, red apples are more effective in rendering the brain power. Red apples have anthocyanin, which helps the brain to stay healthy and the memory to remain sharp.

11. Honey

Honey contains an equivalent part of glucose and fructose, and is also rich in potassium, B-vitamins, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and anti-oxidants. The fructose in honey acts as a fuel for brain, and safeguards the brain from mental fatigue and keeps it perked up.

12. Beetroot

Not only for augmenting the haemoglobin level, beetroots are uniformly great in increasing the blood flow to the brain also. It sharpens memory, improves concentration and hones reasoning dexterity.

13. Water

Water also falls under the category of super foods, as besides providing manifold benefits to the body, it also helps in augmenting the memory power. It significantly impacts on the functioning of the brain, decision making abilities and concentration power. It flushes out toxins from the body; which otherwise, inhibits the ability to concentrate and to think on a large extent.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Super Foods to Combat Anaemia

One of the common disorders, anaemia, is caused when the red blood cell count or absorption of haemoglobin in the blood is at a shortfall. Haemoglobin supply oxygen to all parts of the body, and there are a number of reasons that cause anaemia. Deficiency of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are some of the main reasons of inception of anaemia. Females are more prone to this disorder. Here are some super foods that can cure the problem of anaemia, moderately.

1. Spinach

This popular leafy vegetable is superb in iron, fibre, vitamin A, B9, C and E, beta-carotene, and calcium contents. It is necessary to nourish your body with half cup of spinach every day to get approximately 20% of iron nutrients. It is an essential diet, especially for women as they are more prone to anaemia. Other green legumes that can render the same benefits are broccoli, kale, lettuce, and watercress.

2. Red Meat

If you are a non-vegetarian, red meat, such as beef, chicken and ham, can prove to be a great source that can provide you high amount of heme iron, which is much easier to be absorbed by the body. According to some researches, beef fulfils more than 600% of the daily iron needs of the body.

Seafood is equally excellent to combat anaemia. Salmon, tuna, oyster, and mussels are all loaded with iron.

3. Oatmeal

Just two tablespoons of oatmeal can give 4.5 mg of iron contents to the body. They too contain phytic acid, and hence; it is prudent to buy ‘iron fortified’ oatmeal. Fortified oatmeal also includes B-12 and a great quantity of other B-vitamins.

4. Peanut

Simply consume a handful of peanuts every day to fulfil the daily requirements of iron. Else, peanut butter will also perform the same. Eat a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of juice (especially orange juice) every day in breakfast to enrich yourself with 0.6 mg of iron.

There are various other nuts as well that can provide iron, like prunes, raisins, dried apricot, dried peaches, almonds, figs and dates.

5. Eggs

To stock up high amount of antioxidants, proteins, and vitamins in the body, when you are anaemic, make sure that you have not overlooked to incorporate egg in your daily diet. An egg can render 1 mg of iron, and hence; having it every day will give you a munificent supply of dietary nutrients with a small amount of calories. To increase the assimilation of iron in the body at a rapid speed, have a glass of orange juice with an egg as vitamin C in orange acts as an ascorbic acid. Egg will not only cure anaemia, but will also make your bones and muscles sturdy.

6. Whole Grain Bread

A slice of whole grain bread is said to provide 6% of the daily iron needs of the body. It also contains phytic acid (iron inhibitor), but breads are made after fermenting the wheat flour, which reduces the phytic acid, automatically. Whole grain breads are a very good source of non-heme iron, which is needed to curb anaemia. Other whole grain products, like pastas, cereals, and rice are also effective for this purpose.

7. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are believed to supply iron to the blood, and in that way, it can treat anaemia. Pomegranate has vitamins, iron, fibre and potassium with which, you can keep up the healthy blood flow.

8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C that is effective in treating anaemia. Drink a glass of raw tomato juice every day to get nutrients, like beta-carotene and vitamin E. Remember not to take any aerated or caffeinated drink with this as it can obstruct the process of iron assimilation in the body.

9. Beans

When it comes to iron rich foods, beans of any variety, like soy, kidney, navy, lima, lentil, and pinto tops the list. One cup of any of these beans can give 5 mg of iron. However, it is necessary to cook them properly to enjoy their benefits. Beans contain phytic acids that are responsible in curtailing the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, it is requisite to soak beans overnight, before cooking them. Additionally, beans are also enriched with high protein and low fat, which also proves to be effective in waning anaemia.

10. Apple and Dates

These fruits are also useful in boosting the level of iron in the body. The vitamin C in apples can help in the absorption of iron. Dates are themselves rich in iron, and thus; helpful in treating anaemia.

11. Honey

Honey is extremely effectual and vital for the entire body. If you intake 100gms of honey, you will be enriched with 0.42 mg of iron. Besides, the magnesium and copper in honey can increase the level of haemoglobin in the body. A glass of fresh lemon juice mixed with honey in the morning can efficiently fight anaemia.

12. Beetroot

Beetroot is an effective blood purifier and is considered among the best ways to avert anaemia. Fresh juice, cooked vegetable, or as salad, beetroot is great in any of the forms. It contains a good amount of iron content. The nutrients in anaemia re-activate and re-establish the blood cells. Red beetroot is the best to treat anaemia.


Oregano health and beauty benefits

Oregano which is also known as wild Marjoram is world’s one of the favorite herb. It have strong aroma and bitter taste. It is used to numb the tongue apart from the common use of seasoning pizzas. It is mostly used in the dried form, the well dried it is the more it enhances the flavor. Dried oregano offers many health and skin benefits as follows.
Health and skin benefits of using oregano

Vitamin K

One of the very important but ignored vitamin is vitamin K. It is a key vitamin in the development of the bones and to improve cardiovascular health. Also vitamin K is essential to retain calcium out of the arteries and for the proper clotting of the blood.

Anti-bacterial properties

Oregano consists of two oils namely Thymol and Carvacrol which helps to work against bacterial agents. Some recent studies also noticed the great working action of oregano in curing Giadia compared to the over the counter drugs that are prescribed normally.


Thymol and Rosemarinic acid exist in the oregano acts like antioxidants and are very beneficial. According to researches oregano offers antioxidants nearly by 42 times than apples, 12 times greater than oranges, 30 times higher than potatoes and 4 times more than the blueberries. Oregano is also a perfect source of vitamin C that helps to maintain the healthy immune system and helps to fight against the general infectious diseases. The vitamin C is also recommended to flush out the harmful and pro-inflammatory free radicals.

Aids for proper digestion

Among the many benefits of oregano, fostering for the proper digestion is one top benefit. Oregano boosts the gut motility and aids for the secretion of gastro-intestinal enzymes.

Add dry oregano in your diet to get the benefits of a healthy tonic. It is having good amounts of essential oils like carvacrol, limonene, thymol, ocimene, pinene, and caryophyllene. The oregano leaves and flowering stems have rich properties including antiseptic, carminative, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, stimulant, expectorant and cholagogue properties. It cures the general problems like colds, influenza, mild fevers, stomach upsets indigestion and pain during menstruation.


Oregano, one of the wonderful herb consists of many minerals including calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium and iron. The presence of good iron amount inhibits anemia. Rich potassium amount controls the high sodium levels which are known as big contributors of heart diseases. For the antioxidant-enzyme super oxide dismutase our body uses copper and manganese. Calcium is renowned for the growth of bones and build up of the mass.ry oregano

Healthy skin

The rich amount of beta-carotene present in the dry oregano helps to combat with the acne and other skin problems. So add your diet to get healthy and smooth skin.

Prevents the signs of aging

Along with the beta-carotene dry oregano consists of vitamins C and E that are key in maintaining the skin youthful. The antioxidant properties of oregano controls and kills the build up of free radicals which damage the skin cells and thus inhibit the early aging signs.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Health Benefits Of Walking

Moderate physical activity is a must for those trying to lose weight. Walking is one of the easiest and most economical ways to do so. It is no wonder then, that it is one of the most preferred forms of exercises among people of all age groups. It is imperative for any form of exercise that is chosen in order to lose weight to be performed on a regular basis. It is for this reason that doctors and nutritionists highly recommend walking as a form of exercise as it can not only be a year round activity, but can also fit effortlessly into everyday life.

Home Remedies for Root Canal Pain

Root canal is a kind of canal in the root of the tooth. Root canal treatment is done by the dentist in order to save the tooth of the patient so that there is no need for tooth extraction. Each tooth has a hollow structure in its centre that is house to nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. There is a canal that runs through the centre of this area in the same way the refill of a pen passes through its body.
Causes of Root Canal
• When your old metal filling starts shrinking, it causes decay of the tooth and urges the need for a root canal treatment.
• Decay of the pulp chamber causes your tooth to damage and you start feeling sensitivity in that particular tooth. When you eat something cold or very hot, it pains.
• Eating or chewing hardened food or grinding something very hard in your mouth may lead to tooth fracture and becomes a cause of root canal. Post fracture, you will not be able to eat anything cold or hot from that area as it will be painful.
• Trauma of childhood can also become a cause of root canal in adolescent. Sometimes, you get hit by someone in your mouth, and you overlook the problem. But, that problem grows internally with time, decaying your tooth and leading to a problem of root canal.
• Localized pain, i.e., pain at a particular site or tooth
• Swelling of tooth
• Reddish appearance of jaw (specifically the infected one)
• Sensitivity while chewing or eating or even drinking something cold or very hot
Home Remedies for Root Canal Pain
1. Ice Pack
It is the age old method and is still making wonders today. If you are experiencing pain in a particular site or area, apply an ice pack topically in that area to soothe and calm down the pain.
2. Over-the-Counter Medications
You can try a few over-the-counter gels from the market, such as Oragel. It will effectively numb your tooth area and will relieve pain. Do not apply too much as it can choke breathing by relaxing the throat muscles to a great extent.
You can also take some over-the-counter medications, like Ibuprofen, which will bring down the swelling and pain from the tooth. You can also have pain killers, like Combiflam, etc.
3. Liquid Diet
Whenever you feel pain in tooth, restrict your meals to liquid ones as solid stuff will further deteriorate the condition of your tooth. So, it is better to stay on a liquid diet for a few days, till you get a relief from the toothache. You can drink juices, such as orange juice, carrot juice, but make sure that they are not too cold, otherwise; it will cause more decay to your tooth by making it more sensitive.
4. Salt Water
Take a tablespoon full of common salt and put it in a glass of warm water. Gargle thrice a day to get relief from the pain. You can also hold the water in your mouth around the affected area for as long as possible for added benefit and spit it out later.
5. Alcohol
You can use alcoholic beverages, like whisky, scotch or beer as a mouth gargle for effective cure against root canal pain. You can also consume it, but in a little quantity. You can also use mouthwash available in the market, but make sure that they contain alcohol in their composition.
6. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has been known to get rid of acne and blemishes, effectively. But, it is also equally effective to cure the pain of root canal. Put a few drops of tea tree oil in a glass of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with that solution for an effective pain relief.
7. Cucumber
Place a piece of freshly cut cucumber inside your mouth over the affected tooth as it will soothe the area, thus relieving you from the pain.
8. Olive Oil
Take a cotton ball. Saturate it in the olive oil and apply it gently over the aching tooth. It will relieve pain, soothing the affected area with its gentle effect. You can also try clove oil for effective results.
9. Onion or Garlic Juice
It may sound terrible to try, but it is an effective method that works in relieving root canal pain. Although, it is suggested to chew onions and garlic so that juice will release and cure the problem. But, if you cannot chew it, simple squeeze out juice in a bowl or glass and drink it like medicine for effective results. You can eat a bit of sugar over it to overcome the vomiting sensation.
Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Root Canal
1. Hekla lava : It is effective against all sorts of tooth swelling, gingivitis, pressure on the jaw line due to swelling, etc.
2. Baryta carbonica : Useful for gums that become sensitive, tooth that starts getting decayed at a faster pace and also for sensitive tooth.
3. Hepar sulph : It is meant for people having sensitive gums and mouth.
4. Hydrofluoricum acid : It is highly useful for decaying and sensitive tooth. It is meant for you if your teeth have become jagged due to excessive consumptions of cold drinks.
5. Lycopodium : It corrects yellow and sensitive teeth. It is also helpful when you feel pain while chewing. It is also effective if you have liver weakness and gastric problems.
6. Silicea : Effective against root infections of tooth or even if, gum boils.

Home Remedies for Getting Shiny Nails

No matter how wonderful dress you are wearing, if your nails are not done, then your whole appearance looks incomplete. Applying a coat of nail paint, every time you go out, of course makes your nails shiny, but in the long term, damages them. Getting shiny nails is not a tough row to hoe. The ingredients from your kitchen cabinet can work wonders for you. Let’s check some of the home remedies for clean, shiny and healthy nails.
1. Olive Oil
Olive oil is a natural and proven home remedy for providing shine to your nails. Massaging with warm olive oil on nails would do all the work.
2. Lemon
For whiter and clearer nails, lemon juice or already squeezed lemon is perfect.
3. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly also helps in gaining shiny nails. Just rub Vaseline or any other petroleum jelly on your nails after taking a bath or before going to bath, for nourishing them.
4. Butter
Butter sounds odd, but it is the best remedy. Use melted butter for getting natural shiny nails.
5. Baby Oil
Lukewarm baby oil will also work great for your nails.
6. Vitamin E
Vitamin E capsule is the only thing, which can make alive dull face, lifeless hair and brittle nails.
7. Fish Oil
Though, fish oil is good for health, but it also happens to be good for your nails. It is a wonderful way to treat nails at home, especially in winters.
8. Avocado & Rosewater
Avocado & rosewater are two great things that can be applied to get pink nails at home.
9. Warm Water
Who would have given a thought that warm water can actually work for your nails? Dab your nails in warm water, and see the wonder.
10. Cucumber
Either a thin slice of cucumber or juice of cucumber both works wonderfully for your nails.
11. Cuticle Oil
Applying cuticle oil can also help in getting shiny nails.
12. Scrub
Use scrubber on your nails, once a week, to remove dead cells.
13. Water
Drink water to get a shiny glossy look on your nails.