Monday, 16 June 2014

Liven Up Your Fruit Bowl With These Exotic Delicacies

Exotic fruits are becoming more popular because of their intense flavours, health benefits and beautiful appearance. While everyone has tried pineapple and pomegranate, new and delicious fruits appear all the time. Liven up your fruit bowl with these exotic delicacies, and treat yourself to a tropical feast.

Persimmons, also known as kakis or sharon fruit, are originally from China and Japan. The fruit look like orange tomatoes, but are incredibly sweet when ripe. Persimmons come into season during November, and last for two or three months. Consume your fruit once they soften, and the skin turn translucent. Take care eating persimmons and kakis, as they can be very bitter unless completely ripe. Eat your persimmons fresh, or use them to make pies and jellies. The Chinese dry persimmons to guarantee a supply throughout the year.
Persimmons are rich in the vitamin A precursor betacarotene, as well as magnesium, potassium and fibre. They also contain natural polyphenol antioxidants, which may protect your body from free radicals.
In Japan, the persimmon tree is a symbol of winter. Its leaves drop during the fall, leaving the beautiful fruit to ripen on bare branches.


Known as the queen of fruits, the mangosteen is a delicious tropical treat from Indonesia. It looks like a small purple apple with a crown of green leaves. Break open your fruit when its inedible rind goes slightly soft. Inside is a ring of white fruit segments that looks like a tangerine. Mangosteen is both sweet and tart, and tastes somewhere between a peach and a pineapple.

Mangosteens have gained something of a reputation as a superfruit. This is because their rind contains antioxidant chemicals called xanthones. These are effective antioxidants in the laboratory, but as yet nobody has proved that they have any effect on us when eaten. When you eat fresh mangosteens you can’t eat the rind anyway. Mangosteens are worth buying for their intense flavour, rather than for any possible health benefits.

Mangosteens are known as the queen of fruits because Queen Victoria once offered a huge reward to anyone who could bring her one.


The guava is a small tree or shrub from the tropical Americas. It produces oval fruit up to four inches long that are green, yellow or red when ripe. Some people find the rich scent of ripe guava fruit overpowering. It can fill a room and hang around for days! Wait until your guavas are soft to the touch before eating them. Remove the ends and the thin skin with a potato peeler. Eat the remaining white or pink rind and the seeds in the centre. Consume guavas fresh, or use them to make fruit salads, smoothies and jellies. In Asia, people dip them in chilli powder and salt.

Guavas are high in fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid. One guava contains four times as much vitamin C as an orange. They are also excellent sources of mineral such as potassium and copper. Guavas with pink flesh also contain polyphenols and carotenoids, which may have healthy, antioxidant properties.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Healthy Snacks to Trick Your Sweet Tooth

We all deserve a sweet treat every now and then, but if you are on a diet it’s important to learn how to trick your sweet tooth! In fact, there are many tasty foods out there that can help satiate your desire for sweets, you just need to get creative! So, ladies, if you have a bunch of sweet teeth like me, here are a few tasty and healthy snacks to trick your sweet tooth!

Cocoa dusted almonds
If you like chocolate, this healthy snack is a must try! Take 2 tablespoons agave syrup, 2 cups whole raw almonds, 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder and 2 teaspoons sea salt. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Combine agave syrup, sea salt and almonds in a large bowl. Mix together with a rubber spatula, fully coating the almonds. Spread the almonds on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes. Take the almonds out of the oven and place them back in the bowl, add cocoa powder and toss to coat. Let them cool and store them in an airtight container!
Perhaps you think that I’m crazy for suggesting tea as a sweet treat, right? But if you make it right, it will be a sweet treat that can fully satisfy your cravings! There are many different types of teas, but make sure you choose only naturally sweet tea or you can sweeten your tea with stevia or honey. I also like to add almond milk. Adding sweetener or milk to your tea makes a big difference! Slowing sipping tea is nutritious, calming and it tastes great!
Dark chocolate coconut water
Coconut water is a very nutritious drink that contains high amounts of potassium, which is needed to aid in proper hydration. There are people who like the flavor of it, but I don’t. However, recently I tried dark chocolate flavored coconut water, and I really like it! It’s chocolaty without being overly heavy or thick and it can help to trick your sweet tooth.

Friday, 6 June 2014


Many people think dandelion is only a humble garden weed, because they don’t know these important health benefits of dandelion. Its leaves and flowers have healing and nutritional properties, and it’s useful to know that dandelion is found all over the world, so everybody can enjoy the beauty and health benefits of dandelion. It’s also good to know that dandelion has more protein per serving than spinach. Its leaves are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and manganese and the vitamins A, C, E, K, and B1, 2, and 6. Its root contains calcium, iron, potassium, sulphur, silicon, magnesium, chlorophyll and phosphorus. Read on to learn some of the most wonderful health benefits of dandelion.
1. A good treat for skin diseases

Skin diseases caused by fungal or microbial infections can be treated with dandelion sap (dandelion milk). The sap has germicidal, insecticidal, and fungicidal properties and it’s also highly alkaline. All these make dandelion a good treat for ringworm, eczema and other itchy complaints.

2. Good for diabetes

Another great health benefit of dandelion is that it stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin. Since dandelion is a natural diuretic it causes more frequent urination, which helps remove excess sugar from the body and lower sugar build up in the kidneys, preventing renal disease that most diabetics are susceptible to.
3. Helps fight cancer

The world’s ancient traditional medicine systems, including the Native American, Arabian and Chinese, have long known about the health benefits of dandelion. One of the most important health benefits is that dandelion has anti-cancer effects, particularly for breast and prostate cancers. Studies have shown that its root has a great impact on cancer cells (melanoma) that are resistant to chemotherapy, with the amazing benefit of not doing any harm to the healthy cells.
4. Helps in maintaining bone health

Dandelion is rich in calcium, which is essential for the growth and strength of bones. It also has a high concentration of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Luteolin, which protect bones from toxic free radicals that can cause general bone weakening, loss of density and premature aging.
5. Improves the function of the liver

Dandelion improves the function of the liver by stimulating the liver naturally and promoting digestion. The chemicals in dandelion eliminate toxins from the body and help to rebalance electrolytes and reestablish hydration.
6. Improves overall digestive health

Dandelion is a mild appetite stimulant, so if you are trying to lose weight, perhaps, it’s better to avoid it. But if you want to improve your digestive health, dandelion is something you need! The inulin and mucilage in the plant aid in the soothing effects on the digestive tract and the antioxidants help with the absorption of the toxins from food and encourage the growth of friendly gut bacteria and inhibit and discourage unfriendly gut bacteria and flora.

7. Promotes good urinary health

Due to its diuretic properties, dandelion promotes good urinary health. Yes, that’s true! The detoxification cleanses your kidneys as well as urinary tract, while microbiological growths in the entire urinary system are inhibited by the disinfectant properties of dandelion.

Incredible Benefits of Blueberrie

Though the roster of “superfoods” is filled with names that many people outside of nutritional circles are probably not too familiar with, most of us know and love the common blueberry. This popular, sweet little berry is packed with important nutrients, and can be a great contribution to overall good health.

Blueberries are full of the micronutrients that our bodies require for healthy functioning. They are also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin K, manganese, and important dietary fiber. Another great thing about blueberries is that they have a low glycemic load. What this means is that they do not substantially raise blood glucose levels after being eaten. There is promising evidence that blueberries are good for:
1. Improving memory function

A 12 week study out of the University of Cincinna found that older adults benefited from improved memory after consuming wild blueberry juice on a daily basis. The researchers concluded that this was likely due to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds known as anthocyanins that are found in blueberries.
2. Supporting heart health

The antioxidant effect of blueberries may also help to prevent cardiovascular disease. Though more research needs to be done, especially in humans, researchers at the University of Arkansas discovered that mice fed with blueberry powder showed healthier heart vessels.
3. Preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Blueberries may be helpful for preventing UTIs because they contain compounds known as flavonoids. Flavonoids are good for helping the body fight off and get rid of bacterial infections.
4. Reducing inflammation

Along with the already noted anti-inflammatory effect of anthocyanins, flavonoids are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties. This can make blueberries helpful for inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Of course, such conditions require a healthy lifestyle of a good diet and regular exercise in order to be managed properly, but consistent blueberry intake may help to reduce some of the pain.
5. Helping to prevent cancer

One of the most exciting and hopeful new paths coming from research into the health effects of blueberries is the possibility that they may prevent and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. These studies are tentative and have so far only been done on animals or on human cells in a laboratory setting. Nonetheless, researchers have had promising results that are sure to lead to more studies in the future.

Foods That Help Fight Cellulite

Every woman certainly knows how cellulite looks like. It is something like cottage cheese or orange peel. But that is what we can only see. What is it in real? Cellulite is an accumulation of fat cells beneath skin. We can usually observe it on such parts of women’s body as buttocks, thighs, back of arms and the hips. Because of cellulite a lot of women are shy to wear swimsuits in summer. They are strongly convinced that clingy clothing is not their choice. If cellulite is your big problem I want to give you a ray of hope. It is really possible to reduce or sometimes even prevent cellulite. You must stick to some certain rules and have a special diet. Here is the list of foods which will help you to fight cellulite.
1. Chili and Cayenne Peppers
These vegetables contain much Vitamin B6, which has the ability to renovate connective tissue. Including them into your diet you have great chances to reduce undesirable “orange peel” on your body. It is necessary to mention that these peppers also will accelerate your metabolism for 3 hours when you eat them. As a result the calories in your body will be burnt off and you will lose fat. You should remember the following advantages of hot peppers: they improve blood circulation, prevent fat accumulation beneath skin and remove toxins from your body.
When you eat this fish be sure that you consume so many healthy and useful nutrients and antioxidants, which certainly have the ability to ruin cells of fat and prevent the formation of cellulite. Salmon also can help you to reduce appetite due to special fatty acids which it contains. Including salmon into your lunch you will boost renovation of skin tissue and fibers. For this reason the amount of toxins in your body will lower, providing a better circulation.
3. Saffron
Some herbs also can be effective in fighting cellulite. One of them is saffron. Try to add it to your dishes whenever possible. It is known that saffron is high in anti-inflammatory ingredients, which prevent fat cells from growing. Use just a bit of this herb every day and it will speed up the circulation in your body. As a result
The tone of muscles beneath your skin will grow up and cellulite will decrease. Your skin will look smooth and elastic. You can include some saffron into your lunch. It tastes good with avocado wedges.

Common Breakfast Mistakes That Can Lead to Weight Gain

It is a well-known fact that breakfast is the most important and substantial meal of the day. We should be careful while choosing foods to eat in the morning and it is necessary to include only healthy ingredients into our breakfast menu so that we can get all the vital nutrients and vitamins. Unfortunately, most of us rarely pay much attention to the foods we consume at the start of our day. You don’t even guess that there are lots of breakfast mistakes that can lead to weight gain. Perhaps you think your option for breakfast is the best and the healthiest, however, it may be harmful for your waistline. I would recommend you to keep in mind the following breakfast mistakes and you will be healthy and slim at the same time.
Whole Grain Cereal
Whole grain cereal is considered to be one of the most wholesome foods, especially if eaten in the morning. Though, there are certain reasons due to which it can be bad for you. For example, most cereals usually contain some sugar that will give extra calories to your body. That’s why you should always control the sugar content when buying whole grain cereal for your healthy diet. Make sure you consume minimum sugar for breakfast and you will certainly benefit from it.
Orange Juice
Drinking orange juice in the morning is one of the greatest breakfast mistakes. I should say that in compare with the fresh fruit, juice doesn’t have all the nutritional values you need. Moreover, this drink is rich in sugar. For this reason, I advise you to remove any kind of juice from your breakfast and choose the actual fruit instead. Fresh orange or apple is a nice source of natural sugar for you.
Sweetened Oatmeal
As it has been already mentioned, you should minimize your daily intake of sugar in order to stay active and beautiful for a long time. Don’t believe all the labels saying that oatmeal is good for your heart while it is full of sugar. If you have sweetened oatmeal for breakfast regularly, you can be sure you consume sugar in excess. Actually, oatmeal is a kind of dessert as it is often served with different flavors like apple cinnamon or maple raisin. I think omelet with veggies will be much better for you.

Incredible Benefits of Lemon Water

The role of water in our body is immense. It is important to control our water intake in order to be healthy and beautiful. Doctors say that we should drink nearly eight glasses of water daily. Only this way your body will stay hydrated and you’ll be able to slake thirst when it is hot. Most of us usually prefer to consume other sweet and delicious beverages instead of water, however, they are not good for our health and some of them may be even harmful. Recently I have found out that it can be so easy to drink a lot of water and enjoy its taste at the same time. For this you need to add some fruits to your water and you will get a yummy and healthy beverage. Lemon water is the most preferable choice these days. Lemon juice is extremely beneficial for you since it is packed with a great number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to improve your health. If you drink pure lemon juice it may harm the enamel of your teeth, so you’d better mix it with water. I would recommend you to use warm water as it will aid the process of digestion in your body. Make it a rule to drink lemon water every morning before breakfast and you will feel all its benefits. Here are some of the greatest reasons why lemon water is good for you.

1. It Aids Digestion

Lemon water has a wonderful ability to promote your digestion and remove toxins from your digestive tract. Therefore, you should include it into your daily diet by all means. Sometimes we can suffer from indigestion and its annoying symptoms like nausea, heartburn and bloating. Lemon water will be a nice solution for you. By drinking it you’ll easily get rid of these health problems. Plus, if you are overweight and want to burn some calories, I would advise you to prepare a mixture of warm water, lemon juice, honey and consume it regularly.
2. It Enhances Your Immune System
Another convincing reason why we should start drinking lemon water right now is its beneficial impact on our immune system. It has been proven that people who use this water each day have stronger immune system than those who choose clear water and they are more resistant to different infections. When it comes to the flu or colds, lemons are the most helpful remedy because they are full of vitamin C. Plus, this citrus fruit contains ascorbic acid, which is considered to have anti-inflammatory properties. Saponins, which are found in lemons, will help you to fight bacteria and avoid colds in winter.
3. You Will Have Clear Skin
Lemon water is also an amazing way to make your skin clear and glowing. Due to the fact that lemons are rich in vitamin C and numerous antioxidants, you’ll have a great opportunity to reduce blemishes and wrinkles on your face. Moreover, lemon juice can be applied on age spots and scars in order to make them less visible. The consumption of lemon water will guarantee the perfect and fresh look to your skin. Try to care for your skin naturally instead of using various chemicals.
4. It Boosts Your Energy
Being an enormous source of vitamins and minerals, lemon water is a good thing to drink to increase your energy. Lemons are one of those foods that can give you negative charged ions, providing your body with extra energy. If you are under stress and feeling anxious, you need to consume lemon water to overcome this emotional state. The smell of lemons has a positive influence on your nervous system so that it can cheer you up and refresh your mind.
5. It Cleanses Your System
The conducted researches have shown that lemon water is efficient in eliminating toxins from our body. This happens because of the citric acid in lemons that stimulates enzyme function. What is more important, this fruit can purify your blood if taken regularly. People who have diseases of urinary tract will benefit from lemons as they work perfectly to release toxins from your body. According to medical studies, lemons may assist your body to dissolve gallstones.
6. It Promotes Healing
Taking into account the fact that lemons are high in the ascorbic acid, they can be a fantastic and natural remedy for your wounds. Put a little lemon juice on your injury and it will heal faster. In addition, the ascorbic acid is excellent for your bones, cartilage and connective tissue. The regular intake of lemon water will make them healthier and stronger. You’ll be astonished how quickly lemon juice can decrease inflammations. To achieve all these results you should drink as minimum one glass of lemon water per day.
7. It Will Give You Fresh Breath
I’d like to say that lemon water contributes greatly to the health of your teeth. Everybody knows that toothache is really terrible and it brings us big discomfort. Lemon water will be the right option for you to combat toothache and forget about unpleasant feelings connected with it. Today we have an incredible choice of chewing gums and drops that freshen our breath effectively. But they are full of chemicals and can be dangerous to our health. So, I would suggest you to use lemon water to make your breath fresh. The only thing you should bear in mind is the necessity to avoid brushing your teeth after lemon water since it can destroy tooth enamel. You may only rinse your mouth with clear water to keep your teeth healthier.