Monday 6 January 2014

How To Use Potato Juice For Hair Growth?

Out of the many hair problems that we complain about today, the most common one seems to be hair fall and problems about hair re-growth. Many complain that their hair has somehow stopped growing. There can be a lot of reasons associated with slow or no hair growth. These include pollution, unhygienic lifestyles, bad eating habits and even lack of physical activity.
However, the good news is that with some simple home remedies, you can easily get back on track and promote hair growth. One of them is the use of potato juice for hair growth on a regular basis. There are various ways to prepare potato juice to use its benefits. Have a look: Potato Juice for Hair Growth The Preparation Method • To prepare fresh potato juice for the hair, wash off the potato and peel off the skin properly. • Now cut the potato into small pieces and mix them in the blender. This will grind the potato into puree form. • In case you feel the puree is too thick, a little water can be added to it. • Once done, strain the puree in a fresh and clean bowl using a muslin cloth. This will separate the juice from the leftovers of the potato and give you the extract that is needed for hair growth. • You can use this liquid. Make sure that you prepare the potato juice fresh each time before use.

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