Monday 3 August 2015

How To Improve Memory

Have trouble remembering simple things such as your teachers name or even just what you ate for dinner last night or you just wanna do better on the next test? If yes, do not worry. That is completely natural. Both long-term and short-term memory tend to worsen as people age. However there are tricks on how to improve memory and sharpen your brain.
Hit the sack
You may think that when you turn off the lights, you
turn off your brain. Well not exactly. Our brains remain on even during our sleep and dreams. As you sleep, your brain replays the memories of the day, and consolidates them for long-term storage. As a corollary, skipping a night’s sleep will cause your new memory files to get mixed up or lost, and they’ll be near impossible to retrieve later. An average adult should sleep 8-10 hours so it is recommended to never skip that sleep time interval.
Walk back in time
Physical exercise doesn’t just bulk up muscles, it bolsters gray matter, too. Research shows that the memory center in the brain called the hippocampus shrinks as you age, but a 2011 study found that older adults who walk routinely actually gain hippocampus volume. This is an advantage for your memory. Scientists think that this happens due to exercising, because exercise induces mild stress that triggers the production of growth factors in the brain
Brain games
Brain games are a great way on how to improve memory. They keep the brain in shape and make it sweat. Brain games are basically workouts for your head. Thinking hard really does sharpen your memory and cognition, and as the evidence for this has accumulated, a huge number of “brain fitness” programs have hit the market. And of course, there are always classic brainteasers such as Sudoku and crossword puzzles that challenge your powers of logic and knowledge recall and will help keep those synapses firing

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