Sunday, 5 January 2014
New brach inauguration of Rishi Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre
Its happy to inform you all that a new brach of Rishi Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre opened in Thiruvalla. The Chief Guest Kerala Govt. Chief Whip Sri.PC George inaugurated the function. — in Thiruvalla
Best fruits to eat in this winter season
With the arrival of winter season, the choice of fruits is either apples or other varieties of citrus fruits. These fruits provide nutritional values to people consuming it. Apart from common fruits available in the market round the year, you can also consume other types of uncommon fruits during the winter season. Even, the fruits which are not available in your country can be easily imported from other nations. The tropical citrus fruits which are available in Hawaii and Florida are filled with the heart healthy antioxidants. You can consume those wonderful fruits to remain healthy and beautiful during winter season.
Variety of fruits available during winter season
These are the tiny variety of fruits which is also having similarity with olives with regards to its shape. You can replace this with pomegranates if you are bored of consuming. This fruit is filled with antioxidants that fights with diseases and make your skin beautiful. If the fruit is provided in a plate with a serving of 5, this will fulfill 1/5th portion of your daily fiber needs in your meal. The fruit also have Vitamin C, vitamin A along with dosage of potassium.
This fruits are quite similar to that of apple and pears. You can also call it their relatives as well. This will make your body fight with bacteria and virus that spreads flu. Quinces are also quite high in anti viral phenolic compound which has been found by many researches in influenza viruses. It is better to go for Chinese Quinces varieties as those have more effectiveness to fight with flu.
If you have consumed the Asian fruit lychee, Logans will be quite familiar to you. These are the fruits that have its origin in china. Other places where this fruit is grown are Puerto Rico and Hawaii. People from various parts of the world import this fruit during the winter season. Along with being a wonderful fruit during the winter season, it is traditionally used to treat patient suffering from fever and stomach upset. It is also a wonderful fruit that is filled with disease fighting antioxidants.
This fruit looks exactly like a star with yellow color. Being one of the exotic fruits, it is higher in potassium and vitamin C. By consuming this fruit, you can also reduce inflammation that arises due to injuries. It is such a fruit that is filled with fiber contents and increases bowel movement. You can get this fruit in the South Florida or Hawaii.
Another type of winter fruit is known as Rambutans. This fruit is also rich in natural antioxidants in the form of flavanoids. It is a hairy fruit that is available from September till March. This fruits in reducing Chronic cardio vascular problem in many people. Even it works better than consumption of green tea. You can also refrigerate it and store for a long time to consume slowly. It is wonderful to peel them and pop inside your mouth without much trouble
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Hot Drinks Prevent Stroke?
Drinking hot beverages in the morning, whether it's tea or coffee, a part of the daily routine of many people. Simple habits turned out to help us reduce the risk of stroke.
A study of 83,000 people in Japan showed that those who frequently drank green tea or coffee per day had a risk of stroke 20 percent lower. Even the protective effect against certain types of stroke is greater.
"If you can not change your lifestyle, try to prevent stroke by regularly drinking green tea every day," said Dr.Yoshihiro Kokubo of National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, Japan.
Although it was not clear why coffee and tea had the effect of preventing stroke, but according to Kokubo it may be associated with the ingredients in these drinks that keep blood clots.
In addition, green tea contains catechins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Some of the substances in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid also reduces the risk of stroke by lowering the risk of diabetes mellitus.
The content of caffeine in coffee also have an effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It also led to changes in insulin sensitivity that affect blood sugar.
Even so, according to Dr.Ralph Sacco, a former American Heart Association priseden, such as the type of research conducted Kokubo can not accurately ascertain whether the reduction in stroke risk was indeed derived from the consumption of coffee and tea.
"The link is visible from such studies are limited in their ability to indicate whether content in coffee, tea, or indeed the lifestyle of the respondents who have a protective effect," says Sacco.
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
The purpose of a cleansing diet is to reduce the workload of the digestive system by providing easy-to-break down nutrition. The extra energy that will be freed up due to lighter foods can be used by your body to fix and cleanse things inside.
• BITTER GREENS Add some bitter greens and spices to your daily diet to help out a struggling liver. Bitter taste is universally recognized as strengthening for digestion. Bitter herbs cause a reflexive secretion of gastric juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. They also support detoxification by helping the liver process incoming nutrients and filter impurities from circulation. Try: turmeric, dandelion, goldenseal, gentian, milk thistle, and neem. Dandelion and milk thistle are my favorite as a tea!
• A LIGHT DINNER A light dinner is crucial to a successful detox program, since our digestive power weakens considerably in the evening. Stay tuned for a weekly meal plan I'm sharing with The Chalkboard soon. • DRINK PLENTY OF LIQUIDS To stimulate toxin release try hot water with a pinch of cayenne, ¼ lemon, 1 tsp honey, and a few drops of apple cider vinegar. This recipe is recommended by the founder of Joyful Belly to boost fat digestion and metabolism. The spicy drink restores energy and vitality by helping the body digest high-fat foods and add an intense metabolic spark that improves energy and enthusiasm. Cumin, coriander, fennel tea is cooling and soothing for the mind, digestion and urinary tract. Add ¼ tsp of each spice to 2 cups of water, bring to boil and let it cool.
• ELIMINATE An ayurvedic blend of herbs called triphala can be very helpful. Triphala is a bowel tonic, not a laxative. It tones the bowel walls and helps the colon function at its optimal level. Ayurvedic texts refer to triphala as an “toxin scraper”; it helps pull toxins out of the intestines and draws them out of the body.
• BREAK A SWEAT To increase the detoxifying effect try sauna, steam room, hot baths, and cardio-induced sweating. Most gyms have sauna and steam rooms that you can use after a workout. If you don’t have access to one, take a hot bath with Epsom salt, ginger powder, and baking soda every night before going to sleep. Run, do yoga, jump, dance, whatever gets your heart pumping!
• JUST BREATHE In an always in a rush stressed out society our breath tends to be rushed as well. Our lungs rarely get a chance to open up and fill up with fresh air or to completely cleanse from all the stale gases. It takes an effort to let the breath be full and complete. Take a few minutes in the morning to just breathe deeply. Two-to-one breathing—a practice of exhaling twice as long as every inhalation—is a great technique for cleansing the lungs and calming the nervous system.
• BITTER GREENS Add some bitter greens and spices to your daily diet to help out a struggling liver. Bitter taste is universally recognized as strengthening for digestion. Bitter herbs cause a reflexive secretion of gastric juices and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. They also support detoxification by helping the liver process incoming nutrients and filter impurities from circulation. Try: turmeric, dandelion, goldenseal, gentian, milk thistle, and neem. Dandelion and milk thistle are my favorite as a tea!
• A LIGHT DINNER A light dinner is crucial to a successful detox program, since our digestive power weakens considerably in the evening. Stay tuned for a weekly meal plan I'm sharing with The Chalkboard soon. • DRINK PLENTY OF LIQUIDS To stimulate toxin release try hot water with a pinch of cayenne, ¼ lemon, 1 tsp honey, and a few drops of apple cider vinegar. This recipe is recommended by the founder of Joyful Belly to boost fat digestion and metabolism. The spicy drink restores energy and vitality by helping the body digest high-fat foods and add an intense metabolic spark that improves energy and enthusiasm. Cumin, coriander, fennel tea is cooling and soothing for the mind, digestion and urinary tract. Add ¼ tsp of each spice to 2 cups of water, bring to boil and let it cool.
• ELIMINATE An ayurvedic blend of herbs called triphala can be very helpful. Triphala is a bowel tonic, not a laxative. It tones the bowel walls and helps the colon function at its optimal level. Ayurvedic texts refer to triphala as an “toxin scraper”; it helps pull toxins out of the intestines and draws them out of the body.
• BREAK A SWEAT To increase the detoxifying effect try sauna, steam room, hot baths, and cardio-induced sweating. Most gyms have sauna and steam rooms that you can use after a workout. If you don’t have access to one, take a hot bath with Epsom salt, ginger powder, and baking soda every night before going to sleep. Run, do yoga, jump, dance, whatever gets your heart pumping!
• JUST BREATHE In an always in a rush stressed out society our breath tends to be rushed as well. Our lungs rarely get a chance to open up and fill up with fresh air or to completely cleanse from all the stale gases. It takes an effort to let the breath be full and complete. Take a few minutes in the morning to just breathe deeply. Two-to-one breathing—a practice of exhaling twice as long as every inhalation—is a great technique for cleansing the lungs and calming the nervous system.
6 Common Raw Food That Boost Your Health
1. Avocado with Nuts
Most raw foodies are really into avocados because they’re a good source of fat. They’ll put them on and in everything. You’ll see them on salads, in dressings, in smoothies and on sandwiches. The combination you want to stay away from is eating avocados (a fat) with nuts (a protein). The raw fat properties of the avocado have an inhibiting effect of the digestion of the protein in nuts.
2. Fruit for dessert
Fruit digests the quickest. It passes through the stomach in a matter of twenty to thirty minutes. Eating fruit for dessert will cause a traffic jam in your digestive tract. The fruit will sit on top of whatever else is in your stomach and begin to ferment. By the time it reaches your intestines, there will be barely any nutrients left to absorb. This will leave you feeling bloated and tired. Fruit is best eaten first or with green veggies. After twenty minutes, you can follow it up with a protein or starch.
3. Green smoothie with seeds and/or nuts
Green smoothies can easily turn into a hodgepodge of ingredients. It’s easy to get excited about a nutritious drink and go with the mentality that the more nutrients you can pack in there, the better. To keep it nice and easy for the digestive tract, try to stick with green veggies, fruits (except for mangoes) and water in your smoothie. Things get difficult when we add in seeds, nut milks, fruit juice, sweeteners, etc.
4. Olive Oil + Nuts
Olive oil and nuts are commonly combined in pesto and salad dressings. Olive oil is a fat and nuts are a protein. Again, the raw fat has an inhibiting effect of the digestion of the protein.
5. Quinoa Salad
Starches (like quinoa) and greens (like a salad) are okay to eat during the same sitting, but really should not be eaten together. The greens digest faster than the quinoa, so they are best eaten first.
6. Hemp milk with an un-sprouted grain for breakfast
Hemp milk is considered a protein, even though the seeds have changed form. The grains are a starch. Proteins require an acidic environment to be broken down. Starches require enzymes that act only on an alkaline environment. If an acidic environment and an alkaline environment are attempting to coexist, they end up neutralizing each other. The digestive system then goes into overdrive in an attempt to secrete more digestive juices to try to break down the food again, and so on and so on. This will leave you tired, gassy and/or bloated. Sprouting your grains is a good option. Sprouting grains neutralizes the enzyme inhibitors and starts the production of beneficial enzymes, which make them easier to digest.
How To Lower Your Colesterol
Food plays an important role in managing the cholesterol level in your body. If you are suffering from high blood cholesterol problem, quite obviously you are having a high level of LDL; then you should consider about three important factors concerning your selection about food to lower cholesterol. These three factors are – saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. It is advisable that you make your meal absolutely free from these three diet components; or at least limit the intake of these three diet components. Here are seven foods to lower your cholesterol level.
Beans, Peas and Lentil
This is an appropriate food to lower cholesterol level. Beans, peas, and lentils consist of high soluble fiber, which effectively manages cholesterol level in your body. You can always prepare a colorful salad dishes using these nutritional substances, and keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. Apart from that, you may eat apples, carrots, barely, and oats to fulfill the need of soluble fiber.
Soy is an excellent source of high protein. Isoflavones, naturally found in Soy products are believed to mimic the role of hormones that help in regulating cholesterol level in the body. If you really care about lowering your cholesterol level, it is a must that you take a minimum of 25gms of soy proteins as a part of your daily diet. You may take soy yogurt, soy burgers, ground soy, soy nuts, soy milk, tofu, and tempeh in your regular diet
Fish is an ideal food to lower cholesterol level. It meets the demands for omega 3, which is beneficial for lowering high blood cholesterol. It especially provides protection against LDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids are commonly found in mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, and halibut. Fishes are the perfect option for getting omega 3, but you may also opt in walnuts, flax seeds, or almonds, to have the same benefits.
Olive Oil
Mono-saturated fats can effectively lower the level of high blood cholesterol, especially ‘bad’ or LDL one. It has the ability to raise the amount of HDL cholesterol in the system. Olive oil is rich with mono-saturated fat. Hence, you can switch to this wonderful food to lower cholesterol, especially while cooking or preparing salads.
Flax seed
Flax seed constitutes high protein, soluble fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. It consists of useful component called lignans. Lignans offers protection against cardiovascular problems by means of lowering LDL cholesterol level. Apart from that, it is assumed that flax seed has the ability to fight against few types of cancer like breast and colon cancer. It also helps protecting body from diabetes.
Garlic is known as kitchen’s pride. Its medicinal property is highly respected among different cultures for several hundreds of years. It has the ability to fight against different cardiovascular diseases such as high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure. According to the results found in different scientific studies, garlic helps lowering cholesterol level. Garlic has two compounds, known as allin and allicin. These two compounds are assumed to intrude with the cholesterol metabolism function in the liver. Additionally, garlic also regulates the amount of cholesterol released in the blood stream.
Apples, Grapes & Citrus Fruits
These fruits are rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that lowers LDL. Be sure to snack on these when you get cravings as they’re healthy for your heart.
The Top Ten Super Foods – Why You Need Them
What is a Superfood? A superfood is chock-full of nutrients, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and rate very high on the ORAC scale. The ORAC Scale or (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) is a labratory test that measures the antioxidant capacity of foods. Antioxidants prevent free-radical damage to our tissues thereby causing aging, disease and illness.
Free-Radicals are highly reactive, unstable molecules that are produced during a range of biochemical reactions. You can think of free-radical harm much like nuclear destruction of the human body. Free-Radicals have been implicated in everything from cancer and aging to neurodegenerative diseases. Antioxidants, however, are chemical scavengers that bind to these harmful oxidants and neutralize them. Antioxidants are an extremely important component in protecting us from this damage.
Superfoods, because they are so nutrient dense, are much like insurance. Superfoods are whole foods that have not been refined or processed. By incorporating these whole foods into your diet, you are ensuring optimum health. Here are the Top Ten Superfoods for your optimum health:
1. Wild Salmon – Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and E. Salmon is an anti-inflammatory that promotes optimal health. Inflammation is responsible for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Aim for 2-3 servings per week.
2. Nuts – All nuts are highly beneficial for excellent health, in particular, walnuts. Walnuts are very high in omega-3 fats. A handful of nuts a day is going to provide you with the protection you need.
3. Berries – All berries contain plant nutrients called phytochemicals and flavonoids that may help prevent cancer. The most potent berries (according to the ORAC Scale) are Acai berries, Goji berries and Blueberries. There is much well-documented research on the health benefits of these berries.
4. Green Tea – Great tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols particularily EGCG which is a powerful antioxidant. Not only is it beneficial in weight loss, it has also shown to be protective against heart disease and cancer.
5. Beans – Beans such as Black Beans are high in phytochemicals and cholesterol-lowering fiber. The high fiber content is also helpful for weight loss.
6. Maitake and Shitake Mushrooms – These mushrooms contain a polysaccharide called Beta 1,3 Glucan and Beta 1,6 Glucan which boosts the immune system by stimulating white blood cells. They may prevent normal cells from turning into cancer cells. The Japanese government has approved Maitake as a cancer fighting treatment.
7. Umeboshi Plum – The powerful acidity of this pickled plum has a very healthful alkalizing effect on the body. It neutralizes fatigue, stimulates healthy digestion, and promotes the elimination of toxins. One Umeboshi plum a day is considered an excellent preventive.
8. Sea Vegetables – The lignans and phytochemicals in sea vegetables have been found to inhibit cancer cell growth. The sea vegetable also promotes healthy thyroid function, prevents cardiovascular disease, has an anti-inflammatory action and are high in Iodine, vitamin K, Magnesium and B vitamins.
9. Yogurt – The beneficial bacteria in yogurt or yogurt products such as Kefir promote digestive health. It has also been shown that this same bacteria can strengthen the immune system. Yogurt also increases gamma interferon a protein that helps the white blood cells fight disease.
10. Garlic – Garlic’s health benefits are numerous. Garlic can help lower cholesterol, help lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, and control blood sugar. Garlic is an anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and an antioxidant.
By mindfully choosing healthful foods such as these Superfoods, you are promoting not just Optimum Health in your life but creating a better quality of life as well.
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