Sunday, 9 March 2014

Healthy Zinc RIch Foods – Strengthen The Immune System :

If you often feel exhausted or ill, most probably you need the extra energy provided by products containing zinc …

Zinc is the second most component element in the human body, right after iron. But still, many do not know how important is zinc for the proper functioning of the human organism.
Zinc contributes not only for a good feeling and mood, but also for a good look. Specifically, this mineral regulates cell growth and wound healing, participates in protein synthesis, affect fertility, helps the reproductive cells, strengthens the immune system and protects the organism against free radicals.
If you want to stay healthy during the winter, consume more foods rich in
zinc. Natural source of zinc are:
Beef - This type of meat contains the highest concentration of zinc. Low fat beef contains about 10mg of zinc per 100g serving, and 18mg of zinc per pound.
Chicken – Chicken meet is also good source of zinc. 100g chicken contains 2.25mg of zinc.
Tuna – One of the best sources of zinc. 100g tuna contains 1mg of zinc and 1,04 mg of vitamin B6.
Pumpkin seeds have one of the highest concentrations of zinc available in a non-meat food. 1/3 cuppumpkin seeds contains 2.6 mg zinc.
Peas – 1 cup boiled peas, contains 1.9 mg of zinc.
Shellfish is the most powerful natural source of zinc. Shellfish including lobster crab, mussels and clams, is the best natural zinc foods. Portion of about 100g crab contains 7.6mg of zinc.
Zinc affects the enzyme function, some of which affect the immune system. Zinc stimulates the production of white blood cells in the bone marrow and maturation of the so-called T-lymphocytes, which protect the body from diseases. Also, zinc prevents inflammation and suppress the virus. If you supply the body with enough zinc, you can ease the symptoms of cold and recover faster.
Zinc acts as an antioxidant which neutralizes the effects of free radicals, preventing cancer. Besides, zinc stimulates the production of blood, which is very important for people with cancer who are undergoing radiation treatment, which reduces the number of red and white blood cells.
If the body does not get enough zinc, fatigue and poor appetite are completely expected reactions. Zinc also strengthens the sight, and lack of zinc causes night blindness. This mineral strengthens the nails and prevents hair loss.
Experts recommend consuming at least 10-15 milligrams of zinc per day. Your needs of zinc most certainly depend on individual factors, such as age, sex and physical fitness. During menstruation, women lose a significant proportion of minerals and therefore in this period they should include more food rich in zinc in their diet. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and chronically ill, need 25 milligrams of zinc per day.
Also, athletes need more zinc, because in one liter sweat they lose about 1.2 milligrams of zinc. Their increased muscle mass, in return, needs larger amount of zinc. Because the body does not produce zinc reserves itself, it is not possible to come to an overdose.

5 Best Foods For Your Brain

These food products will not make you a genius, but will boost your brain function, power and energy and will help you stay focused all day long. So, we listed the best products for your brain.
1.Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega -3 fatty acids (fish is an excellent source, especially sardines) have favorable effects on health, but the latest research shows that omega-3 acids help even in construction of gray brain materia. In one examination, respondents who ate mostly food rich in omega-3 fatty acids had more gray matter (in three brain sections – responsible for mood) compared with the beginning of the examination.
The increase of gray matter during the examination was monitored by magnetic resonance. How did omega-3 fatty acids help the brain? Researchers are still looking for this answer, but until now all we know is the following: taking in consider all groups of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, is the most common essential fatty acid in the brain important for brain development and function.
2.Substance Choline
Choline is a substance, part of the relationship between each cell in the body. Researchers examined the effect of choline supplementation on monkey’s memory for decades. Monkeys which consumed a lot of choline in their diet had much better results in all tests and somehow choline reduced the occurrence of dementia.
Some studies performed in humans have also shown that taking sufficient amounts of choline improves memory in adults. Eggs are the best source of choline. Milk is an excellent substitute for people having problems with high cholesterol.
3. Anti-oxidants in black chocolate
Cup of hot cocoa sharpens your brain. Study conducted by nutritionists found that anti-oxidants have higher concentration in products containing cocoa, red wine and green tea. But excessive consumption of cocoa and chocolate leads to obesity, so beware of the quantities. On the other hand, raspberries and spinach are also rich in anti-oxidants and have less calories.
4. Food which helps you fight Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
You probably know that folic acid (vitamin B9) is important during pregnancy for the baby to develop properly, but adults need it, too. One important examination performed in Netherlands, including people at the age of 50-70, showed that people who took folic acid supplements had better cognitive skills (thinking and memory).
On the other hand, one of the major problems chronic alcoholism brings is reduction of folic acid quantity, one of the leading causes for neurological disorders in chronic alcoholics. Food rich in folic acid(Vitamin B9) include:
meat (liver is the best source, chicken giblets), legumes (dried beans, nuts, lentils soya products, almonds), whole grains, potato, sweet potato, fruits and vegetables (spinach, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, banana, oranges, peaches)
5. Currants
Currants reduce damage of brain cells after a stroke. Scientist have made lots of examinations and found that monkeys exposed to stroke after consuming currants extract had almost twice less damage than the group which did not consume currant juice.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Pineapple – Fruit With Amazing Health Benefits

One of the benefits of this fruit is that it helps to build healthy bones. Pineapple is rich in magnesium and trace mineral that is needed by the body to build bone and connective tissue. Just one cup of pineapple juice provides 73% of the recommended daily amount of magnesium. The benefit of pineap...

Muscat Nut – Solution For Your Digestive Problems

Many chefs use this interesting food product to spice their specialities, but many people have not even heard of it. Read today’s article and discover the truth about muscat nut and its incredible power over the digestive system…

Muscat nut eases digestion, neutralises acids, gases, helps treating chronic colitis, diarrhea and gastroenteritis.

Muscat nut originates from India. People there simply worship it and have been using it ages ago as a medicine for many health conditions, especially for problems with the digestive system.
Even modern medicine bows to the effect muscat nut has on the digestive system, so experts point out its important role in the everyday diet. Muscat nut spice has antibacterial effect, it is efficient in the fight against infections of mouth cavity and gullet, and experts say it is a really powerful cure against gingivitis.

This divine spice relaxes muscles, coordinates the digestive system and gives a feeling of easiness, without bloating, gasses and acids – health conditions we are used to have.

According to many people, muscat nut is a powerful aphrodisiac with a strong impact on the sexual power of men – a fact confirmed by many who have conducted different studies of the effect muscat nut has.

Muscat nut has many more surprises for our body, and one of them is its impact on the lowering of bad cholesterol in the blood.

If you have not heard of this spice or you have only heard about it in one of your favourite cooking shows, it is time to be a little more interested in it.Muscat nut is a powerful spice, beneficial for the whole body, but above all, a powerful guardian for your digestive system.

5 Ways to Ramp Up Your Energy Levels

Whenever I worked the early morning shift back in my LAPD days, it sure seemed that my energy levels were down. Back then, me and my partner would stop (with other officers) at the local donut shop after role call. And yes, cops did eat donuts. So it’s not a fairy tale. Little did we realize that those freaking donuts only made things worse as far as our energy levels.

Years later studies would come out that shift workers had decreased energy levels as well as their health being affected. While being a police officer was not good for one’s health, neither was other aspects of the job. In today’s world, the average law enforcement officer is 40% obese. That is another factor in decreased energy levels. Lack of sleep being another.

A lack of energy can lead one to stop moving their body physically. That starts a “slipper slope” of further reducing energy levels. Being tired and especially on the job increases cravings of sugary foods. All of which makes things even worse.

So what the heck can we do to bring our energy levels back up? Well, it’s got to be done the right way. Here are 5 ways to help you do just that:

Get into physical movement. Being fit naturally helps to increase energy levels. It also is great at helping to create better sleep as well. Exercise and especially high intensity interval training (HIIT), helps to boost metabolism.
Get plenty of sleep, just not too much. Stick to the 7-9 hour range. Oversleeping decreases energy and slows metabolism. To little sleep does the same thing. It is all about balance. You can also take a power nap during the day.
Eat healthy. This includes eating foods that increase energy properly and decreasing foods that lower energy. While sugary foods may give a temporary boost, it will also have a rapid drop. If you’ve ever experienced “night terrors” during your sleep, this is normally due to rapid blood sugar drop. It’s the same thing after eating a pasta lunch. You start to feel tired a couple of hours later. Eat nuts. They have magnesium which helps to boost energy. Eat omega-3 fatty acids foods. This helps to boost mood and improve brain function.
Drink plenty of water. Feeling tired can be a sign of mild dehydration. I’ve experienced this several times and even had headaches until I hydrated. In fact, drinking water after you wake up in the morning is a great way to ramp up your energy.
Get your thyroid checked. This is particularly troublesome in women during perimenopause. Also, anemia can contribute to low energy levels.

Pears – Super-Fruit For Many Disorders And Diseases

As a child you have been told about the essential importance of fruit and pear is one of the most beneficial fruit for your overall health.

Pear is almost as large as apple, but unlike apples, pears are more difficult to peel and they can be yellow, green, brown, red or a combination of more colors.

This fruit usually tastes sweet and juicy, and Chinese pear is the most popular kind, which also has the most healing properties. Pears can be found throughout the whole year, but they taste best at the end of summer and fall.
Nutritional value
Pears are an excellent source of fiber, and they also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E, and folic acid and niacin as well. This fruit is rich source of copper, phosphorus and potassium, and it also contains calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur in smaller amounts.
Health benefits

Pears are hypoallergenic fruit rich in fiber and they rarely cause allergic reactions. This is the main reason why pear juice is excellent for babies, mostly because of its sweet taste, and the numerous health benefits for the youngest as well.

Blood pressure

Pears contain antioxidant and anti-cancer substances which reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack.

High levels of vitamin C and copper reduce the level of free radicals in the body and in this way they stop every cell damages.

Pears are rich in pectin, which is efficient in reducing the bad cholesterol level.

Digestive tract

Dietary fiber is great for proper function and health of digestive tract, and they can prevent the occurrence of colon cancer.


Pectin is a natural diuretic and it has mild laxative effect, which stimulates bowel function and provides normal food digestion

Pears are rich source of glucose and fructose, which rapidly increase energy level.


Consuming a large glass of fresh pear juice is the best way to reduce temperature.

Its antioxidative effect strengthens the immune system, so eat pears and drink pear juice, especially now, in the season of flu and colds.

Pears have calming effect and help in relieving pain in numerous inflammation processes.


Pear contains high boron level, which helps the body absorb calcium and in this way it prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis.


All pregnant women should increase the folic acid intake during their pregnancy, in order to stop any congenital malformations in the fetus. Pears are rich in folic acid, so experts always recommend consuming pears during pregnancy.

Consumption advice

When buying, always choose harder and thicker pears with dark color. Leave them for a couple of days until they get softer.

You should also keep pears away from food with intensive smell, for example, garlic, onion or pickled cabbage, because this fruit can easily absorb other product’s smell.

Quince – Real Natural Remedy

Quince originated in southwestern Asia, particularly in Persia and Anatolia, and as self-grown it can be also found in Central Europe. Quince tree can grow up to 7 feet, and often grow in the shape of a bush.

The fruit is shaped like an apple or pear with golden to red color, covered with hairs, which can be easily removed. Quince has a pleasant smell and sour taste.

This fruit was popular in ancient Greek culture, and ancient Greeks consumed it by preparing an interesting recipe. First they scooped the inner part of a quince, then filled it with honey. Prepared like this, ancient Greeks baked this delicious fruit.
In Greek mythology quince was a symbol for love and happiness. Romans used quince to produce essential oils used in perfumeries. In France quince is already known for centuries and this fruit is used not only for food but also for cosmetic and medical purposes.
Energy and nutritional value of quince

100 grams of fresh quince contain 57 kcal / 238 kJ – 0.4 % protein, 0.1 % fat, 15.3 % carbohydrates. It is rich in fiber and copper, and contains manu tannin substances.

Quince is a rich source of vitamin C (15 mg, which is 18.8 % of the recommended daily intake). It contains beta-carotene and malic acid. Quince is used in preparing delicious jam and jelly because of the pectin it contains.

Seeds contain mucus, 15 % oil, protein and a little amygdalin. Quince is excellent choice if you are making nice, homemade jam.
Healing power of quince

Fruits, leaves and seeds are used in healing purposes. Mucus found in seeds (Mucilago Cydoniae) is prepared by soaking seeds in water and this homemade remedy is used to treat wounds caused by long-term laying of patients and burns, and as a remedy for sore eyes and cracked skin.

Because of the mucus and pectin it contains, this fruit is very beneficial in treating throat, tonsils and respiratory tract inflammation.
Mucus is also used in cosmetic industry for making lotions and skin creams.

It is recommended to consume boiled quince to treat stomach and intestines inflammation, because of its power in relieving diarrhea. Quince fruit contain mucoid substances including: pectin, oil, amygdalin, phosphoric acid and vitamin C.
Quince is a natural remedy for treating anemia

Quince juice, boiled with equal parts of sugar, is an excellent remedy (syrup) against respiratory tract and throat diseases. Since quince is known for its tightening properties, it is recommended to use quince syrup while treating wounds, and it is helpful in relieving diarrhea.