Monday, 31 March 2014

Foods That Relieve Stress

If someone were to device a ‘stress-o-meter’ and go out to measure the stress levels, we are quite sure, he will have to make a new device each time, because considering the stress levels in our life, the device will probably blow up. Studies show that the stress level in our lives has only increased over the years and this is in spite of the latest advancement in technology. Work-life balance seems to be a thing of the past and ‘weekends off’ is a word people yearn to hear. Between all the running we do for our work, families and ourselves – seldom do we stop and think about the lifestyle we are leading. Erratic sleeping schedule, untimely meals, binge eating, weekend parties and all other crazy stuff we do through the week leads to increased stress levels over a period of time.

If you can relate to all the above said things, then you will be surprised to know that help is only a kitchen away. There are food items that are aphrodisiacs, some that improve your skin and then there are also those that help you to soothe your nerves. The next time you think you are just going crazy, just whip up something with the following foods that relieve stress and relax.
1. Chocolate

There is nothing like chocolate that soothes your nerves. Just the thought of some warm chocolate, your favorite book and cosy corner is enough to lower your stress levels. Recent study shows that eating around 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate each day for two weeks lowers the stress hormones cortisol & catecholamines. Chocolate stimulates the release of serotonin, a natural antidepressant and endorphins which are also known as ‘feel good hormones’. Also the cocoa in chocolate is known to have flavanoids that have a lot of health benefits like reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. A cup of hot chocolate, a sumptuous chocolate cake, or a rich chocolate truffle should do the trick, best taken before bed time.
2. Cheese

Cheese is one food item that can be combined with any dish to make it richer and of course, more flavorful. Although known to have a hit fat content, cheese is also a good stress buster. You can add little amounts of cheddar, gruyere or Swiss cheese to your pasta or try a cheese potato mash and if you are experimental, then even add some to your Mac and cheese. Eating a high carb meal 2 hours before bed time is known to increase the level of serotonin in the brain. Alternatively you can also try the healthier cottage cheese packed with vitamins B12 & B2 for some relief. A fondue is a great option to call some friends over and relax while digging into warm and cheesy food.
3. Blueberries

Don’t go by the look of it. Though small in size, blueberries are a perfect combination of vitamin C and antioxidants that aid in the balance of stress. Available throughout the year, the antioxidants in blueberries protect the cells against free radicals that lead to cancer and heart diseases. The versatile nature of blueberry makes is usable in any form – you can make a puree, compote, smoothie or use them fresh. They can also be used in cheesecakes, pies and muffins but are best eaten fresh and plain. You can add some blueberries to your morning cereal or to your yogurt for some zing. They also help in slowing down the aging process indirectly. Stress breaks down the body, aging it faster and blueberry helps fight this stress.
4. Almonds

Almonds pack a healthy punch with B2, Vitamin E, zinc and magnesium. Almonds contain serotonin which helps to balance mood and stress. Zinc has been shown to fight negative effects of stress and vitamin E is an antioxidant which increases immunity. Almonds also help lower the blood pressure, keeping stress level under check. You can have them plain or roasted. Flavored almonds are also a big hit. Try honey roasted or cinnamon roasted almonds. Almonds can be used in anything from salads, soups, smoothies, pies, cookies, cakes, French toast to granola! However due to high amounts of fat, they should be consumed in small portions, do not go overboard.
5. Fish

The omega 3 fatty acids in fish help to keep the adrenaline under control and keep a tab on your stress levels. Salmon and tuna can prevent surges in stress hormones and also protect against heart diseases, mood swings and depression. Sushi is also said to be a good stress reliever as the sea-weed (maki) is known to have some anti-anxiety properties. It is also rich in magnesium, vitamin B2 and pantothenic acid that contributes to the health of the adrenalin glands. Oily fish is a great option to pan sear, bake or even steam; you can make fish cakes which is a tastier option. Try and include around 3 ounces of fatty fishes like salmon, tuna and anchovies at least twice a week.

There are a lot of other foods to relieve stress like bananas, spinach, oranges, cereal, bread, pastas, tea, avocados, milk – the list is endless. It is important that you lead an active lifestyle; exercise regularly, go for long walks or do any form of exercise you are comfortable with. Make sure you take time out for yourself. Meditation and yoga are also known to be great stress relievers. Lastly, know when to stop, don’t work yourself to ill health.

Health Benefits of Dates

One of the world’s oldest cultivated fruit, dates have been widely known for their high nutritional value. Originating from the desert oases of northern Africa and southwest Asia and the Middle East, this sweet fruit belongs to date palm which has been referred to as a “tree of life”. Rich in several vitamins and minerals, dates are considered to be an integral part of a balanced and healthy diet. Mentioned below are some of the health benefits of dates.
1. Prevent heart problems

If soaked for a night and crushed in the morning and consumed, heart problems could take a back seat. They are proven to be quite helpful in keeping the heart healthy. Have them twice a week and stop worrying about your heart. Dates also reduce LDL cholesterol.
2. Relieve constipation

Known to be a laxative, dates can bring a great amount of relief from constipation. Dates are highly beneficial in eliminating waste. All you need to do is immerse them in water overnight and consume the same in the morning like a syrup.
3. Cure intestinal disorders

Regular consumption of dates could help you get rid of intestinal problems. The growth of pathological organisms in the intestine can be kept in check with a sufficient intake of dates, which promote the growth of good bacteria.
4. Treat abdominal cancer

Serving as natural and nutritional supplements, dates are scientifically proven to be helpful in treating abdominal cancer. They can also be consumed by all age groups. They have no side effects and work as medicines.
5. Treat diarrhea

Dates are rich in potassium which makes them ideal for consumption when suffering from diarrhea. To add to that, dates are easy to digest, making them best foods to be consumed whenever you suffer from diarrhea.
6. Are a rich source of energy

Dates contain good amount of natural food based sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose, which can supply you enough energy to keep you going. Hence, they are ideal for those who have diabetes.

7. Help to prevent dental cavities

Dried dates can help in reducing tooth decay. The rich content of fluorine in dates helps in enamel formation for the teeth.
8. Ideal for pregnant women

Dates can help to reduce labor pain if a woman consumes dates regularly during pregnancy. This is because dates help in strengthening uterine muscles. Also, the nutrients present in dates enrich the quality of breast milk.
9. Help to deal with sexual weakness

Dates are known to increase sexual stamina. Soak dates in goat’s milk overnight and then grind them with a mixture of honey and cardamom powder. Now add it to the milk you soaked dates in. This tonic can do wonders for boosting your sexual endurance.
10. Ideal for digestive and nervous system

Dates have high amount of fiber along with amino acids. This helps in easy digestion. As stated earlier, it has rich amount of potassium which is very good for the nervous system.
11. Other benefits

Dates can improve eyesight and help in treating night blindness. Dates contain high amount of iron that helps in curing anemia. Dates also provide quick relief in case of alcoholic intoxication.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

3 Benefits of Grape Seed Oil

1. Acts as an antioxidant
2. Lowers cholesterol
3. Helps to avert diseases

Easy Ways To Help The Environment

Increasing environmental challenges have caused a sudden rise in concerns and efforts to lessen the adverse effects of human activities on environment. Increasing average temperature, rise in sea level, shrinking forests, reducing natural resources and an ever increasing ‘concrete jungle’ are the most visible features of a world moving towards its own destruction. Now the time has gone to sit, think, plan and then act. It’s high time to undertake measures that are effective. Here are several ways to help Mother earth and the environment.
1. Avoid private vehicles unless necessary

A major reason of environmental degradation is pollution and one of the major sources of pollution can be controlled, if we use our vehicles wisely. Use public transport as much as possible.
2. Save energy

Energy conservation is another step to a safer planet, which we seek to achieve. It is not only a pocket-friendly method but it also helps to prevent wastage of the limited natural resources. This includes switching off lights and electric gadgets when they are not in use, not overheating or overcooling your rooms, cleaning and replacing AC filters every second month, insulating your walls and ceilings, etc.
3. Keep your surroundings clean

Make sure that your surroundings are clean in order to protect the environment from pollution.
4. Plant as many trees around your locality as possible

Planting trees can be a blessing, whose benefits can be reaped by one and all. Plant a little garden in your backyard, where you can grow not just fruits and vegetables but also herbs and other useful plants. Also, you can plant shade trees outside your house. It will keep your surroundings fresh and pleasant even during summers.

5. Control the use of plastic

Plastic is an enemy of our planet. By now, we all know about the harm that plastic causes to our environment. Avoid plastic as much as possible. Use paper bags or jute bags for daily chores.
6. Use less fertilizers or other chemicals

Use natural manures that are helpful in improving soil nutrients, instead of chemicals that harm not just the soil but also the crops. Do not burn away the leaves collected in the garden. Instead, let them decompose. Also, use your vegetable scrap for decomposition process, thereby helping earth regain its natural resources.

7. Recycle

Recycle anything possible, like plastic, paper, etc. Reuse packing cartons, newspapers, furniture, etc. These are the things that require wood and destruction of forests for their manufacture. It is an effective way to reduce deforestration.

There are many ways by which you can help in protecting the environment.

Tricks to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables

How to get kids to eat vegetables is one question that has been troubling most mommies. Are you one of them? How many times have you noticed that your kids are just playing around with the vegetables kept on their plate, or worst, have thrown them into the bin? Yes, making kids eat vegetables can be a tough task. To tackle this problem, all you require is a few tricks and your kids will start eating vegetables soon. Check out the ones mentioned below.
1. Be creative

Add some alphabet noodle shapes while making a vegetable soup. Kids will be so involved in finding those letters that they will hardly notice what they are eating.
2. Make them drink

Many a times, kids avoid vegetables because they find chewing on those veggies too boring. The best way out of such a situation is to make them have vegetables in a different form. How about a drink? Sounds enticing? Then follow this. Make a soup of the veggies you want your kids to eat. Pour the soup in a fancy glass, add a cocktail umbrella in the glass and see your kids drink it all up. Though they won’t get as much fiber as they need, from drinking vegetables, but something is better than nothing. Isn’t it?
3. Give vegetables as appetizers

Mostly kids are hungry when it’s meal time. At such times, it’s the hunger that overpowers them and they don’t care what they eat. So, strike the iron while it is hot. While you are preparing dinner, put some carrots, cucumber and celery on a plate and offer them as appetizers. Chances are they will eat them quietly as they just require something to munch on.
4. Give them a choice

Put out carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and other vegetables in buffet style and let them choose what they like. Kids like to choose and make decisions like adults. When you allow them to make their choice, they’ll be delighted to eat because it’s their pick!
5. Let them create an artwork

Kids love to play with colors. So offer them vegetables in different shapes, sizes and colors and tell them to make a vegetable collage on their plate. In this way, they will also eat the vegetables kept in front of them.

6. Involve them in cooking

Involve them in the kitchen when you are cooking. Make them wash vegetables, stir or anything else that would be appropriate to their age. They will be eager to try out all that they have helped to cook.
7. Hide vegetables in other foods

If all your ideas fail, mash vegetables and add them to other food and unsuspecting kids will consume them.
8. Do some ranch dressing

If you offer kids cooked vegetables with a ranch dressing or any other dip, they will eat it happily as they like anything provided with a saucy dip.
9. Encourage them to grow their vegetable garden

This will not only teach them gardening and to care for the environment, but they will also want to eat what they have cultivated.
10. Educate them

Tell them what vegetable is good for which body part and to make it more interesting, prepare a body chart and let them put stickers on each body part after they have eaten a serving of vegetables. For instance, after eating carrots, they can put a sticker on the eyes.

Did you enjoy these fun ways of making your kids eat vegetables? Better put them to use as soon as you can and see your kids eat vegetables.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Healthy Foods For Women

1. Yogurt2. Fish3. Walnuts4. Red fruits & veggies5. Berries6. Beans7. Milk8. Flaxseed9. Oats10. Avocado11. Olive oil12. Dark chocolate

Top Ways To Improve Vocabulary

Can you think of any bare essentials except food, water and air that you cannot live without? You may not have thought of this but it’s language. Have you noticed how well spoken the Miss World’s and Miss Universe’s are? That’s because of their amazing command over language. Can you think about people who impress you the most in your daily life? One of the primary reasons for that is that they speak well. Don’t you want to speak like them as well? Get an added feather in your cap by improving your vocabulary and speak great English. These are the top 5 ways to improve your vocabulary.
1. Read, read, read to improve your vocabulary
Did you read a book yesterday and skipped a difficult word you didn’t understand? Well, we all do that out of laziness. But you know what – that’s the best way to improve your vocabulary. Make it a habit and you’ll find yourself doing it again and again. Do you feel distracted looking up a word each time you don’t understand it? Simply underline it and look it up when you feel like! Do you have an Amazon Kindle? An iPad? This is the time to put those babies to good use. Wouldn’t you be impressed with someone who said, “Your music collection is eclectic” instead of someone who said, “Your music collection has a lot of variety”? Think about it.
2. Practice word puzzles
“Ugggh – Why can’t I find the answer to this!” is my dialogue every morning when I’m solving the daily crossword in the newspaper. I cherish this habit of mine. You can get into it too – it’s never too late! I love the challenge of finding the answers. If you like a good challenge, try it! It’s great fun doing word ladders, puzzles and crosswords. Okay, let me warn you – you will get addicted!
3. Add a word per day
You’d be thinking, “Okay, I have begun reading books, magazines, Reader’s Digest, word puzzles, etc. What now? I still can’t seem to remember any words that I learn!” I’ve noticed that the key to improve your vocabulary is to put the newly learnt words into practice. Make it compulsory for yourself to use one new word in a sentence each day with friends or family. This will do the trick. Spare a few minutes, put in the effort – it’ll pay off, trust me.
4. Converse with interesting people to enhance your language
Improving vocabulary isn’t just about adding more and more ‘difficult’ words in your brain. Have you noticed that there are very few people who can take up all types of conversations whether its slang, formal, conversational, field specific or a speech? You must interact with as many different people as possible. Do you have an architect neighbor? Go and have a cup of tea with him/her and you’ll learn 5 new words. Go hang around with the janitor of your school and observe his accent. Ever thought what part of the country he comes from? Variety is the spice of life, and your vocabulary!
5. Make visuals to grasp words quickly
Do you remember when you were little, your teachers taught using large pictures and drawings? And you’re wondering why I’m saying this to you. Experts say that the brain remembers visuals more than it remembers words. Why not follow the same principle to improve vocabulary? On the soft board in your study, paste a large sheet with the words written in big fonts and a related image drawn next to it. You’ll be able to see this every time you pass by and the word will eventually get stuck in your head.
I suggest you keep your eyes and ears open to take in all the new words, meanings and contexts that come in your way. Subscribe to the word lists of Reader’s Digest,, NY times, and so on. Have you seen artists and visualizers carry a small notepad with them everywhere they go? Just like them, keep jotting new thoughts and ideas. It’ll take a few moments of your time right now but the effort will go a long way in helping you in your career and your personal life.