If you are fond of that soda bottle and can never dream of giving it up, take a look at the various ill effects it has on your health and the harm it is causing your body. However good the thing might taste, it actually is not so good in the long run. Listed below are 6 reasons why you must avoid drinking soda.
1. It makes you gain weight
Soda contains too much sugar which is harmful for your body. The human body uses only as much sugar as is needed to give you energy – the rest becomes fat and in turn makes you put on extra weight. Soda contributes to unwanted weight gain.
2. It contains plenty of calories
Soda contains large quantities of empty calories which are harmful for your health because they do not have any nutritional value. But when you drink soda, it makes you feel full and runs down your appetite. Thus, it adds calories to your body without providing any nutritional value.
3. It helps teeth cavities to flourish
The excess sugar in your soda is also responsible for causing teeth cavities. Cavities are caused due to plaque that develops in your teeth. When you drink soda, the plaque feeds on the sugar in the soda and thus flourishes, thereby eliminating all your efforts to have healthy and strong teeth.
4. It contains sodium
Soda contains sodium which is very harmful for your vital organs like the heart, kidney and so on. Sodium is also responsible for increasing the chances of stroke and causing high blood pressure.
5. It adversely affects your digestive system
Soda drastically affects the smooth functioning of your digestive system. Soda is corrosive in nature because it contains phosphoric acid which eventually reaches your stomach and interferes with the digestive system. The acid causes indigestion and does not allow proper digestion of foods. Moreover, it causes acidity which also makes you lose your appetite.
6. It causes dehydration
Soda causes dehydration. It contains caffeine which has a diuretic effect on your body – which makes you pass urine more often than needed, thereby draining you of all body fluids.
Giving up soda altogether might be quite challenging, but what you can do instead is cut down on your intake. Have soda but rarely – try to go for water instead, whenever you feel thirsty, and know that you just helped your body and health avoid something that might have tasted good but would have done harm.