Friday, 4 April 2014

Things to Know About the Paleo Diet

1. You will have to opt for healthy fats
2. You will notice several health benefits
3. You can prevent the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
4. You can eat numerous foods
5. You will have to avoid a few things

Fabulous Health Benefits of Dill

Dill has been used since ancient times. Today, it is used in salads, to make pickles, in soups, and other dishes. It’s a great way to add extra flavor to a dish without drastically increasing the calorie or fat content of a meal. Even though most people only use dill as a flavor enhancer in their dishes, there are actually many other reasons why dill should be eaten.
1. Anti-Bacterial Properties
Because dill has anti-bacterial properties, it can be used to fight off infections internally and externally. Ancient cultures applied burnt dill seeds to wounds in order to prevent infections.
2. Digestive Benefits
Dill itself is an appetizer and therefore extensively used in culinary applications. The essential oils present in dill are stimulating and they activate the secretion of bile and digestive juices. These oils also stimulate peristaltic motion of the intestine, easing the passage of bowel movements and relieving constipation.
3. Insomnia
The essential oils found in herbs have peculiar and powerful properties. They are simultaneously stimulating, sedative, and hypnotic, that is, they stimulate as well as pacify. The essential oils in dill are no exception. The flavonoids and vitamin-B complex present in its essential oils, since they are stimulating in nature, activate the secretion of certain enzymes and hormones which have calming and hypnotic effects.
4. Diabetes
Dill has long been associated with diabetes and the management of insulin levels. Despite the fact that research is somewhat limited in this area, particularly on human subjects, studies have indicated that they can help reduce the fluctuations of serum lipids and insulin levels in corticosteroid-induced diabetes.
5. Arthritis
Dill has long been known as an anti-inflammatory herb, meaning that it helps to reduce the inflammation and the associated pain of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and arthritis. Dill has been used since ancient times for precisely this reason.

Disadvantages of Eating Organic Foods

As much as it is good to eat organic food and stay natural and healthy, going the organic way has some disadvantages too. It is quite difficult to choose from the wide variety of food items and coming up with one specific food can be a huge task in a super market. Since it is a growing industry and has to deal with a lot of rules and regulations from the food industry, stock is always at a minimum and they get over quickly. Since they also spoil much faster than the regular food, it also takes more work to refrigerate them and if not sold quickly there can be a lot of wastage.Here are some disadvantages of trying to switch over to the organic food diet.
1. The organic food market is small and niche

Although it is a growing industry, the organic food market is still small and is very niche. Not everyone can afford to buy organic food and unless you visit some exclusive food fair, you will not be able to find everything that is organic. It is niche in the sense that the customer base would be made of wither young people who are health and environment conscious or middle aged people who can afford to spend some more money on food. In other words organic food is food that only people with money to spare can afford to indulge in.
2. Organic food is expensive

A said previously, organic food is way more expensive than the regular food that is produced and sold in the market. Some organic food can even cost three times more than the regular food as it takes a lot of time to grow it. It is also expensive because unlike the regular food industry, organic food growers do not cultivate in thousands of hectares and the farms are small and manageable by a few people. Most organic farms are family owned, so the productivity is less.

3. You cannot find it everywhere

Organic food is not available in all the stores. Some big stores do store it, but you will have to look for the labels and they are usually stocked in some corner and is quite difficult to find. And since it is all about growing seasonal food, you might not be able to find the fruit of your choice throughout the year.
4. Organic foods spoil faster

When you buy organic food, you need to eat it as soon as you get it as they tend to spoil much faster than the genetically modified, irradiated food.

Organic farms are also not as profitable as the regular farms as they have to compete with the big corporations and overhead costs are a little higher. This might change if more people choose to buy organic food, but that is not certain and we will never know if organic food will ever become truly affordable. The industry may decide to retain its niche status and still be expensive when more people turn towards it and the corporations might take over them again.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Benefits of Apricot Seeds

1. Good for the respiratory organs
2. Boosts immunity
3. Good for the skin
4. Provides relief from constipation
5. Fights cancer

Healthy Drinks

1.. Hot chocolate with coconut

Dark chocolate is healthy. So, have a mix of dark chocolate and coconut to keep yourself warm and fit. Take some coconut milk and add some dark chocolate syrup in a bowl. Add some powdered sugar and vanilla extract in this. Mix well and add a dash of salt. Blend it in a jar, sieve, and serve. Alternatively, heat it in the oven and mix until the chocolate is dissolved, sieve it and serve hot. Hot chocolate tastes good and is great for health.
2. Green tea with chamomile

We are all aware of green tea benefits, but it is a must have drink in winter. Have green tea with chamomile this winter, it is good for the immunity and well-being. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which help to detoxify the body. Green tea with chamomile makes a good and healthy drink option in winter, because it prevents from the condition of general cold and flu. Use green tea bags with chamomile or in the form of extract.
3. Cranberry martini

Cranberry fruit not only keeps the body warm, but also provides essential nutrients during winter. Mix a shot of vodka with 2 shots of cranberry juice. Add some orange juice and vermouth in this. Shake it in the cocktail mix with some ice cubes, and voila! The drink is ready. It is the best healthy cocktail drink, which one can have in winter.

4. Hot-spiced wine

Most people prefer to have red wine in winter to keep them warm. Have you heard of hot-spiced wine? Hot-spiced wine is a mixture of spices and wine, which helps to provide immunity to the body in winter. Take some cinnamon, peppercorn, cloves, and nutmeg powder. Add one teaspoon of these mixed spices in red wine. Also, add orange juice and water to enhance its taste. Some people also prefer to add sugar to make the drink sweet. It is a perfect healthy drink for a winter evening!
5. Butter lemonade

Butter lemonade is a healthy drink because it is rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Add some lemon peel extract with sugar in the lemonade. Heat the liquid and then let it cool. While serving add a dash of butter in the cup, the drink also helps to improve the immunity level of the body.

Tips To Stop Sugar Addiction

Most of us like sugar, don’t we? This could be the sweetest of addictions and is referred as addiction to sugar and sugar containing edibles. This piece is not necessarily for diabetics but for everyone in general. It is an eye opener to people who still have their toast with loads of sugar and butter. Here are some sweet ways to combat addiction to sugar.
1. Replace it with fruits

Whenever you feel the urging addiction to sugar in you, go for a fruit instead. Fruits are healthy and contain less sugar. You satisfy your craving partially, while also providing a healthy substitute to your urge.
2. Avoid it

Why not just leave the place when you get a sweet tooth symptom! Addiction to sugar can be ignored rather than fighting it. The next time you spot a delicious cake, tempting your taste buds, turn your head away, take a walk, talk to people, make a quick call to your friend, read an article and get back. The urge is sure to cease by the time you do all this.
3. Opt for artificial sweeteners

The sugar in your coffee can be replaced by a “sugar free” artificial sweetener. Using artificial sweetener is only a starting tip and not a permanent replacement. Your momentary craving is satisfied and slowly you could stop the addiction by minimizing the levels of sweetener until you reach a healthy level.

4. Have a chunk instead of the whole

When someone gives you a huge bar of fine white chocolate, break a small piece out of it and distribute the rest. Your addiction to sugar will surely come under control.
5. Look at the wrapper

Take a look at the nutrition value on the wrappers of those sugar filled culprits! You would certainly be alarmed at the levels of sugar they contain. Read an article as to what happens when such large quantities of sugar goes into your body. This gets more alarming and you would choose to drop the packet then and there.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Health Benefits of Basil

Basil is a very versatile, easy to grow all-round herb that is a delight in every kind of cuisine including Italian where its dominance is high. Besides adding flavor and punch to dishes, basil has a world of health benefits to offer.
1. Cold and fever

Monsoons are often the harbinger of different kinds of flu. Cold and fever are common ailments but create a lot of discomfort. A concoction of tender basil leaves with tea or in warm milk or plain water with crushed cardamom work well to bring down raised body temperature and offer relief from symptoms of cold.
2. Erase those blemishes

A breakout is very easily and effectively erased with oil from basil. Take a handful of fresh basil leaves and boil them in a cup of water for about 10 minutes. Next, allow the mixture to cool. Take a cotton ball, dip it in the liquid and apply the solution on the pimples and breakouts. Let it stay for 10 minutes before washing it off. Repeat a couple of times every day for observing great results.
3. Repository of nutrients

Different parts of the herb are essential for effective functioning of the human body. They are low in calories and have no cholesterol. Basil is a rich source of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients required for good health.
4. Anti-bacterial properties

The presence of citronellol, eugenol, linalool, limonene, citral and terpineol give them their anti-bacterial properties. Basil prevents the growth of many kinds of bacteria. Applying extracts of the leaves on wounds kills and prevents bacterial infections. Adding basil to your vegetables makes them safe to eat.
5. For a healthy heart

Basil is rich in beta-carotene and carotenoids. They serve as mighty antioxidants that prevent cell damage and also fight against cholesterol. Being an excellent source of magnesium, basil improves flow of blood to the heart and other parts of the body and thereby encourages good cardiovascular health.

6. Watch your gastrointestinal tract

Basil is a herb with exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. It offers immense relief from various conditions including inflammatory bowel disease. The herb also helps treat and offer relief from stomach cramps, indigestion and constipation.
7. Your natural iron supplement

Basil is an excellent source of iron. 2 cups of fresh basil or 1 tablespoon of dried basil gives your body 10% of the daily value. If you are low on iron, including basil in your daily diet will be a good idea. Women who are menstruating must include basil during their periods to compensate for lost iron.
8. Detoxifying is the mantra

Very often, the body is subjected to numerous abuses. We overeat, follow the wrong diet, follow bad routine, suffer from lack of sleep, stress, overuse of sedentary activities and many other issues that are diet or lifestyle related. Frequent and periodic detoxifying of the liver helps to rejuvenate your body and do good the bad you have done to it. Basil is a wonder herb that can help you do it.
9. Disorders of the respiratory system

Treatment of the respiratory disorders is done effectively with basil. Honey and ginger when combined with extract of basil leaves works wonders on ailments like bronchitis, influenza and asthma. Alternatively, extract of the leaves with cloves and common salt can also be taken for relief.