Friday, 2 May 2014

Jamun Fruit Health Benefits

The Jamun Fruit, also known as the Java Plum, is a nutritious exotic fruit with high-levels of antioxidants. The Jamun Tree is commonly found in several parts of SouthEast Asia like Myanmar, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The Jamun Fruit is oblong in shape and green in color that turns into dark purple or crimson black when ripe. It tastes sweet with a little bit of sour and stains a purple dye-like color in your mouth when eaten.

The Jamun fruit is rich in vitamins such as Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin and vitamin C. It is best known for its effect on faster wound healing as it helps prevent further cell damages. Regular intake of the Jamun fruit also lowers your risk of developing cancer. Moreover, the Jamun fruit is also rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Thus, it helps prevent dehydration.

The Jamun fruit is considered to be a healthy snack for someone who is busy at work as it boosts your immune system giving you more energy and body protection. It prevents further infection because of its anti-bacterial effect. So if you’re looking for an exotic nutritious organic fruit snack, then the Jamun fruit can give you an exotic way of being healthy.

Health Benefits of Zucchini

Zucchini is high in Vitamin C and lutein, so it's excellent for the eyes helping to reduce bruising.
Zucchini is a summer squash. Also known as a courgette, its scientific name is Cucurbita pepo. It’s cucumber shaped and can be greenish yellow to some deeper green colored. Even though most people contemplate it a vegetable, like tomatoes, squash is really a fruit.

Benefits of Zucchini
Zucchini is high in Vitamin C and lutein, so it’s excellent for the eyes helping to reduce bruising. It’s very low in calories but comes with some fiber and protein. Which makes it a good “diet” food and may help keep the colon healthy. Its amounts of Vitamin A, folate and potassium allow it to be heart healthy as well.
Health Benefits of Zucchini
Zucchini contains good levels of folate, potassium, and vitamin A, which have been linked with cancer prevention. Some investigation has been done that shows eating zucchini may help in lowering BHP levels in males, a factor in maintaining a healthy prostrate.
Lower Cholesterol
The soluble fiber in zucchini helps lower cholesterol by attaching itself to bile acids the liver makes from cholesterol for digesting fat. Because fiber binds very well with bile acid, thus crowding being able to immediately digest fat, the liver is faced with producing more bile acid.
Water Content
Hydration is yet another important element of diet. Eating cheesy, doughy foods with high sodium levels or any other processed choices can leave your body gasping for water. This doesn’t happen with zucchini along with other green vegetables that have lots of water in them. Even well cooked zucchini won’t contribute to dehydration what sort of lot of foods can.
Cancer Prevention
Because soluble fiber promotes healthy and regular bowel motions, the high amounts of fiber in zucchini also assist in preventing carcinogenic toxins from settling within the colon. Moreover, the vitamins C along with a, as well as folate, present in zucchini act as powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative stress that may lead to many different types of cancer.
High in Manganese
A trace mineral and essential nutrient, manganese provides many health benefits and plays a role in a slew of normal physiological functions. Single serving of zucchini contains 19% from the RDA of manganese, which helps the body metabolize protein and carbohydrates, participates within the production of sex hormones, and catalyzes the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol.

Health Benefits of Avocado for Women

You probably know that avocados are an excellent source of healthful fats, but this whole food may also have other unique health benefits for women.
Avocado for Women

Avocado for Women

Avocado is a healthy food for women when eaten moderately. This fruit is full of vitamins and beneficial fat that boosts your overall health. Avocado is simple to add to salads and sandwiches or to use as a spread on toast rather than butter.

While many people don’t necessarily think of avocados as a healthy food, the fact is that there is a lot of nutrition packed into these small packages. This is probably because not anyone knows facts about avocado and about its health benefits: avocado is very nutritious, it contains antioxidants, and it is reach in proteins and fibers.
Calcium and Vitamins

An avocado from California has 2 milligrams of vitamin E, 9 milligrams of vitamin C and 13 milligrams of calcium. The calcium in avocados help women maintain strong bones. Eating this fruit is an easy way to add a wide range of vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Folic acid is often recommended for pregnant women to help the fetus develop its brain and other vital organs. But some health experts consider synthetically extracted folic acid a problem. They recommend using natural folate because of its folic acid content instead.
Prevent birth defects

Avocados are rich in folate, a B vitamin commonly known as folic acid. One cup of avocado provides about 23% of the recommended daily value of folate. The high amount of folate in avocado is essential within the prevention of birth defects, such as neural tube defect and spina bifida.
Vitamin B6 & Brain Power

Avocados contain vitamin B6, that is an important vitamin for women. It is safest to get this vitamin via your diet, as supplements are toxic in too high a dose. Eating foods with B6 regularly is important. Deficiencies in this vitamin often leads to developing anemia. This vitamin also keeps the brain functioning optimally.
Potassium for Muscle Vigor

Avocados give a strong amount of potassium to your diet. An average avocado has 507 milligrams of potassium. Potassium helps your muscles perform optimally. Thus, the healthy avocado helps women maintain the ability to sign up in exercise and day to day activities.

The master antioxidant glutathione supports the liver and also the nervous system. It is responsible for replenishing and recycling other antioxidants within the body. It is vital for a strong immune system, and avocado is a of the few foods that contain a considerable amount of glutathione.
Magnesium Boosts Immunity

Eating avocado also helps replenish magnesium in your body. A half-cup of avocado has 35 milligrams of magnesium. This mineral helps women maintain a robust immune system. Magnesium also helps you keep your bones strong.
Avocado Benefits for Women

Avocado Benefits for Women
Decreases Inflammation

Avocados contain healthy monounsaturated fats. This type of fat helps to limit inflammation in your body. Additionally, it works to maintain a regular rhythm for your heart and also to lower your cholesterol level. Eating a salad containing avocado slices is really a healthier dinner option than steak.
A Fruit with Fiber

Eating an avocado to include fiber to your diet helps your body maintain regular bowel movements. The fiber in avocados also enables the body to effectively use sugars. Each avocado has 7 grams of fiber.

Dried Fruits For Health Benefits

Dry fruits are considered rich source of nutrients and thought to be delicacies. Several fruits that come under dry fruits category are: Cashews, Walnuts, Almonds, Raisins, Pistachio, Date, Peanuts, Macadamia nuts, Hazelnut etc. These fruits are packaged in aesthetic designs either as assorted or like a mix in different proportions and sold as gift pack on the market at good prices.
The dry fruits are packed relating to their weight, size and quality. Packaging style changes with taste and sophistication of consumers. Several packaging styles include silver serving trays with bowls, baskets and difficult board packets.

Dried fruits are an easy way to get most of the healthful benefits of fresh fruits inside a form that is preserved. Dried fruits could be stored forextended amounts of time, unlike fresh fruits, and invite you to enjoy your preferred fruits when the fresh fruit has run out of season. Many dried fruits contain antioxidants, vitamins along with other healthy constituents and can be accustomed to supplement a diet that is have less the high nutritional qualities of fruit generally.
Dried Fruit Health Benefits

Dried fruit is a convenient snack that’s created from a natural, healthy food. Therefore, with regards to health, nutrition and weight loss it is often a subject of debate. Dried fruit differs in many ways than its fresh version, but additionally retains some healthy characteristics. When deciding should you enjoy dried fruit, there are some things to consider regarding its nutrition health benefits of dry fruits.
Dried fruits, particularly soft dried fruits like apricots and prunes, are a great source of dietary fiber. Fiber is essential permanently digestive health and for maintaining regularity; a diet full of fiber helps keep the intestinal lining elastic and healthy. Moreover, a high-fiber diet is particularly helpful in individuals who are attempting to lose weight.

The procedure to dry fruit can remove certain water-soluble vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin B and potassium, but dried fruit still contains quite a lot of other essential nutrients that support healthy body functions. Raisins, for instance, contain iron, potassium and calcium, while dried apricots contain quite a lot of vitamin A, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Dates and prunes contain vitamin A, potassium and copper.
Fruits contain natural carbohydrates, including sugars and fiber. Sugars really are a primary source of energy, while fiber supports digestion. Dried cranberries, for instance, contain 23 g of total carbohydrates, including 1 g of soluble fiber for 4 percent from the daily recommended intake and 22 g of sugars. Raisins, apricots and prunes also contain quite a lot of dietary fiber.
Vitamin C

Dried fruit of any sort is an excellent source of Vitamin C. This vitamin packs an incredibly powerful health punch: it provides the immune system a substantial boost, helps wounds heal faster, promotes ligament health and has been shown to relieve the symptoms of health conditions like diabetes, asthma and cholesterol.
A diet with adequate levels of fruits and vegetables might help prevent heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure level and prevent certain types of cancer. Using the specific vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants contained in different dried fruits, each type of dried fruit has got the potential for different health benefits. Raisins, for instance, are linked to improving bone strength and density and healthy gums, while apricots are associated with a lowered chance of esophagus and lung cancers.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

As a matter of fact, fishes are the most important and major sources of omega fatty acids, but what if you are a vegetarian or vegan?? Will you have to be devoid of consuming omega fatty acids, which are really amazing for your health?? Well, the answer is “no” because you have another better option, i.e., flaxseeds. Read the article below, which will tell you about the health benefits of flaxseeds so that you can incorporate them in your daily diet without having any doubts and thoughts.

1. Prevents Inflammation

Flaxseeds are abundant with lignan compounds, which hold therapeutic value for a number of diseases. It not only prevents inflammation in the body, but also cures Parkinson’s disease and respiratory problems.

2. Manages Diabetes

Besides curing inflammation, lignans also put a stop to type-2 diabetes, and modestly improves the level of blood sugar in the body.

3. Treats Menopause

Flaxseeds are believed to work in the similar way as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) works. The essential nutrients in flaxseeds alleviate hot flashes, vaginal aridity, and mood swings.

4. Reduces Heart Disease

Flaxseeds improve the health of the heart by reducing the amount of LDL or bad cholesterol from the body and increasing the level of good cholesterol or HDL.

5. Contains Phytochemicals

The antioxidant and photochemical rich flaxseeds are loaded with lignans, as well. It has been told in earlier points that lignans are helpful in treating diabetes and inflammation, and hence, can be regarded as a major nutrient of flaxseeds. Lignans also help in balancing the female hormones, reducing PMS symptoms, and increasing fertility.

6. Induces Good Cholesterol

Flaxseeds have a high amount of omega fatty acids, like omega-3, 6, and 9. These fatty acids induce the growth of healthy cholesterol inside the body.

7. Relieves Constipation

Flaxseed is an oily food grain, which acts as a natural laxative. It regulates proper movement and elimination of bowel, resulting in the reduction of constipation.

8. Enhances Immunity

The omega fatty acids and lignans combine together to improve resistance of the body. The enhanced immunity level combats the alien substances, which are responsible for several disorders in the body.

9. Fights Cancer

The tiny, yet powerful flaxseeds fight with cancerous cells and thwarts prostate, breast and colon cancers. Again, all the credit can be given to the lignans and omega fatty acids present in the flaxseeds.

10. Cures ADHD

Consumption of flaxseeds by children, suffering from ADHD, has shown significant positive results according to various researches.

11. Helps in Weight Management

Flaxseeds are a great source that helps you in managing your weight. It not only stabilizes the blood sugar level, but also increases five times in volume, when eaten. Because of this expansion, you tend to crave less for food. Take flaxseeds every day before half an hour of having dinner. This will manage your weight efficiently.

12. Reduces Osteoporosis

Having flaxseeds daily improves the density of bones, thereby preventing bone loss and diseases, such as osteoporosis.

Foods for Healthy Teeth

For a beautiful smile, you ought to have healthy white teeth. We keep our teeth “on duty”, from morning to evening, munching various healthy and unhealthy eatables. However, we cannot limit our meals, and hence, it becomes really important for us to take proper dental care. Here are some super foods that will render you sparkling white and strong teeth.

1. Water

Water is the best possible thing on the whole planet that you can consume in abundance to maintain your overall fitness. It is also good for teeth because it deposits certain minerals in teeth. Water is an important element of saliva and also keeps the gums hydrated. Water gives strength to the teeth and also prevents the tooth from decomposing.

2. Milk

Teeth need calcium to be strong and sturdy, and it is a universal truth that dairy products are the affluent source of calcium. Besides calcium, milk is also abundant in vitamin D and phosphate, which helps in repairing the tooth enamel. Soy milk is a great option for those, who cannot tolerate lactose, as it is equally nutritious.

3. Cheese

A small piece of cheese after every meal is great for oral health. It generates saliva in the mouth, which neutralizes the effect of acid. Cheese is also rich in phosphate and calcium.

4. Tea

Whether green or black, both forms of tea are excellent for oral health. Tea contains polyphenols and catechins that not only fights with cavity, but also erodes bacteria that cause plaque. However, it is beneficial to avoid sugar in tea.

5. Nuts

Munching different types of nuts can give you an assortment of nutrients as nuts, like cashews, almonds, raisins, peanuts, etc. are all abundant in diverse kinds of minerals and vitamins. They all are effective in maintaining the oral health.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt is indeed a great food stuff that is rich in healthy bacteria, called lactobacillus. Yogurt must be incorporated in at least one of the meals every day. Yogurt supports dental health to a great extent by enriching the teeth with protein and calcium.

7. Dark Chocolate

You might have been admonished by your mother for your crave for dark chocolates in your childhood!! But, it has been revealed by a number of researches that dark chocolate is amazing for dental health. It is copiously loaded with cocoa, which contain tannins. Tannins are excellent in reducing plaque formation, preventing tooth erosion, promoting blood circulation, and combating gum soreness. Consequently, you can have a piece of dark chocolate after your meal.

8. Sugarless Gums

Chewing sugarless gums are useful in producing saliva in the mouth. Saliva is necessary to fend off the acid produced by the unhealthy bacteria in the mouth.

9. Apple

Apple is also an effective saliva-generator, which helps in preventing cavity build-up. An apple after having dinner is excellent as it cleans and erodes the food particles that amass in between the teeth.

10. Bone Broth

Bone broth is made up of leftover meat and bones of animals, which is extremely wealthy in calcium contents. It not only reinforces teeth, but is uniformly great for bones, hair, and nails.

11. Mushroom

We all know that calcium is great for teeth, but it also needs some carrier to get absorbed in the body, properly. The vitamin D in mushroom helps in appropriate calcium absorption for strong and plaque-free teeth.

12. Licorice

The aromatic licorice is anti-bacterial in nature. Its consumption can make your mouth fresh and do away with cavity and plaque accumulation, as well.

13. Orange

Oranges are, to some extent, acidic in nature, and they are believed to work as a floss and brush for your mouth. The vitamin and calcium compounds of orange make it a healthful fruit that can wear away microbes and forestall tooth decay.

14. Cod Liver Oil

The vitamin A and D contents of cod liver oil have also proved to be superb for healthy teeth and gums.

15. 5 C’s

The 5 C’s include cinnamon, cardamom, clove, cumin and coriander. All these spices are prosperous in a number of nutrients, which are helpful in the prevention of any sort of damage to teeth and evading unhealthy bacteria.

Super Foods for Sharpening Memory

Is it a regular habit of yours to forget something that you have kept yourself? Are you the one who is toiling hard on your child, and still, he didn’t answer anything in the class because he forgot? Or, are you among those who forget to wish your near and dear ones because you fail to remember their birthdays, anniversaries, etc? Well, these are some common troubles that we come across every day. It is a fact that memory power diminishes with age, but when it incarcerates children and youngsters, it becomes something to seriously watch over. Mother Nature has provided us with a number of power-packed natural foods. Let’s dig into it and find a few super foods for sharpening your memory.

1. Fish

Oily fish, like salmon, mackerel and trout, are believed to be effective in improving the brain health. These fish are well-off in high levels of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), which is a type of an omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids are superior for the brain, as well as heart.

2. Flax Seed and Pumpkin Seed

For those who are vegetarians, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are a great source of omega fatty acids, called ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Pumpkin seeds also contain zinc, which is likewise effective in sharpening memory and strengthening the brain.

3. Rosemary

Some people even believe that even a mere aroma of rosemary can perk up our memory. Rosemary has carnosic acid, which is loaded with brain shielding properties. It wards off brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, and increases our memory power.

4. Walnut

Walnuts are a powerful source of polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, predominantly ALA (alpha linolenic acid). Manifold researches have revealed that consumption of a handful of walnuts every day can perk up memory function, concentration and cognitive abilities. Walnut is also rich in vitamin E that serves in maintaining age-related mental ailments.

5. Avocado

Avocado is a super fruit that heals a number of diseases. It helps the blood to flow smoothly up to the brain, thereby, ensuring brain health and sharpening memory.

6. Almonds

Almonds are prosperously loaded with vitamin B6, vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are as good as walnuts in increasing the memory power. Soak almonds at night and have them early in the morning every day for best results.

7. Blueberries

Studies have found that blueberry benefits our brain and memory as a whole. These berries are full of antioxidants that protect the brain from oxidative stress and damage. Blueberries enhance the communication between neurons, improve learning, memory and all cognitive functions, including decision making, reasoning, verbal understanding and arithmetical ability.

8. Chocolate

Well yes, this yummy treat is also good for the brain! Dark chocolate is stuffed with antioxidants, which is great for the heart, as well as the brain. Milk chocolates also help in increasing and sharpening the memory and concentration level.

9. Onion

Another super food to increase memory is onion, which contains two effective antioxidants- anthocyanin and quercetin.

10. Apple

Apple should always be consumed with its skin, as the skin encloses high amount of antioxidant, called quercetin, which is useful in treating the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. However, amongst red and green apples, red apples are more effective in rendering the brain power. Red apples have anthocyanin, which helps the brain to stay healthy and the memory to remain sharp.

11. Honey

Honey contains an equivalent part of glucose and fructose, and is also rich in potassium, B-vitamins, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and anti-oxidants. The fructose in honey acts as a fuel for brain, and safeguards the brain from mental fatigue and keeps it perked up.

12. Beetroot

Not only for augmenting the haemoglobin level, beetroots are uniformly great in increasing the blood flow to the brain also. It sharpens memory, improves concentration and hones reasoning dexterity.

13. Water

Water also falls under the category of super foods, as besides providing manifold benefits to the body, it also helps in augmenting the memory power. It significantly impacts on the functioning of the brain, decision making abilities and concentration power. It flushes out toxins from the body; which otherwise, inhibits the ability to concentrate and to think on a large extent.