Friday, 20 June 2014

Migraines: An Overview

A migraine is a neurological syndrome characterized by painful headaches that last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Migraines are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. They are also sometimes accompanied by sensory symptoms such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in an arm or leg.
Migraines can greatly reduce the quality of one’s life. The pain is debilitating, and one simply cannot perform complex tasks or even concentrate at times during a migraine attack. Work, academic study, and even social lives can be affected. To make matters worse, the unpredictability of migraines and their onset can cause chronic sufferers to become paranoid and afraid to go out or do any tasks lest they experience an attack.

Migraines are chronic conditions that typically begin in childhood or adolescence. A typical migraine produces some or all of the following symptoms:

Moderate to severe pulsing or throbbing pain, usually affecting one side of the head but sometimes affecting both sides.
Pain that worsens with physical activity and that interferes with routine activities.
Increased sensitivity to light and sound.

In addition to these symptoms, migraines can also be accompanied by auras. These auras take the form of perceptual disturbances such as flashes of light or the feeling of pins and needles in an arm or leg. Other senses of premonition that a migraine sufferer might experience before an attack include:

Feelings of elation
Intense energy
A craving for sweet food

Migraines typically last from four to 72 hours, and the frequency with which they occur varies from person to person. They also tend to occur more often in women than in men. Most migraines go undiagnosed and untreated, as a migraine sufferer may write them off as more mundane headaches.
Migraine Triggers

Although there is much that isn’t understood about migraines and their causes, there are a number of things that may trigger them:

Hormonal changes in women, such as those that occur during a period, pregnancy, or menopause.
Certain foods, most commonly alcohol (especially beer and red wine), aged cheeses, chocolate, aspartame, caffeine, and monosodium glutamate (or MSG). Fasting and skipping meals can also be triggers.
Stress, both at work and in the home.
Sensory stimuli such as bright lights, sun glare, loud noises, and strong smells.
Changes in sleeping habits such as sleeping too much or not enough.
Intense physical exertion.
Environmental changes.
Certain medications.

There is no known cure for migraines, but there are medications that can reduce their frequency and severity. Pain-relieving drugs such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), triptans, ergotamine (Ergot), anti-nausea medications, and opiates have proven to be effective when taken when symptoms appear. It is also best for sufferers to avoid common migraine triggers, get plenty of exercise, and (for women) reduce the amount of medications that contain estrogen.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Tips to Become Happy

For somebody, happiness is adrenaline rush in blood, for someone contrary, quiet and peaceful life. Someone sees happiness in the children, someone in successful work, family and etc, but one thing is certain, we all want to be happy!
1. I believe that the world exist in order to help us

Indeed, as one my friend told me:“You need to believe that the world revolves around you and you are center of universe. You are here right now, everything else is secondary, so why you lose your time and thinking about – everyone against you!” This world exist in order to help us.
2. Stop behaving yourself like a victim – don’t complain and don’t blame other people circumstance

This category of people who constantly complain and course they are harmful and they want to spoil your mood. Its only manners of communication. In fact, what is going on its just a circumstance without guilty .
3. Try to seek in everything a lesson or gift of fate

Simple Russian phrase – “All that is done, all to better”
4. Try to filter obsessive negative thoughts

Unfortunately, this problem is very difficult to cope, we are intuitively attracts negative.

One my friend lost his job, and can’t find a new. She start to think that she is not competent enough, she has little experience, she can’t pass job interview.
Indeed, at every job interview, she was so nervous and therefore not credible to potential employers.
Seeing her uncertainty and bad attitude, her boyfriend advised her to go on special course. And finally she start to believing in yourself! You can’t imagine but after two weeks she find a great new job and even have not graduated yet! She stopped thinking negatively!
5. Forgive offenses

Paying attention to negative thoughts, we are constantly digging in itself.
Neither for us nor for our loved ones. So forgive and go.
6. Start to think like that ”I will be happy when I have a husband ( children, money etc)

You must be happy right now and right here, perhaps, the most difficult , learn to enjoy small things. Present your smile other people and receive a smile in response.
7. Drink plenty of water, stop eating fast food and breathe deeply

It is easy.
8. Start to help other people and give inspiration at every moment of your life

When you are helping others, you become stronger.
And the joy of knowing that you have really helped with nothings can compare.
9. Happy people control the events of his life when there is such possibility

If you can’t change the events, then just change their attitude to what is happening.

What is the happiness? Probably there is no single answer but if you try to share your happiness we will get one happy man on our planet!

Ways to Get Your Child to Eat Healthy Foods

One of the greatest challenges of parenthood is getting your children to regularly consume and enjoy healthy foods. Indeed, children these days are literally bombarded with endless advertisements for cookies, candy, and other unhealthy foods that are strongly linked to childhood obesity; children are also subject to enormous amounts of peer pressure to indulge in snacks and treats from brands such as McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Pepsi, and the like.
There are, however, techniques, strategies, and good old dirty tricks that can be used to get your child to enjoy wholesome foods and to develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.
Take the time to make homemade meals.
In the modern day and age, we are all extremely busy- many of us to the point that we just don’t have the time or energy to prepare a homemade meal at the end of the day.

However, such behavior makes an incredibly strong mark on children, who form most of their dietary habits before the age of 12; there is overwhelming scientific evidence showing that if parents have a bad diet and are overweight, their child’s chances of following suite rise dramatically.

In order to counter this trend it is important to take the time to make wholesome homemade meals, even if you only have the time to do so a couple days a week. The meals could be as simple as grilled chicken with vegetables or as complex as spinach stuffed ravioli, but either will do- remember, your cooking habits make a much larger impression on your child than you might think.
Get your child involved in cooking
A sure fire way to get your child to eat healthy food is to find out what they like and how they like it prepared. Involve them in the entire process of cooking, from making the shopping list, selecting ingredients, and, of course, the preparation of the dish itself. While little ones will be more comfortable with simple dishes such as pasta with vegetable sauce or fruit salad, try to encourage older children to experiment with their favorite ingredients and styles of food.
Fruit is nature’s candy
Most children love to nosh on pieces of apple, handfuls of grapes, and the like- use this to your advantage.

Instead of packing chips, crackers, or soda into your child’s lunch bag, give them packets of precut apples, oranges, sliced bananas, and the like; if they need extra incentive, pack a small container of caramel or melted chocolate to dip the fruit in. Also keep precut fruits and vegetables ready to go in the fridge for snack time- again, if your child needs extra incentive (such as caramel or ranch style dressing for dipping), provide it in small amounts rather than letting them choose how much is appropriate for the size of the snack they are having.

Natural Remedies: High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of those diseases that can do harm to the body over the course of years without ever creating a single symptom in the victim. Causes of this illness vary. Tobacco use, alcohol, lack of exercise, weight, family history, and/or age can all be factors in the development of the condition. The great thing is, there are natural remedies for high blood pressure. These things you can incorporate into your life in ways that work for you, on your time.
Heavy smoker or drinker

If you are a heavy smoker or drinker and have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, chances are you’ve already been lectured on the dangers you face if you continue to indulge in these behaviors. The problem is, abstinence from these things has become moralized, and morality leaves no room for a middle ground. The fact is, to reduce your indulgence in these habits even by a little would be beneficial. If quitting altogether seems daunting, take this into consideration. You can reduce the frequency of your habits over time, and work toward a complete separation from you and your addictions at your own pace.
Changes in diet

Changes in diet will be necessary, but you would be amazed at what you can add to your diet to reduce your blood pressure. There is evidence to suggest that garlic has the power to reduce high blood pressure, as well as the herb hawthorn, fish oil, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. You will have to make certain sacrifices, but do not create more stress by treating these suggestions as things that must be incorporated immediately.

Remember, stress raises blood pressure too! Instead, remember that it took a lifetime to create conditions out of which your high blood pressure emerged, and that to effectively create new conditions in which a healthier blood pressure can reappear will take a good deal of perseverance over time as well.
Move more

The most dreaded remedy for most is exercise. What many people don’t realize, however, is that the introduction of strenuous exercise into a life of a person with high blood pressure is incredibly dangerous. If you have yet to realize, the theme here is increased health over time, and the important thing is not that you reform every facet of your life today, tomorrow, or even this week or month. The important thing is that you set your sights on the kind of life you want when you are 80 years old, and work toward that fitness level now. So, begin taking walks in the afternoon. Go golfing without the golf cart. Play with the kids more often. Join an intramural sport. Whatever it is that pops into your mind first without eliciting a response of dread from you is where you should start.

Do these activities whenever you can. Eventually, you will find more time for exercise so long as you have not overburdened yourself. You will create more ways to eat better and/or less. Overburdening is the enemy because it disincentivizes good health. When you start feeling the effects of an increase in health, you will be surprised by its motivational force. You will naturally want to pursue an even greater health level, because it feels better than any cigarette, drink, or slice of pie ever can.

Foods that Might Help You Live Longer

1. Chocolate
It’s good news for those who love chocolates! Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants that can help reduce your risk of heart disease. The oldest living woman in the world, who reached 122 years and 164 days, put good health down to her regular dark chocolate consumption. So it’s our chance to live longer too!
2. Fruits
People who eat a variety of fruits regularly will long outlive than people who don’t, just because of the fresh nutrients that a lot of fruit contains. Especially bright colored fruits can protect you from cancer. Fruits can definitely help you live longer, and there is a great variety to choose from.
3. Fish
Trout, mackerel and salmon are well-known for their health benefits, as they can help lower your risk of heart disease and bowel cancer too. Fresh and frozen oily fish is a good source of vitamins D and A, which improve the immune system, and fatty acids that lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and brain damage.