Friday 22 June 2012

Ayurvedic Concept of Diabetes mellitus

It can be said in a way that the Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes mellitus are the oldest among all the available therapies. The approach of Ayurveda towards diabetes mellitus is that, diabetes mellitus is a disease caused due to doshic imbalances. The doshas are the three humors that govern the human body. These are the vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha. These three humors must be present in a proper balance within the body in order to keep the body in the normal state of its functioning. If even one of the doshas is vitiated, then it can lead to diseases, and diabetes mellitus is one of them.

Ayurveda includes diabetes mellitus in the prameha category. Pramehas are a list of urinary disorders, especially characterized by profuse urination with several abnormal qualities. There are twenty kinds of pramehas in Ayurveda. According to the doshic causes, these pramehas are classified as follows:

Vataja pramehas – There are totally four vataja pramehas. Pittaja pramehas – There are totally six pittaja pramehas. Kaphaja pramehas – There are totally ten kaphaja pramehas.

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