Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Benefits of Coffee – But Keep it Under Control

Coffee was originally mixed with fat and eaten rather than brewed into a beverage. Hawaii is the only state in the U.S. that grows coffee. Here is some breaking news “Coffee Drinkers Have Lower Risk of Overall Death, Study Shows.” A study published May 2012 in the New England Journal of Medicine found that java drinkers are less likely to die from several common health conditions, including heart disease, stroke,diabetes, accidents and infections than non-coffee drinkers are. Studies are also showing a reduced risk for diabetes, Alzheimer’s and some cancers.

What is in coffee that can reduce the risk of diabetes? It is Chlorogenic acid and it is one of the main caffeic acids found in this beverage that has antioxidant properties. It’s also found in sunflower seeds, carrots, tomatoes and artichokes. Its ability to lower blood glucose levels may benefit those who have diabetes.

Currently there are no reported overdose symptoms associated with chlorogenic acid consumption. However, drinking large amounts of coffee can lead to a caffeine overdose. The exact amount of caffeine that leads to an overdose varies from person to person but most sources suggest that between 300mg and 700mg (approximately 3-7 cups) can cause the mild overdose symptoms listed here:

– Difficulty sleeping
– Excitement
– Increased heartbeat

So it would be best to keep your coffee intake to 3 cups a day and do not drink after 2 p.m. in the afternoon. As one eight ounce cup of caffeinated coffee stays in your system for up to 6 hours but no more than 8 hours.

Foods that causes and increases acid reflux – avoid them

Acid reflux is the cause of non healthy foods we are addicted to, and it is hard to avoid as it has become a huge part of our diet. It is one problem followed by uneasiness, stomach ache, chest pain, etc.

To avoid the food entirely causing acid reflux, should be the prime task. The list of food is below:
1. Soda:
Soda and other carbonated beverages are considered the main reason for Acid reflux. The carbonated beverages contain bubbles in them, which tend to rise up inside the stomach and is responsible for increased pressure. However, Soda is consumed to be a supplement or digestion, but the after effects are worse.
2. Chocolate:
For all the chocolate lovers, it is one bad news for you. The chocolate on which we tend to crave for, is also one of the main reason for acid reflux. It contains caffeine and other substituents like theobromine, cause of acid reflux. It too contains fat, fat being the reason of acid reflux. Chocolate has a good amount of cocoa, lead to acid reflux. Avoiding, chocolate is not easy, but should be done for long benefits.
3. Fried food:
Fried food(deep or normal) both are responsible for producing acid reflux, due to their fat content. It is one food which is associated with heartburn, and its consumption is harmful for the body.
4. Alcohol:
Liquor in any form, beer, whiskey, etc. is a bad option for health. Liquor has substituents which enhances acid reflux in the body. Alcohol relaxes the valves at the bottom of the esophagus, though alcoholic beverages are not so acidic in nature.
5. High fat dairy products:
Dairy products are seen as a good health supplement. But if you have acid reflux, it needs to be avoided due to the high fat nature. High fat food is relative to acid reflux. Mak less consumption of it in the diet to resist acid reflux.
6. High fat meats:
Meats have high content of protein and fat. It has nutrients too, but again makes a bad choice for acid reflux. Fats in lamb, pork, beef, stays in the stomach for longer time, resulting into acid reflux. It should not be removed from the diet, but yes consumption rate need to minimised, like once in a week.
7. Caffeine:
Caffeine is a great source of high acid reflux. A cup of coffee or espresso in a day is fine. People who drink it the whole day can invite this problem. However it can be replaced with other drinks as well, like chamomile and green tea, which are herbal and have high health benefits too. Avoid unnecessary problems to health by digging into favourable health options.
Eating healthy is the mantra, it is healthy, energetic and avoid the menial problems faced by us in our day to day life, due to wrong eating habits.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Benefit of Tamarind for fat

Tamarind helps to lower the cholesterol level by the fiber present in tamarind. The herbs present in tamarind are more beneficial to control the bad cholesterol.

Top health benefits of raspberries

Raspberry is a delicious fruit and commercial crop grown all over the world. Raspberry fruit is of various colours such as purple, golden, red and black used in preparing fruit jams and in fruit salads.. Raspberries are rich source of vitamins, fiber and anti-oxidants. Raspberries contain small amounts of cyanadin, salicylic acid, gallic acid and quercetin acid. Raspberry is low calorie fruit with high nutritional values and high amount of magnesium. Raspberry is a cholesterol free fruit with huge health benefits.

Health benefits of raspberry:
Blood vessels: Raspberry contains vitamin C used for cell growth in human body. Raspberry fruit repairs the body cells, bones, blood vessels.
Bone development: Raspberry fruit contains vitamin K helps to gain proteins needed for blood clots, injury. Raspberry fruit has high nutrients that are needed to maintain healthy bone. Vitamin K in raspberry used for the bone development. Intake of raspberry fruit daily is recommended for both men and women.
Free radicals: Raspberry fruit is rich source of manganese and minerals. It protects from damaging the free radical in our body. It strengthens the bones and slows down the anti-aging.
Women health: Raspberry is nutrient fruit with fiber and phyto-chemical compound. Raspberry is more beneficial for women to regulate menstrual periods, relieves from cramps. It also strengthens mother milk.
Diabetes: Raspberry fruit reduce the sugar level in blood. This fruit is beneficial for sugar patients to lower the risk of diabetes.
Cancer: Raspberry fruit is rich in fiber and anti-oxidants. Raspberry fruit reduces the reproduction of cancer cells and prevents cancer.
Heart: Raspberry is rich fruit have health benefits. Raspberry fruit contains vitamins, minerals, potassium, manganese and fiber. The raspberry juice is recommended to heart patients. Prefer to drink the raspberry juice to avoid heart problems.
Beauty benefits:
Cosmetics: Raspberry fruit is used in cosmetics. Raspberry extract is used as flavour in lip sticks, deodorants and soaps.
Skin care: Raspberry fruit has skin tightening properties. It prevents anti-aging wrinkles, improves colour complexion. Anthocyanins present in raspberry prevents bacteria that effects skin.
Hair care: Raspberry fruit contains vitamin B that reduces hair fall, improves hair growth and reduces grey hair growth. Raspberry fruit also improves the hair shining. Vitamin C in raspberry fruit is also beneficial for healthy scalp.

Best Hair oils for Fast Hair Growth

You don’t always have to buy adorned, large-scale title hair goods for your hair. occasionally the best goods are actually very easy and discovered in your localized entire nourishment store. What are these easy hair goods? Well they’re natural oils. I’m a natural haired woman and understand first-hand that natural oils are amazing for hair. They work wonders on my hair. And I’ve been utilizing natural oils for years to make my hair suppler, shinier, and even stronger. fundamentally hair desires oil. So be certain to check out these 7 fabulous natural oils for natural hair.

Avocado Oil
Avocado oil is particularly large for natural hair. It’s loaded with nutrients, amino acids, essential fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, B, D, and E. And it’s excellent for moisturizing, deep conditioning, improving hair power, reinforcing hair, and boosting shine.
Castor Oil
Castor oil thickens hair, promotes hair development, stops thinning, moisturizes, helps reduce split finishes, assists to tame frizz, and prevents scalp infections.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is large for stopping dandruff, promoting hair development, moisturizing, strengthening hair, thickening hair, and stopping impairment.
Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil is large for stimulating hair follicles for hair development, stopping hair loss and greying, stopping dandruff, reinforcing hair, and boosting glow.
Safflower Oil
Safflower oil defends hair, nourishes hair follicles, moisturizes, and stimulates blood circulation to encourage hair regrowth and depth And it is exceedingly beneficial for natural as well as dry chemically treated hair.
sugared Almond Oil
Sugared almond oil works great as a “sealant.” This means that it “locks-in” moisture on the hair. sugared almond oil furthermore nourishes hair, flattens hair cuticles to command shedding, increases hair growth and width, prevents hair decrease, and increases shine.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Skin care & beauty care using the vegetable peels

Growth in the science and technology making our tasks easy, it is your wish to pick the best one from the bag of big to use them and to sport on your skin. You always have the choice to get the skin care products that are made with the natural ingredients or prepared out from chemicals. Vegetables and fruits come to the line very first when we want to treat our skin with the nature ingredients like wise peels removed from the vegetables also benefits our skin in many ways. So, no dumping of the vegetable peels from next time onwards.

Vegetable peels benefits for skin care
Cucumber peelsOne popular vegetable to beat the body heat cucumber is also famous for the skin care. To help reduce dark circles around the eyes cucumber pieces works great, its peel is also helpful to treat the zits on the face.
Potato peels
To treat the acne prone skin potato peel can be used, it treats the outburst of acne very well. The vitamin C present in the potato heals the acne from getting double.
Bottle gourd  peels
Peel out the skin of bottle gourd and rub it on your face to get the instant glowing skin. Do this remedy for once in a week to make your skin beautiful and fresh.
Bitter gourd peels
Apply the juice from bitter gourd to reduce dark spots and scars on your skin. To reduce scars apply the juice of bitter gourd peel. You can prepare it by squeezing the smashed peel.
Lemon peels
To treat the facial hair in a natural way lemon peel can help you easily. It works like a bleaching agent and bleaches your skin, also use it to remove out the tan from face.
Carrot peels
Carrot peel go so safely on any type of skin. Hence it can be chosen without any doubt. Remove the peel from a carrot, grind it in to thick paste and use it on your wrinkle zone area. The same treatment also helps to clear the dark wrinkles color.
Yams or sweet-potato peels
To cure tan associated by exposure to sun rays the peel of sweet yam works ideal. Take out the peel and use it on the affected skin area. One can simply massage the peel on the skin to remove tan.
Banana peel
The peel of banana helps to improve the skin tone, it has the capacity to improve the skin complexion. For best results use the peel of green banana. Take it out and rub it on your face and neck line regularly to get the difference.
Radish peels
One another best vegetable peels to use on the skin is radish peel. Radishes have high amount of vitamin B6 that helps to clean out the blackheads. Rub a radish peel on the blackheads area, it softens blackheads and helps to fall off.
Beetroot peels
Shining cheeks with a pink shade adds beauty to your face. Peel off the beets and gently massage on your cheek bones for twice a week to improve color in a very natural way.

Health and beauty benefits of cranberries

Cranberry, fruit is small and red berry, which grows more in the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere and are only harvested from October through December. They are loaded with antioxidants and many essential nutrients, the Latin name of cranberry is “Vacciniummacrocarpon”, it helps a lot in both beauty and health related problems, let’s go through thebenefits below,

Health Benefits of cranberries
It helps a lot in a hair growth and to get a dark hair, Mix a cup of pure cranberry juice with 1/4th cup of water. Use this as a final rinse after washing the hair.
Vitamin C in cranberry juice is an essential nutrient to treat damaged hair and prevent a variety of hair disorders.
In order to get rid of dandruff, psoriasis other scalp related problems, using it may yield good results, anti septic and anti fungal properties of this juice helps a lot in preventing this.
Its helps in strengthening teeth and bones and helps to keep away from kindly stones.
It removes bacteria and fungus in the body and tries to keep away from infections.
It helps to reduce urinary tract infections.
Helps a lot in the Cardiovascular disease and keep you away from death.
It fights with cancer cells and try to keep you away from cancer related problems.
It helps to lower your blood pressure and keeps you away from heart related problems.
Intake of three cups (750 ml) of cranberry juice cocktail a day increased the HDL chol¬esterol in their blood.
Cranberries contain citric acid and other nutrients that can prevent kidney stones, and other kidney and bladder problems.
Skin Benefits of cranberries
Antioxidants in this can help your skin to free from radicals and make your skin free from aging problem.
Skin problems like acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema can be healed with the use of cranberries.
Results in a fresh and smooth skin by keeping psoriasis or have oily skin away.
Cranberry oil will be used in products which in turn help to keep skin away from wrinkles.
The anti-bacterial properties found in cranberries also makes them a good ingredient to use in facial cleansers, in pore cleansers and toners for acne-prone skin, and for use in body washes, scrubs and masks.
Its helps to keep skin free from damage due to environmental factors.