Dried bread
Dried bread most commonly called as rusk is a good food to rely on in order to improve your mood at the work. The low calories and high proteins are the important factors of the dried bread which kept it as a food to boost up mood.
A renowned way to lift up your mood is by a single cup of coffee. It can do magic in improving the spirit to high levels. But remember over drinking is not good for health so stick to one cup.
Green tea
Another important and healthy way to lift up your mood is through a cup of tea, as a healthier option choose green tea besides milk tea. Green tea can be considered as a best tea to choose at your work.
Many experiments had already revealed the benefits of biting chocolate. If it the mood that is swinging or dull mood have a chocolate bar to instantly turn yourself active and energetic.
The more you are hydrated the more the chances of being energetic and fresh. Drink liters and liters of water that are available easy to stay hydrated and healthy as well.
Beet roots
Beet roots not only helps the anemia patients but also helps the people who are seeking to stay energetic at work. Cube the beetroot and add them a dash of pepper powder and salt to prepare a healthy diet that can improve your mood.
As like beetroots another crunchy food to boost up the mood is carrots. They are known to be having high ranges of beta-carotene that is recommended to cope up with getting high energy. Carrots are also considered as a good healthy food for the brain too.
Lemon juice
Mood swinging is a general issue in the working hours because of many reasons. If you are being with that problem just squeeze half a lemon in a cup of water and drink it with the addition of little amount of sugar. It can work as magic in boosting the mood.
Dry fruits
Dry fruits especially raisins, almonds and prunes are the greatest mood improving food items to opt for. These three are tasty and can help you to get rid of bad mood problem. Almonds are known to be one of the top brain foods. It is having rich amounts of vitamins that are necessary to increase the energy. So have a handful of raisins or almonds to improve your spirit to greater levels.
Another healthy and natural way to grow your mood is through a banana. Bananas provide proteins and potassium which are necessary to prepare a positive mind set. So eat a ripe banana or add it in the fruit salad.