Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

There’s a reason why hemp seeds are called as ‘super food’. Hemp seeds are rich in essential minerals, vitamins, proteins and fats. Hemp seeds have a perfect combination of nutrients, which is good for the health. Listed below are some health benefits of hemp seeds, read on.
1. It helps to treat dry skin

As hemp seeds are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and zinc, it helps to reduce the problems associated with dry skin. It helps to treat dry skin and makes the skin smooth. Hemp seeds are also good for dry hair. It helps to make your hair smooth in texture.
2. It reduces menstrual cramps in women

Hemp seeds are rich in magnesium, copper and vitamin D. Intake of hemp seeds on a regular basis helps to reduce menstrual cramps. It also helps to prevent the problem of premenstrual syndrome.
3. It lowers bad cholesterol

As hemp seeds are rich in amino acids, omega 3 fatty acids and other essential vitamins, it lowers the bad cholesterol in the body. Hemp seeds also help to level the cholesterol in the body, thus preventing the risk of other heart related diseases.
4. It reduces joint pain

Hemp seeds are rich in magnesium and calcium. Include hemp seeds in your diet plan in any form. This will help to reduce joint related pain and inflammation of the joints. Hemp seeds are also known to work on some of the symptoms of arthritis in women.
5. It helps in constipation

As hemp seeds are rich in fiber, sulfur and other amino acids, it helps to relieve the problem of constipation. It acts as a forming natural laxative, which prevents the problem of constipation. Intake of hemp seeds on a regular basis is also good for digestion. It boosts the digestive system and immunity.
6. It helps to enhance memory

Hemp seeds are rich in Vitamin B1 B2, B6, phosphorus and other enzymes. This helps to increase memory power and improve concentration.
7. It helps to maintain hormone levels

Hemp seeds are rich in essential omega 3 fatty acids. This helps to repair hormonal disturbances in the body. The alpha lipoic acid in hemp seeds can also help to prevent from various diseases.
8. It helps to increase the energy level

Rich in fiber, protein and calcium, hemp seeds help to increase the normal energy level of the body. It helps to improve the recovery of muscles after a workout session. It also helps to increase the normal metabolic rate of the body.


Keep you away from unhealthy cravings

When on a juice cleanse any kind of whole food is completely off-limits. This will ensure that you stay away from unwanted sweets, alcohol or snack cravings.
Most people suffer from chocolate cravings and giving into these cravings can take a serious toll on your health and weight loss plans. In this article, we give you some effective tips to beat these unhealthy cravings.

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How to Deal with Cravings
Hunger versus Craving

The 15 minute rule
Most cravings are short-lived and are likely to diminish after awhile. The 15 minute rule implies that you wait for 15 minutes before you give in to your cravings. Distract yourself by talking to a friend or engage in some activity and you will notice that these strong cravings go away.

There are weight loss studies, which have proven that by simply drinking water, you can ward off a craving. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will keep your stomach full and keep those unhealthy cravings away.

Fruit is healthy and will satisfy those sweet cravings. Fruit also contains natural sugars, which will provide your body with vitamins that boost your immune system. So, grab a fruit instead of a chocolate bar and keep those unwanted calories away.

Make your own low-cal chocolate
Chocolate is harmful because of its sugar content. To overcome this, make your own chocolate with natural sweeteners. This way you can give in to your cravings once in awhile without worrying about the harmful effects of sugar.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is good for health. It is full of antioxidants, which helps protect the body from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and ageing. In fact, dark chocolate can also aid in weight loss. A piece of dark chocolate will satisfy your cravings without you having to worry about those extra calories. But don’t forget, moderation is key.

Health Benefits of Methi

Methi contains proteins, fibre, iron, potassium, alkaloids, vitamin C and niacin. Apart from that is also contains diosgenin, a compound with similar properties to oestrogen. All these properties make methi a very healthy ingredient with a number of health benefits. Here is what makes methi a healthy ingredient.
Hair problems
Whether you eat methi as part of your diet or you apply it directly to your hair, either way it will help treat your hair problems. Boil methi seeds and soak them overnight in coconut oil, then use this oil to massage your hair. Following a routine regularly is very effective in treating thinning hair and hair fall. This also helps treat dandruff and keeps your hair nourished and shiny.

Soak a clean cloth in methi seed paste and apply it on your boils, eczema and burns. It will effectively help clear skin inflammation and scars. Using fenugreek in you homemade face packs will also help treat pimples, blackheads and wrinkles.

Weight loss

Chewing methi seeds in the morning on an empty stomach is a very effective in treating weight loss. Methi has natural soluble fibre that swells and fills the stomach, thereby suppressing your appetite.

Sore throat
Methi mixed with a little lemon and honey is very useful to treat a sore throat. The mucilage in methi has a soothing effect on your throat, which then helps relieve cough and pain.

A spoonful of methi in your daily food can help treat acid reflux and heartburn. Soak methi seeds in water and then use them in your food. The mucilage of methi seeds lines the stomach and intestines and can soothe the irritated gastrointestinal tissues. Apart from that, it also helps flush out harmful toxins, thereby aiding digestion and treating constipation as well.


Monday, 12 May 2014

Amazing Benefits Of Sapota For Skin

Sapota fruit helps to make your skin glowing, thus reducing your requirement of skin care products to enhance your natural skin texture and complexion....

Health Benefits of Muskmelon

If you are wondering which fruit you should include in your daily diet to increase your nutritional intake, muskmelon can be one of your choices. Muskmelons, also called cantaloupes, tend to get ignored because of their plain taste and looks. But they are extremely good for you. Here are a few health benefits of muskmelons.
1. Muskmelons are full of vitamins and minerals

Rarely will you find fruits that can fulfill almost all your nutritional requirements. Eating muskmelons will ensure that you get your daily quota of Vitamin A, B, C, K, folate, magnesium, fiber and potassium. Fiber helps in preventing constipation, Vitamin A improves skin health and Vitamin C ensures the absorption of iron from the bloodstream. Most people throw away the white seeds found when a muskmelon when it is cut open, but those seeds are nutritious too. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are very important for controlling inflammation in the body.
2. Muskmelons help in maintaining heart health

Muskmelons are known to be very good fruits for people with heart ailments or those who are constantly watching their heart health. Some of the most common causes of a heart attack are excessive stress, hypertension and diabetes. Muskmelons are rich in potassium which is known to lower blood pressure by diluting the impact of sodium concentration in the body. Melons are also known to have a pigment called lycopene which prevents cell damage and reduces chances of a heart attack.
3. Muskmelons are good for menstruating women

Menstruating women often go through much discomfort during periods which includes heavy blood flow and inflammation. Eating muskmelons during menstruation can reduce blood clots and may also help in keeping blood flow in control. Since muskmelons also have anti-inflammatory elements, consuming them may prevent abdominal and lower back pains.

4. Muskmelons are hydrating fruits

Just like watermelons, muskmelons too have high water content which makes this fruit very healthy. It helps in maintaining the body’s hydration levels during summer which reduces because of water loss through perspiration. High water content also ensures a feeling of fullness after eating this fruit. This may prevent you from snacking on other junk foods. This is in turn beneficial for people who are trying to loose weight without losing their health.
5. Muskmelons reduce inflammation

Muskmelons are known to have a high dose of anti-inflammatory nutrients along with antioxidants. Lack of Vitamin B6 can cause inflammation and oxidative stress. This can cause an imbalance in many metabolic processes of the body. Since muskmelons are high in beta-carotene, they prevent inflammation and free the body of any type of pain occurring thereof.
6. Muskmelons increase immunity levels

High immunity levels are extremely important for the body as they prevent illnesses and help in keeping fit. Muskmelons are known to have citrulline which is responsible for producing arginine. This amino acid plays a critical function in maintaining the body’s immunity. So if you have kids in the house who you want to keep safe from common infections and ailments, you should feed them muskmelons along with other varieties of melons.


Foods that Help You Drop Weight Fast

There is no healthy short cut for weight loss. But, the right foods can help you shed the excess pounds and keep you healthy by curbing your cravings and burning calories faster. Also, healthier food options can lead to a slimmer, healthier and younger you. Here are some foods that can help you get rid of those ugly fat and love handles.
1. Green vegetables

Consuming leafy green vegetables like lettuce and spinach can result in loss of weight. Being extremely low in calories, they are very helpful for all those who wish to lose weight. They are rich in several minerals, vitamins and fiber, which provide nourishment to the body as well.
Instead of starving yourself to lose weight, these are some foods, which you can have without a doubt to get rid of excess fat. These are far better than magic pills and miracle diets that are generally not good for the body. Healthy food and the right kind of workouts along with good sleep helps you to stay fit.

2. Juicy foods

Any fruit and vegetable with high amount of water helps to fill the stomach and make you eat less during the day. Juicy foods help you to lose weight by preventing mindless eating and are good for the body. Some of the juicy foods include mushrooms, cucumber, watermelon, lettuce, grapefruit, tomatoes and cantaloupe.
3. Lentils

Lentils are soluble fibers and are high in protein that help the body to stabilize insulin and blood sugar levels. Consume lentils regularly and help prevent insulin spikes, which can cause your body to produce excessive fat.

4. Green tea

If you drink tea regularly, swap your regular tea with green tea. The latter contains fat fighting chemicals, which helps in weight loss. This is why green tea is an important ingredient in several weight loss products. It also helps to free the body of toxins, which can otherwise hamper your weight loss process.

5. Beans

This is another excellent food, which helps in weight loss. They contain a digestive hormone known as cholecystokinin, which is a natural appetite suppressant. It helps reduce hunger pangs. The natural fiber present in beans stays in the body much longer. This makes you feel full and prevents cravings and feelings of hunger.


Tips to Help You Stay Vegan

A vegan diet consists of food that has no animal derivatives. Strict vegans also adhere to the practice of not using animal products or animal derived products in their lives and do not restrict these to just food. They also do not drink milk, eat cheese or use leather products. Veganism is more a philosophy that is against making sentient animals a commodity. It is also different from being a vegetarian. Although a lot of people are embracing vegan living, it is always not so easy to stay a vegan or travel when you are a vegan. It is difficult to find vegan friendly foods in the restaurants or markets. There is not only the danger of succumbing to temptation but also the danger of being forced to eat non vegan food when you cannot get hold of it. Here are some tips to help you stay vegan.
1. Try not eating out so much and if you do have to eat out, do a little research and find out places that serve vegan food

Not eating out much is not only good for your wallet but it is also good for your health. But at times you just cannot help it and in these cases do a little research and find restaurants that serve vegan food.
2. Try and pack food when you are travelling long distances in the car

When you have to drive for long or when you are on a road trip, you will make pit stops to eat. You cannot always know where you would get vegan food. Hence it is good that you pack your food for how many ever days you are going to travel.
3. Embrace the vegan philosophy and believe in it

Do not become a vegan as a fad or because you want to be like your partner. When you become a vegan you must embrace the philosophy and also believe in it. Believe ardently in it will definitely help you stay vegan.
4. Learn more about the vegan diet

It is important to know that being vegan is different from being vegetarian and you need to know what forms a vegan diet. Talk to your vegan friends. Also there are a lot of vegan communities online that you can refer to.
5. When in doubt or tempted, think of all the poor animals and the torture they go through before they end up as food on your table

The very picture of animals being grown in cages and in unnatural environment should be enough to put you off eating meat when you are tempted or have doubts about the whole concept of veganism.
6. A vegan diet can look pretty bland and boring if you do not learn how to make new dishes or cook interesting stuff

There is always a vegan substitute for meat and other animal products. Find them and try to cook something different and interesting every day so you do not get bored with eating the same stuff.

Being vegan is good for your health as well as the environment. Be vegan and do your best to stay vegan.