Thursday, 15 May 2014

Health Tips and Benefits of Mulberry

1. Eating even a small bowl of mulberries before sleeping can cure sleeping disorders. It can also help someone suffering from anemia and can aid someone suffering from vertigo.
2. For post operative patients, the enzymes found in the mulberry fruit can accelerate healing, improve blood circulation and prevent the onset of infection. In some countries, it is often used to speed up recovery after giving birth and as an anti-inflammatory solution after surgery.
3. If you had consumed too much alcohol, a small bottle of mulberry juice can help you overcome the effects of it and prevent you from getting a hang over the next day.
4. If a person is suffering from dehydration, a small glass of mulberry juice can immediately supplement the body’s lost fluids. Dehydration can have serious effects, such as loss of energy and focus, and can even lead to fainting. A quick drink of mulberry juice can improve the condition of a dehydrated person.
5. Mulberry juice can even bring back the lustre of your hair and darken graying hair, making you look younger. Even a small amount of mulberry juice poured and massaged on your scalp daily can revive your hair roots and stimulate healthy hair growth again.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Foods that Fight Fat

It is a known fact that you have to give up lot of foods in order to get rid of unwanted fat accumulation in your body. But did you also know that there are foods that actually help you fight the excess fat in your body? There is, of course, no alternative to exercising and proper care of your diet, but including these foods in your diet will definitely add to your efforts. Listed here are the top 6 foods that fight fat.
1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice which contains an antioxidant called beta carotene. Beta carotene protects the liver from damage by free radicals. Thus it helps strengthen the liver which in turn results in an improved and enhanced metabolism in your body. As a result, you are able to burn fats more easily. Therefore include some turmeric in your next dish in order to burn the extra fat in your body.
2. Cinnamon

Sugar provides our body with energy. But we do not use all the sugar we eat. The extra sugar is stored in our body as fat. Cinnamon helps in faster and better metabolism of extra sugars in our body, thus helping in preventing the extra fat buildup.
3. Onions and garlic

Apart from breaking down excess accumulated fats in the body, onions and garlic also help in the metabolism of cholesterol and killing harmful bacteria, virus and fungi. They also prevent heart diseases by fighting excess fat and preventing the arteries from clogging.

4. Green leafy vegetables

All green leafy vegetables are a rich source of plenty of nutrients and minerals. These boost the immune system of your body and helps protect it against illness, cardiovascular diseases, cancerous cell buildup and accumulation of excess fats in the body among other things. Vegetables improve the overall metabolism of the body.
5. Beans

Beans contain dietary fibers which are good for your overall health, besides aiding smooth functioning of the digestive tract. They also help in stabilizing blood sugar and keep a check on blood pressure related health problems.
6. Cayenne

Cayenne is a hot spice which keeps a check on excess insulin in the body by enhancing the metabolism in your body and maintaining normal levels of blood sugar. Include cayenne in your diet for a slimmer figure.

Health Benefits of Organic Food

All over the world, with people becoming more aware of the dangers of pesticides, preference is being given to ‘organic’ food over the conventional kind, though it costs more. Organic food is grown in farms– grains, vegetables and fruits, and also comprises animal products– meat, fish, chicken, eggs and so on. Though in few studies conducted in the USA, findings pertaining to organic food being more nutritious than the conventional food have been unclear, these have revealed that organic food contains lesser harmful chemicals.
1. Lesser toxins

Organic food comes from crops grown in a ‘safe’ soil, untreated with chemicals including insecticides, fungicides or herbicides. Farmers are not permitted to use any kind of fertilizers– petroleum-based or sludge-based, synthetic pesticides or genetically modified organisms. The livestock in farms have access to outdoor space and given ‘organic’ feed– which rules out growth hormones and antibiotics. Animals are also not fed any kind of animal by-products, thus reducing the danger of their contracting ‘mad cow’ disease. So, eating ‘organic’ food means that you will be consuming lesser toxins, which means better health for you.
2. More phytonutrients and immunity

Phytonutrients contain antioxidants, which are required by the body to prevent changes being made to the DNA and, thus, help in building immunity and prevent diseases of the heart and cancer, and also delay aging. Some fruits and vegetables are a good source of these essential compounds.
3. More omega-3 fatty acids

A few studies in this sphere indicate that organic milk was found to contain a remarkably higher percentage of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are known to boost the chemical, serotonin associated with happiness. Besides, serotonin also plays a role in sleep, appetite, memory as well as learning.
4. Avoid developmental disorders

When pregnant women are fed food that’s been exposed to pesticides, there is every danger that they will pass it on to the developing fetus, or their infant when they are breastfeeding. This exposure can lead to the baby suffering from developmental delays, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or lower IQ in young children. Sometimes, such an exposure can even affect the child’s nervous system, years later.
5. Organic food is fresher

Since ‘organic’ foods do not contain preservatives to make them last longer, they are usually more fresh than other food products. The Environmental Working Group in USA has found that fruits and vegetables such as: apples, bell peppers, carrots, celery, cherries, grapes, kale, lettuce, nectarines, peaches, pears and strawberries contain the highest amounts of pesticides; so it’s best to buy these fruits and vegetables when they are certified ‘organic’.
6. It lasts longer

A study has found that organic food decays later than the other kind.
7. Lessening of allergies

There’s good news for those of you who are allergic to certain chemicals, preservatives or foods, as some researchers say that people may find their allergies lessening, even vanishing, when they eat only organic foodstuff.

Habits to Help You Live a Long Life

1. Eat a healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast is considered by many to be the most important meal of the day. It is claimed by experts that a healthy breakfast is the perfect way to start a day. You don’t need to wake up very early to have a healthy breakfast as long as you have stocked up on cereal, bread, cut fruits, milk and eggs.
2. Stop overeating and have a healthy diet

Parties and holidays can often make it difficult to keep a strict watch over your diet. Eating junk food once in a while may be fine but most experts suggest that you should maintain a balanced diet if you want good health throughout your long life.
3. Exercise regularly

Put your gym membership to use and get into the habit of exercising regularly. No matter how busy you are, take at least twenty to thirty minutes for three to four days a week to exercise. You will not only burn those extra calories but a well balanced exercise routine will give your entire body a healthy workout.
4. Give your body enough rest

Our bodies are said to recover and rejuvenate when we sleep. Give your body enough sleep to recover from the mental and physical stress of daily life. Allow it ample rest to detoxify and cleanse itself by sleeping for at least six to seven hours every day.
5. Have a routine and schedule for everything

One of the habits that is considered by many to add years to your life is having a fixed routine. Don’t sleep erratically, have meals at random times or snack any time you feel like eating. Fix an approximate time for all your activities and stick to your routine. It may be impossible to have dinner at the same exact time every day or go to sleep at the fixed time, but be as practical as you can and get into the habit of maintaining a routine in your life.
6. Put effort into drinking more water

Water makes up a significant portion of your body weight and you must get into the habit of keeping yourself hydrated constantly. It is easy to forget to drink the minimum number of glasses of fluid every day, so you must put in deliberate and constant effort to rehydrate yourself. Make this a habit by keeping a water bottle on your desk.
7. Keep yourself busy and active

Even if you have retired or you have taken a break from work, keep yourself busy and active. Find a hobby or do any other activity that keeps you on your toes for a certain number of hours every day. Lying around and having nothing to do is known to give rise to many issues including obesity.
8. Don’t do things that make you frustrated and stressed out

Doing things that make you unhappy and frustrated is only going to make you worry unnecessarily. Stress is known to have a negative impact on your quality of life. Don’t risk your well being by doing things that you find stressful.

9. Kick your vices and addictions

Vices and addictions such as tobacco, smoking, drinking or doing drugs can have a bad impact on your health in the long term. Stay healthy by giving up your vices and addictions right away. Get into the habit of living a clean life, free of things that may have an adverse effect on your health.
10. Brush and floss every day

Studies have linked germ and bacteria build-up to other complications. Brush and floss twice a day so that you reduce the amount of germs and bacteria in your mouth. Don’t get into the bad habit of skipping brushing just because you are in a hurry. Don’t use your busy schedule as an excuse for not brushing or flossing.
11. Get yourself checked at regular intervals

If you want to live a long life, you may need to get yourself checked at regular intervals. Medical experts recommend that both men and women should go for regular medical checkups.
12. Look forward to each day

It is likely that people who have a purpose or goal find it easier to pass time than people who have nothing to achieve. Instead of sitting idle and having nothing to do, build a goal for yourself. Work to achieve that goal. You will see that having a purpose in life can dramatically make every day of your life worth living.
13. Give your emotions an outlet

Bottling up your emotions of anger, anxiety, happiness or excitement may not be the best thing to do. Vent out your emotions and feelings to your loved ones. By doing so, you will keep your mind and thoughts free of any clogged emotions. You will be able to get rid of worry and stress.
14. Meet friends and family often

Human beings are social creatures and it is natural for them to seek social interaction. Meet your friends and family often so you can share your life with them. Being in the company of loved ones is known to give psychological fulfillment which is important for having a healthy mental outlook.
15. Be happy and grateful

The feeling of gratitude can bring immense satisfaction and happiness to your life. Be happy and thankful about your home, job, family and achievements and see how it radiates into your overall good heath and long life.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014


Soy beans are a significant plant based source of proteins, yet they contain a limited number of dietary animo acids. Soy is also researched for it's...

Health Benefits of Mango

The ‘king of fruits’, mango, is full of nourishing properties besides its flavourful taste and mild aroma. This super fleshy, yellow fruit is loved by everyone and is abundantly grown in India, Africa, and Sumatra. Mangoes are the fruits of summers; hence, they are extremely rejuvenating and help in putting aside the hot ripples of the sun. Discover below that what qualities mango encloses in it.

1. Improves Digestion

Mango is a highly fibrous fruit that aids in digestion. It contains enzymes, like the ones that are found in papayas, which break down the protein.

2. Lowers Cholesterol

Being highly fibrous, mangoes curtail the level of LDL in the body. Vitamin C and pectin contents contribute to this property.

3. Eye Health

A mango can accomplish the daily requirements of vitamin A that is needed by the body of an individual. Vitamin A averts the troubles of dry eyes, night blindness, and upholds good eyesight.

4. Helps in Diabetes

Mango leaves help in normalizing the insulin levels in the blood. You just need to boil the leaves in water, soak them the whole night and consume the filtered decoction in the morning. It also has quite low glycemic index (41-60), so consumption of this fruit in moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels.

5. Prevents Cancer

The antioxidant compounds in mango safeguard against the hazardous ailments, like breast, colon, leukemia, and prostate cancers.

6. Boosts Immune System

The munificent quantities of vitamin A and C in mangoes keep the immune system hale and hearty.

7. Remedy for Heat Stroke

For protection against the heat strokes, green mango has proved to be the best. A decoction of green mango, sweetener, and water helps in preventing the body from being exhausted and dehydrated in summers. In this way, it also cleanses the kidneys.

8. Alkalizes the Whole Body

Mangoes are affluent with the quantity of malic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid. These compounds help in preserving the alkalinity of the body.

9. Increases Fertility

The folic acid in mangoes helps in enhancing the fertility.

10. Repairs Cells

The antioxidant enriched mangoes are beneficial in repairing the worn out tissues and cells. They also detoxify the skin.

11. Improves Memory

The adequacy of glutamine in mangoes is advantageous for improvising the memory levels.

12. Maintains Healthy Teeth and Gums

The vitamin C contents of mangoes assist in maintaining the gums and teeth strong.

Health Benefits of Papaya

Do you know Christopher Columbus described papaya as the ‘fruit of the angels’? Not just it tastes good, but it has abundant qualities, which keep you strong and healthy. Papaya is a wholesome fruit, which is jam-packed with a number of health benefits. Read the article below to find out some of them.

1. Treats Digestive Disorders

The highly fibrous contents of the papaya make the digestion process much easier. The papain in papaya aids in preventing constipation and promotes the proper bowel movement. There are various other compounds in papaya, which help in averting the risk of colon cancer.

2. Prevents Heart Attacks and Strokes

The antioxidants and powerful vitamins in the papaya, if consumed on the daily basis, can assist you in reducing the ill-effects of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. The power-packed enzymes of papaya actually prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

3. Helps in Maintaining Weight

Papayas are rich in a number of elements, which are extremely good for your health. This fibre rich fruit is good enough in preventing constipation and promoting fast movement of food through your gut. Moreover, papaya is a cholesterol-free fruit; hence, it is a great natural source for maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Prevents Premature Ageing

The antioxidant contents of papaya help in preventing untimely ageing, and make you look younger.

5. Treats Inflammation

The papain, chymopapain, and various other antioxidants in papaya are helpful in reducing inflammation.

6. Boosts Immunity

Papaya is enormous in amounts of vitamin C, which is considered as an important element in combating the free radicals. Other than vitamin C, it has vitamin A and E that are supportive in boosting the body’s immunity.

7. Prevents Cancer

There are quite a lot of imperative compounds that a papaya is rich in. It is so powerful fruit that it can even reduce the risk of cancer development in the body. The elements, like isothiocyanates, beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, and lycopene, help in eradicating the potential carcinogens from the body. They restrain the development of cancerous cells.

8. Protects Vision

A number of studies have revealed that consuming two to three servings of papaya every day can reduce the risk of eye ailments, like macular degeneration. Because of the huge presence of antioxidants, papaya is excellent for eyes, and for averting disorders, like glaucoma and cataract.

9. Treats Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory enzymes in papaya are the reason of alleviation of pain caused by arthritis. Papain and chymopapain are two very unique protein-digesting enzymes that immensely lower down the soreness caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Helps in Treating Hypertension

An excellent source of potassium, papaya is also useful in keeping the levels of blood pressure in normal range. Moreover, even experts suggest that people suffering from hypertension must include papaya in their daily diet.

11. Treats Menstrual Irregularities

The juice of unripe papaya is extremely beneficial in treating the contraction of muscles during menstrual cycle. It also ensures regular and proper menstrual flow.

12. Cures Throat Ailments

Mix honey in unripe papaya juice and drink it every day to get rid of sore throat, tonsils, and diphtheria.