Tuesday 13 May 2014

Health Benefits of Papaya

Do you know Christopher Columbus described papaya as the ‘fruit of the angels’? Not just it tastes good, but it has abundant qualities, which keep you strong and healthy. Papaya is a wholesome fruit, which is jam-packed with a number of health benefits. Read the article below to find out some of them.

1. Treats Digestive Disorders

The highly fibrous contents of the papaya make the digestion process much easier. The papain in papaya aids in preventing constipation and promotes the proper bowel movement. There are various other compounds in papaya, which help in averting the risk of colon cancer.

2. Prevents Heart Attacks and Strokes

The antioxidants and powerful vitamins in the papaya, if consumed on the daily basis, can assist you in reducing the ill-effects of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. The power-packed enzymes of papaya actually prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

3. Helps in Maintaining Weight

Papayas are rich in a number of elements, which are extremely good for your health. This fibre rich fruit is good enough in preventing constipation and promoting fast movement of food through your gut. Moreover, papaya is a cholesterol-free fruit; hence, it is a great natural source for maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Prevents Premature Ageing

The antioxidant contents of papaya help in preventing untimely ageing, and make you look younger.

5. Treats Inflammation

The papain, chymopapain, and various other antioxidants in papaya are helpful in reducing inflammation.

6. Boosts Immunity

Papaya is enormous in amounts of vitamin C, which is considered as an important element in combating the free radicals. Other than vitamin C, it has vitamin A and E that are supportive in boosting the body’s immunity.

7. Prevents Cancer

There are quite a lot of imperative compounds that a papaya is rich in. It is so powerful fruit that it can even reduce the risk of cancer development in the body. The elements, like isothiocyanates, beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, and lycopene, help in eradicating the potential carcinogens from the body. They restrain the development of cancerous cells.

8. Protects Vision

A number of studies have revealed that consuming two to three servings of papaya every day can reduce the risk of eye ailments, like macular degeneration. Because of the huge presence of antioxidants, papaya is excellent for eyes, and for averting disorders, like glaucoma and cataract.

9. Treats Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory enzymes in papaya are the reason of alleviation of pain caused by arthritis. Papain and chymopapain are two very unique protein-digesting enzymes that immensely lower down the soreness caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Helps in Treating Hypertension

An excellent source of potassium, papaya is also useful in keeping the levels of blood pressure in normal range. Moreover, even experts suggest that people suffering from hypertension must include papaya in their daily diet.

11. Treats Menstrual Irregularities

The juice of unripe papaya is extremely beneficial in treating the contraction of muscles during menstrual cycle. It also ensures regular and proper menstrual flow.

12. Cures Throat Ailments

Mix honey in unripe papaya juice and drink it every day to get rid of sore throat, tonsils, and diphtheria.


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